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Procedures for Handling Official Documents in the Administrative Departments of the Government [Expired]
国务院关于发布《国家行政机关公文处理办法》的通知 [失效]
Notice of the Publication of Procedures for Handling Official Documents in the Administrative Departments of the Government Issued by the State Council
(Guofa <2000> No. 23)
The People's Governments of every province, autonomous regions and cities under the direct control of the central Government, all Ministries, Commissions of the State Council and Organs under the direct control of the State Council:
The new Procedures for Handling Official Documents in the Administrative Departments of the Government are hereby published to enter into force on January 1, 2001. The old Procedures for Handling Official Documents in the Administrative Departments of the Government published by the General Office of the State Council on November 21, 1993 and effective since January 1, 1994 shall be annulled on the same day.
The State Council
August 24, 2000
Procedures for Handling Official Documents in the Administrative Departments of the Government


Section 1. General principles

第一章 总则

Article 1. This Regulation is formulated for the standard, systematic and optimised handling of official documents in the Administrative Departments of the Government (hereinafter referred to as the Administrative Departments).
   第一条 为使国家行政机关(以下简称行政机关)的公文处理工作规范化、制度化、科学化,制定本办法。
Article 2. Official documents (including telegrams, same in the following places) are documents with legal effect and of standard forms formulated in the process of administration and are important instruments for carrying out administration and official activities in accordance with the law.
   第二条 行政机关的公文(包括电报,下同),是行政机关在行政管理过程中形成的具有法定效力和规范体式的文书,是依法行政和进行公务活动的重要工具。
Article 3. Handing of official documents refer to the inter-related and ordered procedure of processing, administration, filing archiving etc of official documents.
   第三条 公文处理指公文的办理、管理、整理(立卷)、归档等一系列相互关联、衔接有序的工作。
Article 4. When handing official documents, such principles shall be respected as “seeking truth from facts, simplicity, efficiency” in order to ensure rapid, accurate and safe handling.
   第四条 公文处理应当坚持实事求是、精简、高效的原则,做到及时、准确、安全。
Article 5. When handling official documents, law s and regulations concerning State secrecy shall be respected.
   第五条 公文处理必须严格执行国家保密法律、法规和其他有关规定,确保国家秘密的安全。
Article 6. The person-in-charge of the Administrative Departments at all levels shall attach great importance to handling of official documents and shall set an example in abiding by this Regulation and enhance supervision and checking over the work of handling official documents in his Department.
   第六条 各级行政机关的负责人应当高度重视公文处理工作,模范遵守本办法并加强对本机关公文处理工作的领导和检查。
Article 7. The General Offices of the Administrative Departments at all levels are the administrative organs for handling official documents in the Departments and for guiding the handling of official documents of their sub-branches.
   第七条 各级行政机关的办公厅(室)是公文处理的管理机构,主管本机关的公文处理工作并指导下级机关的公文处理工作。
Article 8. The General Offices of the Administrative Department at all levels shall establish secretariats composed of specialists in handling official documents.
   第八条 各级行政机关的办公厅(室)应当设立文秘部门或者配备专职人员负责公文处理工作。
Section 2. Types of official documents

第二章 公文种类

Article 9. Types of official documents of the Administrative Departments are as follows:
   第九条 行政机关的公文种类主要有:
An order shall be issued in the following situation: publishing administrative regulations and rules in accordance with the law, announcing the implementation of important enforcing administrative measures, and granting citations to relevant work units and personnel.
A decision shall be given in the following situation: deciding on important issues or actions, granting citations to relevant work units and personnel, changing or cancelling inappropriate decisions made by sub-branches.
An announcement shall be made when announcing important issues or statutory matters to the nation or to the whole world.
A publication shall be issued when publishing issues to be known or respected by the public.
A notice shall be issued when approving or forwarding official documents made by sub-branches, forwarding official documents made by the Department at a higher or parallel level, informing sub-branches or other relevant organs matters that should be known and handled thereby, or when announcing personnel appointing or removal.
A circular shall be issued for commendation or criticism, or for making public important issues.
A motion shall be submitted by the People's Government at all levels to the People's Congress or its Standing Committee at the same level to raise proposals.
A report shall be handed in to the Department at a higher level for describing work and issues and for responding to enquiries made by the Department at a higher level.
(9)Asking for instructions
An asking for instructions shall be made when soliciting instructions or approvals from the Department at a higher level.
A response shall be granted when granting instructions to sub-branches.
An opinion shall be given when providing opinion over important issues and the solutions thereof.
An letter shall be written when consulting, enquiring and giving reply or approval, and asking for approval to a parallel Department.
(13)Minute of meeting
A minute of meeting shall be prepared for recording, forwarding the content of a meeting.
Section 3. Forms of official documents

