Order of the President of the People's Republic of China (No. 50) The Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted by the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress at the Fourteenth Session on June 30, 1995, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on October 1, 1995. President of the People's Republic of China, Jiang Zemin June 30, 1995 Guarantee Law of the People's Republic of China (Adopted by the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress at the Fourteenth Session on June 30, 1995)
| | 中华人民共和国主席令 (第五十号) 《中华人民共和国担保法》已由中华人民共和国第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议于1995年6月30日通过,现予公布,自1995年10月1日起施行。 中华人民共和国主席 江泽民 1995年6月30日 中华人民共和国担保法 (1995年6月30日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第十四次会议通过)
| | 目录
| | 第一章 总则
| | 第二章 保证
| | 第一节 保证和保证人
| | 第二节 保证合同和保证方式
| | 第三节 保证责任
| | 第三章 抵押
| | 第一节 抵押和抵押物
| | 第二节 抵押合同和抵押物登记
| | 第三节 抵押的效力
| | 第四节 抵押权的实现
| | 第五节 最高额抵押
| | 第四章 质押
| | 第一节 动产质押
| | 第二节 权利质押
| | 第五章 留置
| | 第六章 定金
Chapter 7 APPENDIX
| | 第七章 附则
| | 第一章 总则
Article 1 This law has been formulated to promote the circulation of funds and commodities, ensure the realization of creditors' rights and thus advance the development of the socialist market economy.
| | 第一条 【立法目的】为促进资金融通和商品流通,保障债权的实现,发展社会主义市场经济,制定本法。
Article 2 Act of guarantee can be established in accordance with this law whenever creditors require to safeguard the realization of their rights in such economic activities as debit and credit, selling and purchasing, commodities transport and contracted processing. The means of guarantee stipulated by this law are guarantee, mortgage, hypothecation, lien and deposits.
| | 第二条 【适用范围及担保方式】在借贷、买卖、货物运输、加工承揽等经济活动中,债权人需要以担保方式保障其债权实现的,可以依照本法规定设定担保。 本法规定的担保方式为保证、抵押、质押、留置和定金。
Article 3 Acts of guarantee shall be conducted under the principles of equality, voluntariness, fairness and mutual trust.
| | 第三条 【担保活动基本原则】担保活动应当遵循平等、自愿、公平、诚实信用的原则。
Article 4 In providing guarantee to a creditor for a debtor a third party may demand counter-guarantee from the debtor. This law also applies to counter-guarantee.
| | 第四条 【反担保】第三人为债务人向债权人提供担保时,可以要求债务人提供反担保。 反担保适用本法担保的规定。
Article 5 A guarantee contract should be subordinated to the principal contract. When the principal contract is nullified, the guarantee contract should also become invalid. Otherwise, should there be some arrangements stipulated in the guarantee contract, those arrangements shall be followed instead. After the nullification of the guarantee contract, mistakes, if any, of the debtor, guarantor or creditor, shall be affixed with due civil responsibilities.
| | 第五条 【担保合同与主合同的关系以及担保合同无效后的法律后果】担保合同是主合同的从合同,主合同无效,担保合同无效。担保合同另有约定的,按照约定。 担保合同被确认无效后,债务人、担保人、债权人有过错的,应当根据其过错各自承担相应的民事责任。
| | 第二章 保证
| | 第一节 保证和保证人
Article 6 Guarantee referred to in this law means the acts of a guarantor to pay the debts or assume the responsibility under an agreement between the guarantor and the creditor, in case the debtor fails to pay the debts.
| | 第六条 【保证的定义】本法所称保证,是指保证人和债权人约定,当债务人不履行债务时,保证人按照约定履行债务或者承担责任的行为。
Article 7 Legal persons, other organizations or citizens that have the capacity to pay off debts can act as guarantors.
| | 第七条 【保证人的资格和范围】具有代为清偿债务能力的法人、其他组织或者公民,可以作保证人。
Article 8 State organs cannot act as guarantors, except for sub-lending of loans from foreign governments or international economic organizations.
| | 第八条 【国家机关作为保证人的禁止与例外】国家机关不得为保证人,但经国务院批准为使用外国政府或者国际经济组织贷款进行转贷的除外。
Article 9 Schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other institutions or social groups cannot act as guarantors.
| | 第九条 【公益法人作为保证人的禁止】学校、幼儿园、医院等以公益为目的的事业单位、社会团体不得为保证人。
Article 10 Branches and functional departments of enterprise legal persons cannot act as guarantors. Branches of enterprise legal persons, with the legal person's written empowerment, can offer guarantee within the authorized areas.
| | 第十条 【企业法人分支机构、职能部门作为保证人的禁止与例外】企业法人的分支机构、职能部门不得为保证人。 企业法人的分支机构有法人书面授权的,可以在授权范围内提供保证。
Article 11 No units or individuals shall force financial institutions such as banks or enterprises to offer guarantee; banks and other financial institutions and enterprises have the right to refuse forced demands for guarantees.
| | 第十一条 【强令提供担保的禁止】任何单位和个人不得强令银行等金融机构或者企业为他人提供保证;银行等金融机构或者企业对强令其为他人提供保证的行为,有权拒绝。
Article 12 If one debt has more than two guarantors, the guarantors shall share their responsibility of guarantee in accordance with the arrangements laid down in the guarantee contract. If there are no arrangements on the share of guarantee responsibility, the guarantors shall assume joint responsibility and the creditor can demand any one of the guarantors to pay the whole debt; and any of the guarantors has the obligation to pay the total of the debt. The guarantor who has paid the debt has the right to seek compensations from the debtor, or demand other guarantors who have joint responsibility to pay their share.
| | 第十二条 【共同保证】同一债务有两个以上保证人的,保证人应当按照保证合同约定的保证份额,承担保证责任。没有约定保证份额的,保证人承担连带责任,债权人可以要求任何一个保证人承担全部保证责任,保证人都负有担保全部债权实现的义务。已经承担保证责任的保证人,有权向债务人追偿,或者要求承担连带责任的其他保证人清偿其应当承担的份额。
| | 第二节 保证合同和保证方式
Article 13 A guarantor and the creditor shall enter into a written guarantee contract.
| | 第十三条 【保证合同的订立】保证人与债权人应当以书面形式订立保证合同。
Article 14 A guarantor and the creditor may enter into separate guarantee contracts for a specific principal contract. They can also make a guarantee contract that sets a maximum amount and covers several loans contracts during a certain period, or covers certain commodity transactions.
