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Order of the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Environmental Protection Administration (No. 16) In order to press ahead with clean production in an all-round way, regulate clean production checks, the National Development and Reform Commission and the State Environmental Protection Administration have, in accordance with the “Law of the People's Republic of China on Promoting Clean Production” and the division of duties of the relevant institutions under the State Council, formulated, deliberated and adopted the “Interim Measures on Clean Production Checks”, which are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on October 1, 2004. Ma Kai,Director General of the National Development and Reform Commission Xie Zhenhua,Director General of the State Environmental Protection Administration August 16, 2004 Interim Measures on Clean Production Checks
| | 國家發展和改革委員會、國家環境保護總局令 (第16號) 為全面推行清潔生產,規範清潔生產審核行為,根據《中華人民共和國清潔生產促進法》和國務院有關部門的職責分工,國家發展和改革委員會、國家環境保護總局制定並審議通過了《清潔生產審核暫行辦法》,現予以發布,自2004年10月1日起施行。 國家發展和改革委員會主任:馬凱 國家環境保護總局局長:解振華 二00四年八月十六日
Chapter I General Provisions
| | 第一章 總則
Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the “Law of the People's Republic of China on Promoting Clean Production” so as to promote clean production and regulate clean production checks.
| | 第一條 為促進清潔生產,規範清潔生產審核行為,根據《中華人民共和國清潔生產促進法》,制定本辦法。
Article 2 “Clean production check” as mentioned in these Measures shall mean the process of following certain procedures to investigate into and diagnose the production and service process so as to find out the causes of high energy consumption, high material consumption and heavy pollution and to render solutions for reducing the use and production of toxic or harmful materials and decreasing energy consumption, material consumption and wastes, and therefore to select the technically, economically and environmentally feasible clean production plans.
| | 第二條 本辦法所稱清潔生產審核,是指按照一定程序,對生產和服務過程進行調查和診斷,找出能耗高、物耗高、汙染重的原因,提出減少有毒有害物料的使用、產生,降低能耗、物耗以及廢物產生的方案,進而選定技術經濟及環境可行的清潔生產方案的過程。
Article 3 These Measures shall apply to all the entities engaging in production and service activities and other departments engaging in relevant administrative activities inside the territory of the People's Republic of China.
| | 第三條 本辦法適用于中華人民共和國境內所有從事生產和服務活動的單位以及從事相關管理活動的部門。
Article 4 The National Development and Reform Commission shall, jointly with the State Environmental Protection Administration, take charge of the clean production checks throughout China. The development and reform (or economic and trade) administrative department of each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, or municipality separately under State planning or that of Sinkiang Production and Construction Army Corps shall, jointly with the local environmental protection administrative department at the same level, organize the clean production checks in light of the actual situation of its own area.
| | 第四條 國家發展和改革委員會會同國家環境保護總局負責管理全國的清潔生產審核工作。各省、自治區、直轄市、計劃單列市及新疆生產建設兵團發展改革(經濟貿易)行政主管部門會同環境保護行政主管部門,根據本地區實際情況,組織開展清潔生產審核。
Article 5 Clean production checks shall focus on enterprises, and the principles of combining the enterprise's voluntary check with the State's compulsory check and combining the enterprise's independent check with the externally assisted check shall be followed. In addition, clean production checks shall be conducted in an orderly manner in light of local conditions, and actual effects shall be stressed.
| | 第五條 清潔生產審核應當以企業為主體,遵循企業自願審核與國家強制審核相結合、企業自主審核與外部協助審核相結合的原則,因地制宜、有序開展、注重實效。
Chapter II Scope of Clean Production Checks
| | 第二章 清潔生產審核範圍
Article 6 Clean production checks may be divided into voluntary checks and compulsory checks.
| | 第六條 清潔生產審核分為自願性審核和強制性審核。
Article 7 The State encourages enterprises to conduct clean production checks voluntarily. An enterprise whose emission of pollutants reaches the national or local emission standards may voluntarily organize the implementation of clean production checks, and set targets on further saving resources and reducing emission of pollutants.
