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Notice of the People's Bank of China on Iussing the Measures for the Administration of Banke Card Business [Effective]
中國人民銀行關于下發《銀行卡業務管理辦法》的通知 [現行有效]
Notice of the People's Bank of China on Iussing the Measures for the Administration of Banke Card Business
(No.17 [1999] of the People's Bank of China)
All branches, business management departments, regulatory offices and the central sub-branches in the provincial capital cities of the People's Bank of China, all commercial banks:
The Measures for the Administration of Bank Card Business are hereby issued to you for your earnest implementation.
People's Bank of China
January 5,1999
Measures for the Administration of Banke Card Business
(People's Bank of China January 27th, 1999)


Chapter I General Rules
 第一章 總則
Article 1 For the purpose of strengthening the administration of bank card business, preventing the risks in bank card business and safeguarding the legitimate rights and interests of commercial banks, cardholders, specially engaged entities and other parties concerned, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on the People's Bank of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Commercial Banks, the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of Foreign Exchanges and the relevant administrative laws and regulations.
   第一條 為加強銀行卡業務的管理,防範銀行卡業務風險,維護商業銀行、持卡人、特約單位及其他當事人的合法權益,依據《中華人民共和國中國人民銀行法》、《中華人民共和國商業銀行法》、《中華人民共和國外彙管理條例》及有關行政法規制訂本辦法。
Article 2 The term “bank card” as mentioned in these Measures refers to the credit payment instruments issued by commercial banks (including postal financial institutions, same as below) to the society, which have some or all such functions as consumption credit, transfer and settlement and depositing and withdrawing cash, etc.
No commercial bank may issue any bank card without the approval of the People's Bank of China.
   第二條 本辦法所稱銀行卡,是指由商業銀行(含郵政金融機構,下同)向社會發行的具有消費信用、轉帳結算、存取現金等全部或部分功能的信用支付工具。
Article 3 All the commercial banks, cardholders and merchants handling the bank card business within the borders of the People's Republic of China and other parties concerned shall observe the provisions of these Measures.
   第三條 凡在中華人民共和國境內辦理銀行卡業務的商業銀行、持卡人、商戶及其他當事人均應遵守本辦法。
Article 4 Commercial banks shall conduct information sharing, merchant sharing, machine sharing and other types of bank card business combination on the basis of negotiation and mutual benefit.
   第四條 商業銀行應在協商、互利的基礎上開展信息共享、商戶共享、機具共享等類型的銀行卡業務聯合。
Chapter II Classification and Definition
 第二章 分類及定義
Article 5 Bank cards are classified into credit cards and debit cards.
Bank cards may be classified into RMB cards and foreign currency cards according to the currency type; entity cards (commercial card) and individual cards according to the target of issuance; and magnetic cards and integrated circuit (IC) cards according to the information carrier.
   第五條 銀行卡包括信用卡和借記卡。
Article 6 Credit cards may be classified into credit cards and quasi-credit cards according to the fact that whether an imprest is deposited in the card-issuing bank.
Credit card refers to the card which, within the credit limit granted by the card-issuing bank, permits the cardholder to consume before payment.
Quasi-credit card refers to the card which requires the cardholder to deposit a certain amount of imprest in the card-issuing bank in advance and permits the cardholder to overdraw within the credit limit prescribed by the card-issuing bank when the balance in the account of imprest is not sufficient to pay.
   第六條 信用卡按是否向發卡銀行交存備用金分為貸記卡、准貸記卡兩類。
Article 7 Debit cards may be classified into cards for transferring accounts (including savings cards, same as below), cards for special purposes and stored-value cards. Debit cards do not possess the overdrawing function.
   第七條 借記卡按功能不同分為轉帳卡(含儲蓄卡,下同)、專用卡、儲值卡。借記卡不具備透支功能。
Article 8 The card for transferring accounts refers to the debit card which makes real-time deduction of accounts. It possesses such functions as transfer, settlement, depositing and withdrawing cash, and consumption.