| | 第十四条 【一时保证与最高额保证】保证人与债权人可以就单个主合同分别订立保证合同,也可以协议在最高债权额限度内就一定期间连续发生的借款合同或者某项商品交易合同订立一个保证合同。
Article 15 The guarantee contract shall include the following information:
| | 第十五条 【保证合同的内容】保证合同应当包括以下内容:
1. The categories and sums of the principal creditor's rights guaranteed;
| | (一)被保证的主债权种类、数额;
2. The deadline for the debtor to pay the debt;
| | (二)债务人履行债务的期限;
3. The mode of guarantee;
| | (三)保证的方式;
4. The range covered by the guarantee;
| | (四)保证担保的范围;
5. The duration of the guarantee;
| | (五)保证的期间;
6. Other information deemed necessary by the signatories. Guarantee contracts that do not fully comply with the requirements set in the previous paragraph may be revised.
| | (六)双方认为需要约定的其他事项。 保证合同不完全具备前款规定内容的,可以补正。
Article 16 There are two modalities of guarantee:
| | 第十六条 【保证的方式】保证的方式有:
1. Ordinary guarantee;
| | (一)一般保证;
2. Joint responsibility guarantee.
| | (二)连带责任保证。
Article 17 Ordinary guarantee refers to the arrangement in the guarantee contract that the guarantor assumes guarantee responsibility when the debtor fails to pay the debt. A guarantor under the arrangements of ordinary guarantee may refuse the creditor's demand of assuming guarantee responsibilities before the principal contract undergoes judicial or arbitrary procedures and that the debtor remains incapable of paying the debt despite mandatory implementation against his properties. A guarantor cannot exercise the rights laid down in the previous section in one of the following occasions:
| | 第十七条 【一般保证及先诉抗辩权】当事人在保证合同中约定,债务人不能履行债务时,由保证人承担保证责任的,为一般保证。 一般保证的保证人在主合同纠纷未经审判或者仲裁,并就债务人财产依法强制执行仍不能履行债务前,对债权人可以拒绝承担保证责任。 有下列情形之一的,保证人不得行使前款规定的权利:
1. The debtor changes its residence, resulting to major difficulty for the creditor to request the debtor to pay the debt;
| | (一)债务人住所变更,致使债权人要求其履行债务发生重大困难的;
2. The implementation procedure is suspended when the people's court accept and hear the debtor's bankruptcy case;
| | (二)人民法院受理债务人破产案件,中止执行程序的;
3. The guarantor gives up the responsibilities laid down in the previous paragraph through means of a written document.
| | (三)保证人以书面形式放弃前款规定的权利的。
Article 18 Joint responsibility guarantee refers to the arrangements laid down in the guarantor contract that the guarantor and the debtor assume joint responsibility over the debts. When the deadline as set on the principal contract is passed and the debtor with joint guarantee responsibilities fails to pay the debts, the creditor may demand the debtor to pay the debts or demand the guarantor to assume guarantee responsibilities within the range set in the contract.
| | 第十八条 【连带责任保证】当事人在保证合同中约定保证人与债务人对债务承担连带责任的,为连带责任保证。 连带责任保证的债务人在主合同规定的债务履行期届满没有履行债务的,债权人可以要求债务人履行债务,也可以要求保证人在其保证范围内承担保证责任。
Article 19 When there is no arrangement or there is unclear arrangement on the modality of guarantee, the debtor and the guarantor shall assume joint guarantee responsibility.
| | 第十九条 【保证方式没有约定或约定不明的推定】当事人对保证方式没有约定或者约定不明确的,按照连带责任保证承担保证责任。
Article 20 A guarantor involved in either ordinary guarantee or joint responsibility guarantee has the right of counterplea. The guarantor still has the right to counterplea even if the debtor gives up the right to counterplea. The right to counterplea refers to the debtor's right to counter creditor's right to request according to statutory particulars of the matter, when the latter exercises its creditors' rights.
| | 第二十条 【保证人的一般抗辩权】一般保证和连带责任保证的保证人享有债务人的抗辩权。债务人放弃对债务的抗辩权的,保证人仍有权抗辩。 抗辩权是指债权人行使债权时,债务人根据法定事由,对抗债权人行使请求权的权利。
| | 第三节 保证责任
Article 21 The range of guarantee includes the principal debts and their interest, default fine, damage awards and expense for the realization of the creditors' rights. Should there be other arrangements in the guarantee contract, those arrangements shall be followed instead. If there is no arrangement or there is unclear arrangement on the range of guarantee, the guarantor shall assume full responsibility over the total debts.
| | 第二十一条 【保证范围】保证担保的范围包括主债权及利息、违约金、损害赔偿金和实现债权的费用。保证合同另有约定的,按照约定。 当事人对保证担保的范围没有约定或者约定不明确的,保证人应当对全部债务承担责任。
Article 22 During the period of the guarantee, when the creditor transfers the principal creditors' rights to a third party according to legal procedures, the guarantor shall continue to assume guarantee responsibilities over the range as set under the original guarantee contract. Should there be other arrangements set in the contract, those arrangements shall be followed instead.
| | 第二十二条 【债权让与对保证责任的影响】保证期间,债权人依法将主债权转让给第三人的,保证人在原保证担保的范围内继续承担保证责任。保证合同另有约定的,按照约定。
Article 23 During the duration of the guarantee, when the debtor, with the approval of the creditor, transfers the debt, the transfer shall require a written approval from the guarantor. The guarantor assumes no more guarantee responsibilities over debts transferred without its approval.
| | 第二十三条 【债务承担对保证责任的影响】保证期间,债权人许可债务人转让债务的,应当取得保证人书面同意,保证人对未经其同意转让的债务,不再承担保证责任。
Article 24 When the creditor and the debtor changes the principal contract, they shall have beforehand the written approval from the guarantor. The guarantor assumes no more guarantee responsibilities if the change is made without its approval. If there are other arrangements in the guarantee contract, those arrangements shall be followed instead.
| | 第二十四条 【债的变更对保证责任的影响】债权人与债务人协议变更主合同的,应当取得保证人书面同意,未经保证人书面同意的,保证人不再承担保证责任。保证合同另有约定的,按照约定。
Article 25 For ordinary guarantee activities without arrangements on the duration of the guarantee, the duration shall be six months following the date of the expiration of the principal debts. During the duration as set in the guarantee contract or that described in the previous paragraph, if the creditor fails to file litigation or arbitration requests, the guarantor shall be exempt from guarantee responsibilities; if the creditor has filed litigation or arbitration requests, the duration of guarantee follows the procedures on suspension prescribed period for litigation.
| | 第二十五条 【一般保证的保证期间】一般保证的保证人与债权人未约定保证期间的,保证期间为主债务履行期届满之日起六个月。 在合同约定的保证期间和前款规定的保证期间,债权人未对债务人提起诉讼或者申请仲裁的,保证人免除保证责任;债权人已提起诉讼或者申请仲裁的,保证期间适用诉讼时效中断的规定。
Article 26 If no arrangements on the duration of guarantee are made between the creditor and the guarantor with joint guarantee responsibilities, the creditor has the right to request the guarantor to assume the guarantor right during the six months since the end of the execution period of the principal debt. During the period of the guarantee and the period as stated in the previous paragraph, if the creditor fails to request the guarantor to assume guarantee responsibilities, the guarantor can be exempt from guarantee responsibilities.