第三章 公文格式

Article 10. An official document is composed of level of secrecy, term of confidentiality, level of urgency, name of the issuer, issuing number, signer, heading, principal receivers, body text, explanatory notes of the annexes, date of issuance, seal, notes, annexes, subject reminders, receivers of the copy, printing organs and printing date, etc.
   第十条 公文一般由秘密等级和保密期限、紧急程度、发文机关标识、发文字号、签发人、标题、主送机关、正文、附件说明、成文日期、印章、附注、附件、主题词、抄送机关、印发机关和印发日期等部分组成。
(1)An official document relating to State secrecy shall be marked with level of secrecy and term of confidentiality. Official documents of “secrecy” or “top secrecy” shall, in addition, be marked with the total number and sequence number of copies.
(2)Urgent official documents shall be marked with level of urgency such as “urgent” or “extra urgent”. Telegrams shall be marked “most urgent”, “extra urgent”, “urgent” and “usual”.
(3)The name of the issuer shall be the complete name or standard abbreviation of the issuer. In case there are several issuers, the principal one shall be the first in sequence.
(4)The issuing number shall include the initials of the issuer, the year and the sequence number. In case there are several issuers, only the issuing number of the principal issuers shall be marked.
(5)The name of signer and counter-signer shall be marked. In case of asking for instruction, the name and telephone number of the person to contact shall be provided in the Note.
(6)The heading of an official document shall indicate the main content and the type of the document. The issuer shall also be marked. Except regulations and rules that shall be included in brackets, no other punctuation shall be used.
(7)Principal receivers refer to principal Departments to handle the document. The complete name or standard or uniform abbreviation shall be used.
(8)In case the document has annexes, the sequence and names of the annexes shall be marked.
(9)Except minutes of meeting and telegrams, all official documents shall be sealed. A document submitted to the Department at a higher level by several issuers shall be sealed by the principal Department; A document issued to sub-branches shall be sealed by all the issuers.
(10)Date of issuance shall be the date of signature by the person-in-charge. In case there are several issuers, date of issuance shall be the date of signature by the person-in-charge of the Department who is the last signer of the document. The date of issuance of a telegram shall be the date of dispatch.
(11)In case there is explanatory note (to explain other matters), it shall be included in brackets.
(12)An official document shall have a subject reminder. The subject remainder shall be marked according to the requirement of the Department at a higher level.
(13)The receivers of copies refer to other Departments that need to know or implement the official document in addition to the principal receivers. The complete names or standard or uniform abbreviations shall be used.
(14)An official document shall be written from the left side to the right side and arranged horizontally. In an Autonomous Region of ethnic minorities, both Mandarin Chinese and minority characters can be used according to the writing and arranging practice.
Article 11. For rules concerning the markings and indications of the component parts of an official document, reference shall be made to the State Standard set by the Forms of Official Documents of the Administrative Departments of the Government.
   第十一条 公文中各组成部分的标识规则,参照《国家行政机关公文格式》国家标准执行。
Article 12. An official document shall use A4-sized paper (210mm x 297mm) and be bound on the left side. The size of paper for official document posters shall be decided according to need.
   第十二条 公文用纸一般采用国际标准A4型(210mm×297mm),左侧装订。张贴的公文用纸大小,根据实际需要确定。
Section 4. Rules for drafting official documents

第四章 行文规则


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