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Legal News More>>
 China launches campaign to enhance legal aid for minors
Xinhua  2024-06-05
 Top court publishes cases on judicial protection of minors involving school bullying, child abuse
Xinhua  2024-05-31
 China tightens supervision of state-owned enterprise managers with new regulation
Xinhua  2024-05-30
 China to take action for energy conservation, carbon reduction
english.www.gov.cn  2024-05-30
 Measures to address supply-demand imbalance
Xinhua  2024-05-30
 Former deputy general manager of China's food giant arrested for multiple suspected crimes
Xinhua  2024-05-30
 China unveils national disease control action plan for 2024-25
Xinhua  2024-05-30
 China unveils blueprint for IP protection system
Xinhua  2024-05-28
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Laws & Regulations More>>
 Interim Measures for the Administration of Shareholding Reduction by Shareholders of Listed Companies (2024-05-24)上市公司股东减持股份管理暂行办法 Expand
 Regulation on Disciplinary Actions Against the Managerial Professionals of State-owned Enterprises (2024-05-21)国有企业管理人员处分条例 Expand
 Notice by the National Health Commission, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce, the National Audit Office, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the State Taxation Administration, the State Administration for Market Regulation, the National Healthcare Security Administration, the National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, the National Administration of Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Medical Products Administration of Issuing the Key Work Points for Correcting Unhealthy Tendency in the Field of Purchase and Sale of Medicinal Products and Medical Treatment Services in 2024 (2024-05-17)国家卫生健康委、教育部、工业和信息化部、公安部、财政部、商务部、审计署、国务院国资委、国家税务总局、市场监管总局、国家医保局、国家中医药局、国家疾控局、国家药监局关于印发2024年纠正医药购销领域和医疗服务中不正之风工作要点的通知 Expand
 Measures for the Administration of Mining Rights Owners' Exploration and Exploitation Information (2024-05-16)矿业权人勘查开采信息管理办法 Expand
 Decision of the China Securities Regulatory Commission to Revise the Provisions on Strengthening the Regulation of Listed Securities Companies (2024) (2024-05-10)中国证监会关于修订《关于加强上市证券公司监管的规定》的决定(2024) Expand
 Announcement No. 581 of the China National Intellectual Property Administration—Announcement of the China National Intellectual Property Administration on the Issuance of New Versions of Patent Certificates (2024-05-10)国家知识产权局公告第581号――国家知识产权局关于专利证书改版的公告 Expand
Judicial Cases More>>
 No. 5 of Five Model Cases of Lawfully Punishing the Crime of Endangering Public Security Published by the Supreme People's Court: People v. Wu [REDACTED]bo—Violation of provisions on safety management in production and operation leading to a major accident or minor accident is a "real danger" in the crime of dangerous operation (case of dangerous operation) (2023-01-17)
 No. 4 of Five Model Cases of Lawfully Punishing the Crime of Endangering Public Security Published by the Supreme People's Court: People v. Qi [REDACTED]hua—Severely punishing the primary persons liable for work safety accidents (case of a major liability accident) (2022-04-29)
 No. 3 of Five Model Cases of Lawfully Punishing the Crime of Endangering Public Security Published by the Supreme People's Court: People v. Liu [REDACTED]kui and Sun [REDACTED]mei—Determining the criminal liability in a criminal case involving air rifles by taking into full account the circumstances of the case (case of illegally trading in firearms) (2022-05-30)
 No. 2 of Five Model Cases of Lawfully Punishing the Crime of Endangering Public Security Published by the Supreme People's Court: People v. Wang [REDACTED]gang—Stealing oil and gas by destroying oil and gas equipment in use and causing a fire constitutes the crime of destroying flammable and explosive equipment (case of destroying flammable and explosive equipment) (2021-06-03)
 No. 3 of Three Model Cases on "Strengthening Criminal Procuratorial Supervision and Promoting Criminal Judicial Impartiality" Published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Supervising and Correcting Omitted Management of Wang [REDACTED], an Offender for Community Correction, by the Procuratorial Organs in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province
 No. 2 of Three Model Cases on "Strengthening Criminal Procuratorial Supervision and Promoting Criminal Judicial Impartiality" Published by the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Handling a Protest Lodged Against a Case Where Xu [REDACTED] Was "Acquitted" for Carrying Drugs by the Supreme People's Procuratorate (2020-05-25)
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