| | 第二十六条 【连带责任的保证期间】连带责任保证的保证人与债权人未约定保证期间的,债权人有权自主债务履行期届满之日起六个月内要求保证人承担保证责任。 在合同约定的保证期间和前款规定的保证期间,债权人未要求保证人承担保证责任的,保证人免除保证责任。
Article 27 If the guarantor guarantees several consecutive debts, as described in Article 14 of the this law, and there are no arrangements on the duration of guarantee, the guarantor may notify the creditor of the termination of the guarantor contract through means of a written document at any time, but the guarantor has to assume guarantee responsibilities over the creditors' rights incurred before the time when the creditor receives the written notification.
| | 第二十七条 【最高额保证的保证期间】保证人依照本法第十四条规定就连续发生的债权作保证,未约定保证期间的,保证人可以随时书面通知债权人终止保证合同,但保证人对于通知到债权人前所发生的债权,承担保证责任。
Article 28 If the same creditor's rights has both guarantee and real security, the guarantor assumes guarantee responsibilities over the creditor's right other than guaranteed by real security. If a creditor gives up the real security, the guarantor will be exempt from the guarantor rights over the rights that the creditor gives up.
| | 第二十八条 【保证担保与物的担保并存时保证责任的承担】同一债权既有保证又有物的担保的,保证人对物的担保以外的债权承担保证责任。 债权人放弃物的担保的,保证人在债权人放弃权利的范围内免除保证责任。
Article 29 If the branches of enterprise legal persons enter into guarantee contracts without the written empowerment of the enterprise legal person concerned or exceeding the empowerment of the enterprise legal person, the guarantee contract or those parts of the guarantee contract that exceed the empowerment shall be nullified. If both the creditor and the enterprise legal person commit mistakes, they shall assume due civil responsibilities in accordance with their mistakes; if the creditor makes no mistakes, the enterprise legal person shall assume civil responsibilities.
| | 第二十九条 【企业法人的分支机构订立的无效保证合同的处理】企业法人的分支机构未经法人书面授权或者超出授权范围与债权人订立保证合同的,该合同无效或者超出授权范围的部分无效,债权人和企业法人有过错的,应当根据其过错各自承担相应的民事责任;债权人无过错的,由企业法人承担民事责任。
Article 30 A guarantor assumes no civil responsibilities in the following two occasions:
| | 第三十条 【保证责任的免除】有下列情形之一的,保证人不承担民事责任:
1. The parties to the principal contract collaborate to cheat the guarantor into giving guarantees;
| | (一)主合同当事人双方串通,骗取保证人提供保证的;
2. The creditor of the principal contract, through means such as fraud and coercion, prompts the guarantor to give guarantee in violation of the true conditions.
| | (二)主合同债权人采取欺诈、胁迫等手段,使保证人在违背真实意思的情况下提供保证的。
Article 31 The guarantor, after assuming the guarantee responsibilities, is entitled to seek recompensation.
| | 第三十一条 【保证人的追偿权】保证人承担保证责任后,有权向债务人追偿。
Article 32 When a people's court accepts and listens to the debtor's bankruptcy case, if the creditor fails to submit its creditor's rights, the guarantor may participate in the distribution of the bankrupt properties and exercise the right of being recompensated in advance.
| | 第三十二条 【保证人追偿权的预先行使】人民法院受理债务人破产案件后,债权人未申报债权的,保证人可以参加破产财产分配,预先行使追偿权。
| | 第三章 抵押
| | 第一节 抵押和抵押物
Article 33 The mortgage described in this law refers to the act of the debtor, or the third party, who, without transferring the ownership of the properties as listed in Article 34 of this law, sets those properties as guarantee to the creditor's rights. When the debtor fails to pay the debt, the creditor has the right to get compensation, in accordance with the stipulations of this law, by converting the properties into money or seek preferential payments from the proceeds from the auction or sales of the properties concerned. The debtor or the third party referred to in the previous paragraph is the mortgagor; the creditor is the mortgagee; and the properties used for guarantee is object of pledge.
| | 第三十三条 【抵押、抵押人、抵押权人和抵押物】本法所称抵押,是指债务人或者第三人不转移对本法第三十四条所列财产的占有,将该财产作为债权的担保。债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权依照本法规定以该财产折价或者以拍卖、变卖该财产的价款优先受偿。 前款规定的债务人或者第三人为抵押人,债权人为抵押权人,提供担保的财产为抵押物。
Article 34 The following properties can be used as mortgages:
| | 第三十四条 【抵押财产的范围】下列财产可以抵押:
1. The buildings and other fixed objects on the ground owned by the mortgagor;
| | (一)抵押人所有的房屋和其他地上定着物;
2. The machines, transport means and other properties owned by the mortgagor;
| | (二)抵押人所有的机器、交通运输工具和其他财产;
3. State-owned land use rights, buildings and other fixed objects on the ground that the mortgagor has the right to dispose of according to law;
| | (三)抵押人依法有权处分的国有的土地使用权、房屋和其他地上定着物;
4. State-owned machines, transport means and other properties that the mortgagor has the right to dispose of according to law;
| | (四)抵押人依法有权处分的国有的机器、交通运输工具和其他财产;
5. Land use rights of barren hills, ravines, shoals and other wastelands the mortgagor legally contracted, with the approval of the party that issued the contract;
| | (五)抵押人依法承包并经发包方同意抵押的荒山、荒沟、荒丘、荒滩等荒地的土地使用权;
6. Other properties that can be mortgaged according to law. The mortgagor may at once mortgage all the properties listed in the previous paragraph.
| | (六)依法可以抵押的其他财产。 抵押人可以将前款所列财产一并抵押。
Article 35 The creditor's rights that the mortgagor mortgaged shall not exceed the value of the properties mortgaged. After being mortgaged, the balance of value of the properties that exceeds the creditor's rights can be mortgaged for a second time, but the sum of the mortgage shall not exceed the value of the balance.
| | 第三十五条 【超额抵押之禁止】抵押人所担保的债权不得超出其抵押物的价值。 财产抵押后,该财产的价值大于所担保债权的余额部分,可以再次抵押,但不得超出其余额部分。
Article 36 If legally-acquired buildings on State-owned lands are mortgaged, the land use rights of the land occupied by the buildings shall also be mortgaged at the same time. The land use rights of State-owned lands acquired through means of transfer, when being mortgaged, the buildings on the land shall also be mortgaged at the same time. The land use rights per se of the township and village enterprises cannot be mortgaged. When the buildings of the township and village enterprises are mortgaged, the associated land use rights shall also be mortgaged at the same time.