| | 第七條 國家鼓勵企業自願開展清潔生產審核。汙染物排放達到國家或者地方排放標准的企業,可以自願組織實施清潔生產審核,提出進一步節約資源、削減汙染物排放量的目標。
Article 8 In case any of the following circumstances arises, a compulsory clean production check shall be conducted:
| | 第八條 有下列情況之一的,應當實施強制性清潔生產審核:
(1) The enterprise is a heavily polluting enterprise whose emission of pollutants exceeds the national and local standards for emission, or whose total emission of pollutants exceeds the total emission control index as ratified by the local people's government;
| | (一)汙染物排放超過國家和地方排放標准,或者汙染物排放總量超過地方人民政府核定的排放總量控制指標的汙染嚴重企業;
(2) The enterprise uses toxic or harmful materials for production or emits toxic or harmful substances in its production. Toxic or harmful materials and substances mainly refers to the virulent, intensively corrosive, intensively pungent, radioactive (excluding nuclear power facilities and military industrial nuclear facilities), carcinogenic substances, substances leading to monstrosity, etc., which are listed in the “Table of the Names of Hazardous Goods” (GB12268), the “Catalogue of Hazardous Chemicals”, the “National Catalogue of Hazardous Wastes” and the “Catalogue of Virulent Chemicals”.
| | (二)使用有毒有害原料進行生產或者在生產中排放有毒有害物質的企業。 有毒有害原料或者物質主要指《危險貨物品名表》(GB12268)、《危險化學品名錄》、《國家危險廢物名錄》和《劇毒化學品目錄》中的劇毒、強腐蝕性、強刺激性、放射性(不包括核電設施和軍工核設施)、致癌、致畸等物質。
Article 9 The name list of the enterprises prescribed in Item (1) of Article 8 to conduct compulsory clean production checks shall be determined upon ratification of the environmental protection administrative department of the province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, or municipality separately under State planning, or that of Sinkiang Production and Construction Army Corps after the local environmental protection administrative department proposes the name list of the preliminarily selected enterprises according to its scope of administrative powers and submits to the abovementioned ratifying environmental protection administrative department level by level. A group of enterprises shall be promulgated each year, of which the enterprises shall be notified in writing, and a copy shall be made to the development and reform (economic and trade) administrative department; meanwhile, the name list shall be published on a major local media. The name list of enterprises prescribed in Item (2) of Article 8 to implement compulsory clean production checks shall be determined by batches and in groups by the environmental protection administrative department of each province, autonomous region, municipality directly under the Central Government, or municipality separately under State planning, or that of Sinkiang Production and Construction Army Corps jointly with the local development and reform (economic and trade) administrative department at the same level in light of the local actual situation on conducting clean production checks, and on the basis of analyzing the amount of consumed toxic or harmful materials of the enterprise or the emission of toxic or harmful substance, and the severity of influences to the environment, as well. The said administrative departments shall notify the enterprises of the name list in writing, and publish it on a major local media.
| | 第九條 第八條第一項規定實施強制性清潔生產審核的企業名單,由所在地環境保護行政主管部門按照管理權限提出初選名單,逐級報省、自治區、直轄市、計劃單列市及新疆生產建設兵團環境保護行政主管部門核定後確定,每年發布一批,書面通知企業,並抄送同級發展改革(經濟貿易)行政主管部門;同時,將名單在當地主要媒體上公布。 第八條第二項規定實施強制性清潔生產審核的企業名單,由各省、自治區、直轄市、計劃單列市及新疆生產建設兵團環境保護行政主管部門會同發展改革(經濟貿易)行政主管部門,結合本地開展清潔生產審核工作的實際情況,在分析企業有毒有害原料使用量或者有毒有害物質排放量,以及可能造成環境影響嚴重程度的基礎上,分期分批確定,書面通知企業,並在當地主要媒體上公布。
Chapter III Carryout of Clean Production Checks ...... | | 第三章 清潔生產審核的實施 ...... |
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