   第八條 轉帳卡是實時扣帳的借記卡。具有轉帳結算、存取現金和消費功能。
Article 9 The card for special purpose refers to the debit card which is for any special purpose and used in certain specially designated areas. It possesses such functions as transfer, settlement, depositing and withdrawing cash.
Special purpose refers to a purpose other than those in the industries of general merchandise, catering, restaurant and entertainment.
   第九條 專用卡是具有專門用途、在特定區域使用的借記卡。具有轉帳結算、存取現金功能。
Article 10 Stored-value card refers to the purse-style debit card which requires advance payment, and when the card-issuing bank transfers the money of the cardholder into this card upon the request of the cardholder and the money is deducted from the card when a transaction is made.
   第十條 儲值卡是發卡銀行根據持卡人要求將其資金轉至卡內儲存,交易時直接從卡內扣款的預付錢包式借記卡。
Article 11 Co-branded/affinity card is an auxiliary product of bank card issued by a commercial bank by cooperating with a profitable/non-profitable institution, the variety of the bank card it is attached to shall be a variety approved by the People's Bank of China and its issuance and operation shall observe the business regulations on or administrative measures for the corresponding variety.
The card-issuing bank and the co-branded entities shall provide a discount of a certain proportion or special services for the cardholders when they are using the cards in any of the co-branded entities. The cardholders' act of obtaining and using affinity card indicates their support to the affinity entities.
   第十一條 聯名/認同卡是商業銀行是盈利性機構/非盈利性機構合作發行的銀行卡附屬產品,其所依附的銀行卡品種必須是已經中國人民銀行批准的品種,並應當遵守相應品種的業務章程或管理辦法。
Article 12 Integrated circuit (IC) card may be applied to not only a single variety of bank card but also a combined variety of bank cards.
   第十二條 芯片(IC)卡既可應用于單一的銀行卡品種,又可應用于組合的銀行卡品種。
Chapter III Examination and Approval of Bank Card Business
 第三章 銀行卡業務審批
Article 13 To operate the bank card business, a commercial bank shall satisfy the following conditions:
   第十三條 商業銀行開辦銀行卡業務應當具備下列條件:
(1) it shall have been in operation for three years or more and laid a sound foundation for handling retail business;
(2) it shall meet the indices set by the People's Bank of China for asset-liability ratio administration and supervision and it shall be in a good operational condition;
(3) it shall have established a scientific and perfect inner control system for this business and have well-defined procedures for the examination and approval of internal authorization;
(4) it shall have been equipped with qualified management personnel, technical personnel and corresponding administrative organ;
(5) it shall have a safe and highly-efficient computer processing system;
(6) in case of issuing any foreign currency card, it shall have obtained the qualification for engaging in the foreign exchange business and have the corresponding managerial and administrative expertise for the foreign exchange business;
(7) other conditions prescribed by the People's Bank of China.
Article 14 A commercial bank that satisfies the above-mentioned conditions may apply for operating the bank card business to the People's Bank of China and shall submit the following materials:
   第十四條 符合上述條件的商業銀行,可向中國人民銀行申請開辦銀行卡業務,並提交下列材料:
(1) application report: to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility and make market forecasts;
(2) bank card articles of association or administrative measures, draft card designs;
(3) inner control system and risk prevention measures;
(4) test report on system security and its competence for technical standards issued by the competent department of science and technology of the People's Bank of China;
(5) other materials required by the People's Bank of China.
Article 15 The articles of association on any bank card of a card-issuing bank shall indicate the following items:
   第十五條 發卡銀行各類銀行卡章程應載明下列事項:
(1) the name, variety, functions and purposes of the card;
(2) the target of issuance of the card, conditions and procedure for the application of the card;
(3) the use range of the card (including the limits in using the card) and how to use it;
(4) the interest rate applicable to the account of the card, charging items and rates against the cardholder;
(5) the rights and obligations of the card-issuing bank, the cardholder and other parties concerned;
(6) other items required by the People's Bank of China.