| | 第三十六条 【设定抵押时房屋与土地使用权间的关系】以依法取得的国有土地上的房屋抵押的,该房屋占用范围内的国有土地使用权同时抵押。 以出让方式取得的国有土地使用权抵押的,应当将抵押时该国有土地上的房屋同时抵押。 乡(镇)、村企业的土地使用权不得单独抵押。以乡(镇)、村企业的厂房等建筑物抵押的,其占用范围内的土地使用权同时抵押。
Article 37 The following properties shall not be mortgaged:
| | 第三十七条 【不得设定抵押的财产】下列财产不得抵押:
1. The ownership of lands;
| | (一)土地所有权:
2. The land use rights of farmlands, house sites, lands and hills allotted for personal needs and other collective-owned lands except those listed in Section 5 of Article 34 and the third paragraph of Article 36.
| | (二)耕地、宅基地、自留地、自留山等集体所有的土地使用权,但本法第三十四条第(五)项、第三十六条第三款规定的除外;
3. Educational, medical and other public welfare facilities of schools, kindergartens, hospitals and other institutions and social groups with the aim of benefiting the public;
| | (三)学校、幼儿园、医院等以公益为目的的事业单位、社会团体的教育设施、医疗卫生设施和其他社会公益设施;
4. Properties whose ownership and use rights are unclear or controversial;
| | (四)所有权、使用权不明或者有争议的财产;
5. Properties that are legally confiscated, seized or controlled;
| | (五)依法被查封、扣押、监管的财产;
6. Other properties that cannot be mortgaged according to law.
| | (六)依法不得抵押的其他财产。
| | 第二节 抵押合同和抵押物登记
Article 38 The mortgagor and the mortgagee shall enter into a written mortgage contract.
| | 第三十八条 【抵押合同的订立】抵押人和抵押权人应当以书面形式订立抵押合同。
Article 39 The mortgage contract shall include the following information:
| | 第三十九条 【抵押合同内容】抵押合同应当包括以下内容:
1. The varieties and sum of the principal creditor's rights guaranteed;
| | (一)被担保的主债权种类、数额;
2. The deadline for the debtor to pay the debt;
| | (二)债务人履行债务的期限;
3. The description, amount, quality, condition, site, ownership or ownership of use right of the objects of pledge;
| | (三)抵押物的名称、数量、质量、状况、所在地、所有权权属或者使用权权属;
4. The range of mortgage guarantee;
| | (四)抵押担保的范围;
5. Other arrangements deemed necessary by the signatories. Mortgage contracts that do not fully comply with the requirements set in the previous paragraph may be revised.
| | (五)当事人认为需要约定的其他事项。 抵押合同不完全具备前款规定内容的,可以补正。
Article 40 When entering into a mortgage contract, the mortgagee and the mortgagor should not arrange to transfer the ownership of the objects of pledge to the creditor when the deadline for debt repayment passes but the mortgagee has not yet repaid the debt.
| | 第四十条 【抵押合同的禁止】订立抵押合同时,抵押权人和抵押人在合同中不得约定在债务履行期届满抵押权人未受清偿时,抵押物的所有权转移为债权人所有。
Article 41 The objects of pledge shall be registered when falling into the categories listed in Article 42 and the mortgage contract goes into effect as of the date of registration.
| | 第四十一条 【抵押物登记及其效力】当事人以本法第四十二条规定的财产抵押的,应当办理抵押物登记,抵押合同自登记之日起生效。
Article 42 The departments that handle the registration of objects of pledge are as follows:
| | 第四十二条 【抵押物登记机关】办理抵押物登记的部门如下:
1. If the right of use of lands with no fix objects on them are mortgaged, the registration shall be handled by the land administration departments that verify and issue land use right certificates;
| | (一)以无地上定着物的土地使用权抵押的,为核发土地使用权证书的土地管理部门;
2. If urban real estates or buildings of township and village enterprises are mortgaged, the registration shall be handled by departments designated by local governments above the level of counties;
| | (二)以城市房地产或者乡(镇)、村企业的厂房等建筑物抵押的,为县级以上地方人民政府规定的部门;
3. If forest trees are mortgaged, the registration shall be handled by forestry administration departments above the level of counties;
| | (三)以林木抵押的,为县级以上林木主管部门;
4. If aircrafts, ships and vehicles are mortgaged, the registration shall be handled by departments registering means of transportation;
| | (四)以航空器、船舶、车辆抵押的,为运输工具的登记部门;
5. If equipment and other movable properties are mortgaged, the registration shall be handled by the local industrial and commercial administration departments.
| | (五)以企业的设备和其他动产抵押的,为财产所在地的工商行政管理部门。
Article 43 If other properties are mortgaged, the parties involved can voluntarily register the objects of pledge and the mortgage contract goes into effect as of the date of the registration. If the parties don't register the objects of pledge, they shall not confront the third parties. When the parties register the objects of pledge, the registration shall be handled by the local public notary organs.
| | 第四十三条 【抵押物的自愿登记】当事人以其他财产抵押的,可以自愿办理抵押物登记,抵押合同自签订之日起生效。 当事人未办理抵押物登记的,不得对抗第三人。当事人办理抵押物登记的,登记部门为抵押人所在地的公证部门。
Article 44 In registering the objects of pledge, the following documents or their duplicates shall be presented:
| | 第四十四条 【办理抵押物登记应提交的文件】办理抵押物登记,应当向登记部门提供下列文件或者其复印件:
1. The principal contract and the mortgage contract;
| | (一)主合同和抵押合同;
2. Certificates of ownership of right of use of the objects of pledge.
| | (二)抵押物的所有权或者使用权证书。
Article 45 The data in the registration departments shall be allowed to consult, copied or duplicated.
| | 第四十五条 【抵押登记资料的公开】登记部门登记的资料,应当允许查阅、抄录或者复印。
| | 第三节 抵押的效力
Article 46 The range of mortgage guarantee includes the principal creditor's rights and interest, default fines, damage awards and the expense for the realization of the mortgage rights. Should there be other arrangements in the mortgage contract, those arrangements shall be followed instead.
| | 第四十六条 【抵押担保的范围】抵押担保的范围包括主债权及利息、违约金、损害赔偿金和实现抵押权的费用。抵押合同另有约定的,按照约定。
Article 47 When a debtor fails to repay the debt upon the expiration of the deadline of the debt payment with the result that the people's court seizes the objects of pledge according to law, the mortgagee, as of the date of the seizure of the objects of pledge, may collect the natural derivatives from the objects of pledge as well as the legal derivation that the mortgagor can collect from the objects of pledge. If the mortgagee fails to notify the legal derivatives' obligator the seizure of the objects of pledge, the effects of the mortgage rights will not include the derivatives. The derivatives described in the previous paragraph shall be first used to compensate the expense for collecting the derivatives.
