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Order of the Ministry of Communications (No. 2 [2005]) The Measures for the Completion-based Check and Acceptance of Port Projects, which were adopted at the sixth executive meeting of the Ministry of Communications, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of June 1, 2005. Minister Zhang Chunxian April 12, 2005 Measures for the Completion-based Check and Acceptance of Port Projects
| | 交通部令 (2005年第2号) 《港口工程竣工验收办法》已于2005年3月21日经第6次部务会议通过,现予公布,自2005年6月1日起施行。 部长 张春贤 二00五年四月十二日
Article 1 In order to regulate the completion-based check and acceptance of port projects, ensure the quality of port projects and protect the safety of the life and property of the people, these Measures are formulated pursuant to the Law of the People's Republic of China on Ports.
| | 第一条 为规范港口工程竣工验收工作,保证港口工程质量,保护人民生命和财产安全,根据《中华人民共和国港口法》,制定本办法。
Article 2 These Measures are applicable to the completion-based check and acceptance of newly-built and rebuilt port projects. The “completion-based check and acceptance of port projects” as mentioned in these Measures refers to the comprehensive inspection-based check and acceptance of the quality of port projects, the implementation of national and industrial mandatory standards, use of investments and other matters from the completion of the port projects to the use thereof, and the comprehensive appraisal of the building, designing, construction and supervision of the port projects.
| | 第二条 本办法适用于新建和改建的港口工程竣工验收活动。 本办法所称港口工程竣工验收,是指港口工程完工后、投入使用前,对港口工程质量、执行国家和行业强制性标准情况、投资使用情况等事项的全面检查验收,以及对港口工程建设、设计、施工、监理等工作的综合评价。
Article 3 A completed port project may not be put into use until it is accepted as qualified.
| | 第三条 港口工程竣工后,经验收合格方可投入使用。
Article 4 The principles of openness, equity, truthfulness and scientificalness shall be followed for the completion-based check and acceptance of port projects.
| | 第四条 港口工程竣工验收,应当遵循公开、公正、真实、科学的原则。
Article 5 The legal-person entity of the port project and the entities responsible for the designing, construction and supervision of the said project shall be subject to and cooperate with the completion-based check and acceptance work, and the relevant materials provided thereby shall be authentic and effective.
| | 第五条 港口工程项目法人、设计、施工、监理等单位应当接受、配合竣工验收工作,提供的有关资料应当真实、有效。
Article 6 A uniform management and level-by-level responsibility system shall be implemented for the completion-based check and acceptance of port projects. The Ministry of Communications shall conduct uniform administration of the completion-based check and acceptance of port projects throughout the country. The Ministry of Communications shall be responsible for the completion-based check and acceptance of those port projects as examined and approved by the investment administrative department of the State Council and the Ministry of Communications. The provincial administrative department of communications shall be responsible for the completion-based check and acceptance of those port projects as examined and approved by the provincial people's government and the provincial administrative department of communications. The port projects other than those as prescribed in Paragraphs 3 and 4 of this Article shall be subject to the completion-based check and acceptance of the ports administrative department where the port is located. The aforesaid departments responsible for the completion-based check and acceptance of port projects shall be referred to jointly as the department responsible for the completion-based check and acceptance.
| | 第六条 港口工程竣工验收,实行统一管理、分级负责制度。 交通部统一管理全国港口竣工验收工作。 经国务院投资主管部门审批、核准和经交通部审批的港口工程竣工验收,由交通部负责。 省级人民政府投资主管部门审批、核准和省级交通主管部门审批的港口工程竣工验收,由省级交通主管部门负责。 本条第三款、第四款规定以外的港口工程由港口所在地港口行政管理部门负责竣工验收。 以上负责港口工程竣工验收的部门统称为竣工验收部门。
Article 7 The following requirements shall be met for the completion-based check and acceptance of a port project:
| | 第七条 港口工程进行竣工验收应当具备以下条件:
(1)All matters as stipulated in the contract on the port project have been fundamentally completed. If there is any unfinished part of a construction project for which an application for completion-based check and acceptance is filed, the unfinished part may not have any impact on putting the construction project into use, and the investment amount of the unfinished part may be listed into the final project completion report pursuant to the actual situation or the investment amount as listed in the budget of the project, but may not exceed 5% of the total investment of the project. The entity undertaking the construction has conducted self-inspection of the quality of the project and finds it qualified, the supervision engineer has evaluated the quality of the project and found it qualified, and the acceptance as organized by the project-undertaking legal person on the work completed by the entities responsible for the designing, construction and supervision and the project quality supervision entity has been found as qualified;
| | (一)港口工程有关合同约定的各项内容已基本完成,申请竣工验收的建设项目有尾留工程的,尾留工程不得影响建设项目的投产使用,尾留工程投资额可根据实际测算投资额或按照工程概算所列的投资额列入竣工决算报告,但不得超过工程总投资的5%。施工单位对工程质量自检合格,监理工程师对工程质量评定合格,项目法人组织设计、施工、监理、工程质量监督等单位进行的交工验收合格;
(2)The main technical equipment or facilities have been debugged, and the conditions for production are mature;
| | (二)主要工艺设备或设施通过调试具备生产条件;
(3)A general port project shall be put into trial operation for three months; and a port project with systematic loading and unloading equipment like a dock for bulk ore, coal, grain, associated gas or containers, etc. shall be put into trial operation for six months and shall be meet the designing requirements;
| | (三)一般港口工程经过3个月试运行;设有系统装卸设备的矿石、煤炭、散粮、油气、集装箱码头等港口工程,经过6个月试运行,符合设计要求;
(4)The facilities for environmental protection, safety and fire control shall have been built together with the main part of the project according to the designing requirements, and have passed the special check and acceptance of the relevant department. The navigation marks and other auxiliary facilities shall have been built together with the port according tothe Law on Ports, and can be put into use on schedule; ...... | | (四)环境保护设施、安全设施、消防设施已按照设计要求与主体工程同时建成,并通过有关部门的专项验收;航标设施以及其他辅助性设施已按照《港口法》的规定,与港口同时建设,并保证按期投入使用; ...... |
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