Article 16 The management power limits and procedures for the examination and approval of a bank card are as follows:
   第十六條 銀行卡的管理權限和審批程序:
(1) To practice any kind of the bank card business, a commercial bank shall respectively formulate unified articles of association or business management measures in accordance with the provisions of the People's Bank of China on strengthening inner control and the administration of authorization and credit granting and report them to the headquarters of the People's Bank of China for examination and approval.
If the headquarters of the commercial bank is not in Beijing, it shall firstly report them to the local central sub-branch of the People's Bank of China, which shall, after approving upon examination, forward them to the headquarters of the People's Bank of China for examination and approval.
(2) A commercial bank that has already operated the credit card or transfer card business may apply to the People's Bank of China for issuing co-branded/affinity cards, cards for special purposes and stored-value cards; a commercial bank that has already operated the RMB credit card business may apply to the People's Bank of China for issuing foreign currency credit cards.
(3) Where a commercial bank intends to issue affinity cards, IC cards or stored-value cards that may be used nationwide, it shall report it to the headquarters of the People's Bank of China for examination and approval.
(4) Where a branch institution of a commercial bank operates the bank card business approved by the headquarters of the People's Bank of China, it shall report it to the local branch of the People's Bank of China for record with the approval document of the People's Bank of China and the document on the authorization of its headquarters.
Where a branch institution of a commercial bank issues cards for special purposes or co-branded cards that may only be used in certain regions, it shall report it to the local central sub-branch of the People's Bank of China for record with the document on authorization of the headquarters of the commercial bank or the agreement concluded by both co-branded parties.
(5) Where a commercial bank changes the name of any bank card or revises the articles of association on bank card, it shall report it to the People's Bank of China for examination and approval.
Article 17 To operate bank card acceptance business, a foreign-funded financial institution shall obtain the approval of the People's Bank of China.
Bank card acceptance business refers to the domestic or foreign currency capital settlement service provided by a contractual bank for its merchants.
   第十七條 外資金融機構經營銀行卡收單業務應當報中國人民銀行總行批准。
Chapter IV Interest Calculation and Charging Rates
 第四章 計息和收費標准
Article 18 Bank card interest calculation shall include the calculation of the interests to be collected and the calculation of the interests to be paid, both of which shall be examined and calculated in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Rules for Financial and Insurance Enterprises.
   第十八條 銀行卡的計息包括計收利息和計付利息,均按照《金融保險企業財務制度》的規定進行核算。
Article 19 As for the deposits in the accounts of quasi-credit cards and debit cards (excluding stored-value cards), the card-issuing bank shall calculate and pay interests in accordance with the deposit interest rate of the same term and same grade and the methods for interest calculation as prescribed by the People's Bank of China.
A card-issuing bank shall not calculate and pay interests on the deposits in the accounts of credit cards and the currency value of the stored-value cards (including the electronic purses of IC cards).
   第十九條 發卡銀行對准貸記卡及借記卡(不含儲值卡)帳戶內的存款,按照中國人民銀行規定的同期同檔次存款利率及計息辦法計付利息。
Article 20 A credit cardholder may enjoy the following favorable terms when making non-cash transactions:
   第二十條 貸記卡持卡人非現金交易享受如下優惠條件:
(1) interest-free payment period: a period from the booking date of the bank to the date when payment is due as prescribed by the card-issuing bank, the longest term of such period is 60 days. The cardholder, as long as he/she repays all the used funds of the bank before the date when payment is due, may enjoy this treatment and does not have to pay any interest for any non-cash transaction.
(2) minimum payment: where it is difficult for the cardholder to repay all the funds of the bank before the date when payment is due, he/she may repay the minimum amount as prescribed by the card-issuing bank.
Article 21 Where a credit cardholder chooses to repay the minimum amount or uses the card by exceeding the credit limit approved by the card-issuing bank, he/she may not enjoy the treatment of interest-free payment period, but shall pay overdraft interests on the unpaid amount calculated from the book date of the bank on the basis of the prescribed interest rate.
   第二十一條 貸記卡持卡人選擇最低還款額方式或超過發卡銀行批准的信用額度用卡時,不再享受免息還款期待遇,應當支付未償還部分自銀行記帳日起,按規定利率計算的透支利息。

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