| | 第四十七条 【抵押权对抵押物所生孳息的效力】债务履行期届满,债务人不履行债务致使抵押物被人民法院依法扣押的,自扣押之日起抵押权人有权收取由抵押物分离的天然孳息以及抵押人就抵押物可以收取的法定孳息。抵押权人未将扣押抵押物的事实通知应当清偿法定孳息的义务人的,抵押权的效力不及于该孳息。 前款孳息应当先充抵收取孳息的费用。
Article 48 If a mortgagor mortgages properties that have been leased out, the mortgagor shall notify the lease of the action with a written statement and the original lease contract continues to be valid.
| | 第四十八条 【抵押权对抵押物上已存在的租赁权的效力】抵押人将已出租的财产抵押的,应当书面告知承租人,原租赁合同继续有效。
Article 49 During a mortgage, when the mortgagor has to transfer the registered objects of pledge, the fact that the properties and mortgaged should be notified to the mortgagee as well as the transferee; If the mortgagor fails to notify the mortgagee or inform the transferee, the transfer is invalid. If the purchase price of the transferred objects of pledge is obviously lower than their current value, the mortgagee can request the mortgagor to provide corresponding guarantee; If the mortgagor refuse to provide guarantee, the objects of pledge cannot be transferred. The money incurred from the transfer of he objects of pledge by the mortgagor shall first be used to pay the creditor in advance the guaranteed creditor's rights or to be drawn by the third party as arranged by the mortgagee. The value exceeding the creditor's rights belongs to the mortgagor and the balance due shall be paid off by the debtor.
| | 第四十九条 【抵押权的效力对抵押物处分权的影响】抵押期间,抵押人转让已办理登记的抵押物的,应当通知抵押权人并告知受让人转让物已经抵押的情况;抵押人未通知抵押权人或者未告知受让人的,转让行为无效。 转让抵押物的价款明显低于其价值的,抵押权人可以要求抵押人提供相应的担保;抵押人不提供的,不得转让抵押物。 抵押人转让抵押物所得的价款,应当向抵押权人提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与抵押权人约定的第三人提存。超过债权数额的部分,归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。
Article 50 The mortgage rights cannot be separated from the creditor's rights and be transferred or used as guarantee of other creditor's rights.
| | 第五十条 【抵押权转移的从属性】抵押权不得与债权分离而单独转让或者作为其他债权的担保。
Article 51 Should the acts of a mortgagor result in a reduction of the value of the objects of pledge, the mortgagee has the right to request the mortgagor to cease such acts. If the value of the objects of pledge are reduced, the mortgagee has the right to request the mortgagor to restore the value of the objects of pledge, or provide guarantee equal to the reduced values of the objects of pledge. If the mortgagor is not responsible for the reduction of value of the objects of pledge, the mortgagee can only seek guarantee within the reimbursement acquired by the mortgagor from the damages. The parts of the objects of pledge whose values are not reduced shall remain as guarantee of the creditor's rights.
| | 第五十一条 【抵押权人在抵押权受侵害时的权利】抵押人的行为足以使抵押物价值减少的,抵押权人有权要求抵押人停止其行为。抵押物价值减少时,抵押权人有权要求抵押人恢复抵押物的价值,或者提供与减少的价值相当的担保。 抵押人对抵押物价值减少无过错的,抵押权人只能在抵押人因损害而得到的赔偿范围内要求提供担保。抵押物价值未减少的部分,仍作为债权的担保。
Article 52 The mortgage rights and the creditor's rights guaranteed by the mortgage rights exist at the same time. When the creditor's rights perish, so do the mortgage rights.
| | 第五十二条 【抵押权消灭的从属性】抵押权与其担保的债权同时存在,债权消灭的,抵押权也消灭。
| | 第四节 抵押权的实现
Article 53 When the deadline of a debt payment expires, the mortgagee can be paid off, with the agreement of the mortgagor, by converting the value of objects of pledge into money or by proceeds acquired through an auction, or sales of the objects; If the mortgagor and the mortgagee fail to reach an agreement, the mortgagee can file litigation with the people's court. If there is a surplus of the money through conversion or the proceed through an auction or sales of objects of pledge in exceed of the sum of the creditor's rights, such surplus shall belong to the mortgagor, and the balance due shall be repaid by the mortgagor.
| | 第五十三条 【抵押权实现的条件和方式】债务履行期届满抵押权人未受清偿的,可以与抵押人协议以抵押物折价或者以拍卖、变卖该抵押物所得的价款受偿;协议不成的,抵押权人可以向人民法院提起诉讼。 抵押物折价或者拍卖、变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归抵押人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。
Article 54 If the same piece of property is mortgaged to two creditors, the proceeds incurred from the auction or sell-off of the objects of pledge shall be cleared according to the following stipulations:
| | 第五十四条 【抵押权的次序】同一财产向两个以上债权人抵押的,拍卖、变卖抵押物所得的价款按照以下规定清偿:
1. If the mortgage contracts are registered and effective, the clearing shall be undertaken in accordance with the order of the registration of the objects of pledge; If the order is the same, the clearing shall be undertaken in accordance with the proportion of the creditor's rights.
| | (一)抵押合同以登记生效的,按照抵押物登记的先后顺序清偿;顺序相同的,按照债权比例清偿;
2. If the mortgage contracts enter into effect as of the dates of the signature, when the objects of pledge are registered, the clearing shall be undertaken in accordance with procedures as set in part 1 of this article; When the objects of pledge are not registered, the clearing shall be undertaken in accordance with the order of the first effective day of the contracts (if the first day is the same, the clearing shall be undertaken in accordance with the proportion of the creditor's rights). The objects of pledge registered shall be cleared before those not registered.
| | (二)抵押合同自签订之日起生效的,该抵押物已登记的,按照本条第(一)项规定清偿;未登记的,按照合同生效时间的先后顺序清偿,顺序相同的,按照债权比例清偿。抵押物已登记的先于未登记的受偿。
Article 55 Buildings constructed after the signature of the mortgage contract on the lands of urban real estates mortgaged are not objects of pledge. When the mortgaged real estate needs to be auctioned according to law, the newly-constructed buildings can be auctioned together with the mortgaged objects of pledge, but the mortgagee does not have the mortgaged objects to be paid off with the proceeds incurred from the auction of the newly-constructed buildings. If the use rights of contracted wastelands or of the lands occupied by buildings of township and village enterprises are mortgaged in accordance with this law, the lands' nature of collective ownership and the usage of the lands shall not be changed without legal procedures after the realization of the mortgage rights.
| | 第五十五条 【房地产抵押权的实现】城市房地产抵押合同签订后,土地上新增的房屋不属于抵押物。需要拍卖该抵押的房地产时,可以依法将该土地上新增的房屋与抵押物一同拍卖,但对拍卖新增房屋所得,抵押权人无权优先受偿。 依照本法规定以承包的荒地的土地使用权抵押的,或者以乡(镇)、村企业的厂房等建筑物占用范围内的土地使用权抵押的,在实现抵押权后,未经法定程序不得改变土地集体所有和土地用途。
Article 56 A mortgagee has the preferential rights to be paid off with the proceeds incurred from the auction of the land use rights of transferred State-owned lands after paying the corresponding transfer fee of the land use rights according to law.
| | 第五十六条 【划拨国有土地使用权后抵押权的实现】拍卖划拨的国有土地使用权所得的价款,在依法缴纳相当于应缴纳的土地使用权出让金的款额后,抵押权人有优先受偿权。
Article 57 A third party which guarantees the debtor's mortgages, after the realization of the mortgage rights by the mortgagee, has the right to seek compensation from the debtor.
| | 第五十七条 【物上保证人的追偿权】为债务人抵押担保的第三人,在抵押权人实现抵押权后,有权向债务人追偿。
Article 58 The mortgage rights perish when the objects of pledge perish. The damage awards incurred from the extermination shall be used as mortgages.
| | 第五十八条 【抵押物灭失的法律后果】抵押权因抵押物灭失而消灭。因灭失所得的赔偿金,应当作为抵押财产。
| | 第五节 最高额抵押
Article 59 The maximum mortgage in this law refers to an agreement between the mortgagor and the mortgagee to use objects of pledge to guarantee consecutive creditor's rights during a set period within the limit of the maximum of the debts.
| | 第五十九条 【最高额抵押的定义】本法所称最高额抵押,是指抵押人与抵押权人协议,在最高债权额限度内,以抵押物对一定期间内连续发生的债权作担保。
Article 60 The borrowing contract may have a maximum mortgage contract attached. A contract which is signed to cover consecutive transactions over certain commodities during a set period between the creditor and the debtor may have a maximum mortgage contract attached.
| | 第六十条 【最高额抵押适用范围】借款合同可以附最高额抵押合同。 债权人与债务人就某项商品在一定期间内连续发生交易而签订的合同,可以附最高额抵押合同。
Article 61 The creditor's rights in the principal contract of the maximum mortgage cannot be transferred.
| | 第六十一条 【最高额抵押的主债权转让的禁止】最高额抵押的主合同债权不得转让。
Article 62 The stipulations in this section, as well as stipulations in other parts of this chapter, are applicable to maximum mortgage.
| | 第六十二条 【最高额抵押的法律适用】最高额抵押除适用本节规定外,适用本章其他规定。
| | 第四章 质押
| | 第一节 动产质押
Article 63 The hypothecation in this law refers to the acts of a debtor or a third party to transfer movable property thereof to the creditor as guarantee of the creditor's rights. When the debtor fails to pay off the debts, the creditor has the right, according to the procedures of this law, to convert the movable property into money, or auction, or sell off the movable property to get paid off preferentially with the proceeds. The debtor or the third party described in the previous paragraph is the pledger; the creditor is the pledgee and the transferred movable property, hypothecated assets.
| | 第六十三条 【动产质押的定义】本法所称动产质押,是指债务人或者第三人将其动产移交债权人占有,将该动产作为债权的担保。债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权依照本法规定以该动产折价或者以拍卖、变卖该动产的价款优先受偿。 前款规定的债务人或者第三人为出质人,债权人为质权人,移交的动产为质物。
Article 64 The pledger and the pledgee shall enter into a written hypothecation contract. The hypothecation contract goes into effect as of the date of the transfer of the movable property.
| | 第六十四条 【质押合同的订立及其生效】出质人和质权人应当以书面形式订立质押合同。 质押合同自质物移交于质权人占有时生效。
Article 65 The hypothecation contract shall include the following information:
| | 第六十五条 【质押合同内容】质押合同应当包括以下内容:
1. The varieties and sums of the principal creditor's rights;
| | (一)被担保的主债权种类、数额;
2. The deadline for the debtor to pay off the debt;
| | (二)债务人履行债务的期限;
3. The description, amount, quality and condition of the hypothecated assets;
| | (三)质物的名称、数量、质量、状况;
4. The range of hypothecation guarantee;
| | (四)质押担保的范围;
5. The time of the transfer of the hypothecated assets;
| | (五)质物移交的时间;
6. Other items deemed necessary by the signatories of the hypothecation contract. Hypothecation contracts that do not fully comply with the requirements set in the previous paragraph may be revised.
| | (六)当事人认为需要约定的其他事项。 质押合同不完全具备前款规定内容的,可以补正。
Article 66 A pledger and the pledgee, in a hypothecation contract, shall not arrange to transfer the ownership of the hypothecated assets to the pledgee when the deadline of the debt expires and the pledgee is not paid off.
| | 第六十六条 【流质契约的禁止】出质人和质权人在合同中不得约定在债务履行期届满质权人未受清偿时,质物的所有权转移为质权人所有。
Article 67 The range guaranteed by hypothecation includes the principal creditor's rights and its interest, default fines, damage awards, hypothecated assets storage expense and expense for the realization of hypothecation rights. Should there be other arrangements in the hypothecation contract, those arrangements shall be followed instead.
| | 第六十七条 【质押担保的范围】质押担保的范围包括主债权及利息、违约金、损害赔偿金、质物保管费用和实现质权的费用。质押合同另有约定的,按照约定。
Article 68 A pledgee has the right to collect the derivatives of the hypothecated assets. Should there be other arrangements in the hypothecation contract, those arrangements shall be followed instead. The derivatives referred to in the previous paragraph shall first be used to compensate the expense for collecting the derivatives.
| | 第六十八条 【质物孳息的收取权】质权人有权收取质物所生的孳息。质押合同另有约定的,按照约定。 前款孳息应当先充抵收取孳息的费用。
Article 69 A pledgee has the obligation to properly take care of the hypothecated assets. The pledgee shall assume civil liabilities for the damage or evanesce of the hypothecated assets resulted from improper care. If the pledgee fails to properly take care of the hypothecated assets, which could lead to the damage or evanesce of the hypothecated assets, the pledger can request the pledgee to withdraw and deposit the hypothecated assets in advance, or request to pay off the debts and have the hypothecated assets returned.
| | 第六十九条 【质物的保管义务】质权人负有妥善保管质物的义务。因保管不善致使质物灭失或者毁损的,质权人应当承担民事责任。 质权人不能妥善保管质物可能致使其灭失或者毁损的,出质人可以要求质权人将质物提存,或者要求提前清偿债权而返还质物。
Article 70 If there is the possibility of damaging or reducing the value of the hypothecated assets to a damage to the rights of the pledgee, the pledgee can request the pledger to provide corresponding guarantee. If the pledger refuses to provide guarantee, the pledgee can auction or sell off the hypothecated assets and use the proceeds, with the agreement of the pledger, to clear off the guaranteed creditor's rights or have the proceeds deposited with a third party agreed upon by the pledgee.
| | 第七十条 【质权人的物上代位权】质物有损坏或者价值明显减少的可能,足以危害质权人权利的,质权人可以要求出质人提供相应的担保。出质人不提供的,质权人可以拍卖或者变卖质物,并与出质人协议将拍卖或者变卖所得的价款用于提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与出质人约定的第三人提存。
Article 71 When the deadline of the creditor's rights expires and the debtor pays off the debts, or when the pledger pay off the guaranteed creditor's rights ahead of the deadline, the pledgee shall return the hypothecated assets. Upon the expiration of the deadline of payment, the pledgee can be paid off, with the agreement of the pledger by converting the hypothecated assets into money or proceeds acquired by auction, or sell off of the assets. Should there be surplus of the value of the hypothecated assets after their conversion into money or being auctioned or sell-off in exceed of the creditor's rights, the balance shall belong to the pledger, and the balance due shall be paid by the debtor.
| | 第七十一条 【质权人返还质物的义务、质权人的优先受偿权及质权的实现】债务履行期届满债务人履行债务的,或者出质人提前清偿所担保的债权的,质权人应当返还质物。 债务履行期届满质权人未受清偿的,可以与出质人协议以质物折价,也可以依法拍卖、变卖质物。 质物折价或者拍卖、变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归出质人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。
Article 72 The third party who guarantee the hypothecation for the debtor, when the pledgee realizes the hypothecation rights, can request compensation from the debtor.
| | 第七十二条 【物上保证人的追偿权】为债务人质押担保的第三人,在质权人实现质权后,有权向债务人追偿。
Article 73 The hypothecation rights disappears with the evanesce of the hypothecated assets. The damage awards resulted from the evanesce shall become hypothecated property.
| | 第七十三条 【质物灭失的法律后果】质权因质物灭失而消灭。因灭失所得的赔偿金,应当作为出质财产。
Article 74 The hypothecation rights and the creditor's rights guaranteed by the hypothecation rights exist at the same time, if the creditor's rights disappear, so do the hypothecation rights.
| | 第七十四条 【质权消灭的从属性】质权与其担保的债权同时存在,债权消灭的,质权也消灭。
| | 第二节 权利质押
Article 75 The following rights can be used in hypothecation:
| | 第七十五条 【可以质押的权利】下列权利可以质押:
1. Money order, check, cashier's check, securities, deposit receipt, warehouse receipt, bill of lading;
| | (一)汇票、支票、本票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单;
2. Shares and share certificates that are transferable according to law;
| | (二)依法可以转让的股份、股票;
3. Exclusive trademark rights, patent rights, property rights of the copyrights;
| | (三)依法可以转让的商标专用权,专利权、著作权中的财产权;
4. Other rights that can be hypothecated according to law.
| | (四)依法可以质押的其他权利。
Article 76 When money orders, checks, cashier's checks, securities, deposit receipts, warehouse receipts and bills of lading are hypothecated, the documents of title shall be handed over to the pledgee before the deadline as set in the hypothecation contract. The hypothecation contract goes into effect as of the date of the transfer of the documents of title.
| | 第七十六条 【证券债权质押的设定】以汇票、支票、本票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单出质的,应当在合同约定的期限内将权利凭证交付质权人。质押合同自权利凭证交付之日起生效。
Article 77 When money orders, checks, cashier's checks, securities, deposit receipts, warehouse receipts and bills of lading that have redemption or delivery dates are hypothecated, if the redemption or delivery dates of the checks, cashier's checks, securities, deposit receipts, warehouse receipts and bills of lading are ahead of the deadline of the debts fulfilment dates, the pledgee can redeem or pick up the goods ahead of the filament dates of the debts, and, with the agreement of the pledger, use the redeemed money or the goods picked up to clear off the guaranteed creditor's rights in advance, or, have them withdrawn and deposited with a third party agreed upon by the pledgee.
| | 第七十七条 【证券债权质权的效力】以载明兑现或者提货日期的汇票、支票、本票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单出质的,汇票、支票、本票、债券、存款单、仓单、提单兑现或者提货日期先于债务履行期的,质权人可以在债务履行期届满前兑现或者提货,并与出质人协议将兑现的价款或者提取的货物用于提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与出质人约定的第三人提存。
Article 78 If the share certificates that can be transferred according to law are hypothecated, the pledger and the pledgee shall enter into a written hypothecation contract and register with securities registration departments. The hypothecation contract goes into effect as of the date of the registration. Shares hypothecated cannot be further transferred, except with the agreement of both the pledger and the pledgee. The proceeds collected by the pledger in the transfer of the hypothecated shares shall be used to pay off the guaranteed creditor's rights in advance or have them withdrawn and deposited with a third party agreed upon by the pledger. If the shares of limited liabilities companies are hypothecated, the transaction will be governed by related provisions under the Company Law on the transfer of shares. The hypothecation contract goes into effect as of the date the hypothecated shares are recorded in the stock ledger.
| | 第七十八条 【股权质权的设定及股权质权的效力】以依法可以转让的股票出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向证券登记机构办理出质登记。质押合同自登记之日起生效。 股票出质后,不得转让,但经出质人与质权人协商同意的可以转让。出质人转让股票所得的价款应当向质权人提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与质权人约定的第三人提存。 以有限责任公司的股份出质的,适用公司法股份转让的有关规定。质押合同自股份出质记载于股东名册之日起生效。
Article 79 If the exclusive trademark rights, patent rights or property rights of the copyrights that are transferable according to law are hypothecated, the pledger and the pledgee shall enter into a written hypothecation contract and register with the related administrative departments. The hypothecation contract goes into effect as of the date of the registration.
| | 第七十九条 【知识产权质权的设定】以依法可以转让的商标专用权,专利权、著作权中的财产权出质的,出质人与质权人应当订立书面合同,并向其管理部门办理出质登记。质押合同自登记之日起生效。
Article 80 When the rights described in the Article 79 are hypothecated, the pledger cannot further transfer or allow others to use the rights hypothecated, except with the agreement between the pledger and the pledgee. The transfer fee and license fee acquired by the pledger shall be used to pay off the guaranteed creditors rights in advance, or have them withdrawn and deposited with a third party agreed upon by the pledgee.
| | 第八十条 【知识产权质权的效力】本法第七十九条规定的权利出质后,出质人不得转让或者许可他人使用,但经出质人与质权人协商同意的可以转让或者许可他人使用。出质人所得的转让费、许可费应当向质权人提前清偿所担保的债权或者向与质权人约定的第三人提存。
Article 81 Rights hypothecation is also governed by the provisions in Section of Chapter 1 of this law, besides the provisions in this section.
| | 第八十一条 【权利质押的法律适用】权利质押除适用本节规定外,适用本章第一节的规定。
| | 第五章 留置
Article 82 The lien described in the law refers to the acts of the creditor, in line with the provisions in Article 84 of this law, to own the debtor's movable property in accordance with the arrangements of the contract and if the debtor fails to pay the debts before the agreed deadline, the creditor has the right to take lieu of the property and convert it into money, or auction or sell off the property, and use the proceeds to be paid off preferentially according to provisions of this law.
| | 第八十二条 【留置与留置权】本法所称留置,是指依照本法第八十四条的规定,债权人按照合同约定占有债务人的动产,债务人不按照合同约定的期限履行债务的,债权人有权依照本法规定留置该财产,以该财产折价或者以拍卖、变卖该财产的价款优先受偿。
Article 83 The range of lien guarantee includes the principal debts and their interest, default fines, damage awards, storage expense of the lined property and the expense for the realization of the lien rights.
| | 第八十三条 【留置担保的范围】留置担保的范围包括主债权及利息、违约金、损害赔偿金,留置物保管费用和实现留置权的费用。
Article 84 If the debtor fails to pay the debts incurred during the execution of storage contracts, transport contracts and processing contracts, the creditor has the right of lien. Other contracts that can take lieu according to law are also governed by the stipulations in the previous paragraph. The parties can exclude items that cannot be taken lien in the contract.
| | 第八十四条 【留置的适用范围】因保管合同、运输合同、加工承揽合同发生的债权,债务人不履行债务的,债权人有留置权。 法律规定可以留置的其他合同,适用前款规定。 当事人可以在合同中约定不得留置的物。
Article 85 If the properties are items that are dividable, the value of the liened properties shall correspond to the sum of the debts.
| | 第八十五条 【留置物的价值】留置的财产为可分物的,留置物的价值应当相当于债务的金额。
Article 86 A party that is entitled to the lien rights has the obligation to properly take care of the liened property. The party that is entitled to the lien rights shall assume civil responsibilities for the damage or evanesce of the liened property resulted from improper care.
| | 第八十六条 【留置物的保管义务】留置权人负有妥善保管留置物的义务。因保管不善致使留置物灭失或者毁损的,留置权人应当承担民事责任。
Article 87 The creditor and the debtor shall agree in the contract that after the creditor takes lien of the property, the debtor shall repay the debts in no less than two months. If there are no such arrangements in the contract between the creditor and the debtor, after the creditor takes lien of the property, the creditor shall set a deadline of no less than two months for the debtor to pay off the debt and notify the debtor of the deadline set. If the deadline expires and the debtor fails to pay off the debt, the creditor can, with the agreement of the debtor, be paid by converting the lined property into money, or by proceeds acquired by auctioning or selling off the property according to law. Should there be a surplus value after converting the property into money or auctioning or selling off of the property in exceed of the sum of the debts, the balance shall belong to the debtor; the balance due shall be paid off by the debtor.
| | 第八十七条 【留置权的实现】债权人与债务人应当在合同中约定,债权人留置财产后,债务人应当在不少于两个月的期限内履行债务。债权人与债务人在合同中未约定的,债权人留置债务人财产后,应当确定两个月以上的期限,通知债务人在该期限内履行债务。 债务人逾期仍不履行的,债权人可以与债务人协议以留置物折价,也可以依法拍卖、变卖留置物。 留置物折价或者拍卖、变卖后,其价款超过债权数额的部分归债务人所有,不足部分由债务人清偿。
Article 88 The lien rights shall perish under the following two circumstances:
| | 第八十八条 【留置权的消灭】留置权因下列原因消灭:
1. The creditor's right perishes;
| | (一)债权消灭的;
2. The debtor provides other means of guarantee and the creditor accepts.
| | (二)债务人另行提供担保并被债权人接受的。
| | 第六章 定金
Article 89 The parties can agree to the arrangements that one party provide the other party deposits as the creditor's guarantee. After the debtor repaid the debts, the deposits shall become the purchase fund of be returned. If the party that provides the deposit fails to pay off the contracted debts, the deposit shall not be returned; if the party that receives the deposit fails to pay off the contracted debts, the doubled sum of the deposits shall be returned.
| | 第八十九条 【定金及其法律效力】当事人可以约定一方向对方给付定金作为债权的担保。债务人履行债务后,定金应当抵作价款或者收回。给付定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,无权要求返还定金;收受定金的一方不履行约定的债务的,应当双倍返还定金。
Article 90 The deposit shall be arranged in a written contract. The parties shall set a deadline for the delivery of the deposit in the deposit contract. The contract goes into effect as of the date of the actual delivery of the deposit.
| | 第九十条 【定金的成立】定金应当以书面形式约定。当事人在定金合同中应当约定交付定金的期限。定金合同从实际交付定金之日起生效。
Article 91 The sum of deposit shall be decided by the parties and shall not exceed 20 percent of the sum of subject matter of the principal contract.
| | 第九十一条 【定金的数额】定金的数额由当事人约定,但不得超过主合同标的额的百分之二十。
Chapter 7 APPENDIX
| | 第七章 附则
Article 92 The fixed property described in this law refers to lands and such fixed objects on the ground such as buildings and forest woods. The movable property described in this law refers to property other than fixed property.
| | 第九十二条 【动产与不动产】本法所称不动产是指土地以及房屋、林木等地上定着物。 本法所称动产是指不动产以外的物。
Article 93 The guarantee contract, mortgage contract, hypothecation contract, deposit contract referred in this law may be a stand-alone written contract, including letters and facsimile messages between the parties that have the nature of guarantee. It may also be guarantee provisions in a principal contact.
| | 第九十三条 【担保合同的表现形式】本法所称保证合同、抵押合同、质押合同、定金合同可以是单独订立的书面合同,包括当事人之间的具有担保性质的信函、传真等,也可以是主合同中的担保条款。
Article 94 The conversion into money or sell-off of the objects of pledge, the hypothecated property or liened property shall be referenced with the market prices.
| | 第九十四条 【担保物折价或变卖的价格确定】抵押物、质物、留置物折价或者变卖,应当参照市场价格。
Article 95 Some laws such as the Maritime Law would have special provisions on guarantee and those provisions shall be followed.
| | 第九十五条 【本法适用的例外】海商法等法律对担保有特别规定的,依照其规定。
Article 96 This law goes into effect as of October 1, 1995. | | 第九十六条 【生效日期】本法自1995年10月1日起施行。
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