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Order No.169 of the General Administration of Customs The Administrative Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Centralized Declaration of Import and Export Goods, which were deliberated and adopted at the executive meeting of the General Administration of Customs on January 4, 2008, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force from May 1, 2008. Director-general: Mou Xinsheng January 24, 2008 Administrative Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Centralized Declaration of Import and Export Goods
| | 海关总署第169号令 《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物集中申报管理办法》已于2008年1月4日经海关总署署务会议审议通过,现予公布,自2008年5月1日起施行。 署长 牟新生 二○○八年一月二十四日
Article 1 The present Measures are formulated according to the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as the Customs Law) for the purpose of facilitating the declaration formalities to be handled by the consignees and consignors of import and export goods, enhancing the customs clearance efficiency of import and export goods and regulating the declaration administration of import and export goods.
| | 第一条 为了便利进出口货物收发货人办理申报手续,提高进出口货物通关效率,规范对进出口货物的申报管理,根据《中华人民共和国海关法》(简称海关法)的有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 The term “centralized declaration” as mentioned in the present Measures refers to such a special customs clearance method by which a consignee or consignor of import or export goods (hereinafter referred to as “consignee or consignor”), who intends to import or export the goods within the scope provided for by Article 3 of the present Measures in several batches at one port upon archival filing at the customs house, may declare the import or export of goods upon the strength of the List of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Centralized Declaration of Import Goods (see Appendix 1) or the List of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Centralized Declaration of Export Goods (see Appendix 2) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the List of Centralized Declaration), and then go through customs formalities in a centralized manner upon the strength of customs declaration forms. A consignee or consignor of import or export goods may entrust a customs declaration enterprise in the management category of B or above for going through the relevant formalities of centralized declaration.
| | 第二条 本办法所称的集中申报是指经海关备案,进出口货物收发货人(以下简称收发货人)在同一口岸多批次进出口本办法第三条规定范围内货物,可以先以《中华人民共和国海关进口货物集中申报清单》(见附件1)或者《中华人民共和国海关出口货物集中申报清单》(见附件2)(以下统称《集中申报清单》)申报货物进出口,再以报关单集中办理海关手续的特殊通关方式。 进出口货物收发货人可以委托B类以上管理类别(含B类)的报关企业办理集中申报有关手续。
Article 3 Upon archival filing at the customs house, the following import and export goods may apply the method of centralized declaration for customs clearance:
| | 第三条 经海关备案,下列进出口货物可以适用集中申报通关方式:
1. Goods such as books, newspapers, periodicals and other publications that have the limitation of time;
| | (一)图书、报纸、期刊类出版物等时效性较强的货物;
2. Dangerous goods, fresh goods, perishable goods, goods that are easy to lose efficacy and other goods that are not suitable for long-term storage; and
| | (二)危险品或者鲜活、易腐、易失效等不宜长期保存的货物;
3. Bonded goods exited or entered via road ports.
| | (三)公路口岸进出境的保税货物。
Article 4 A consignee or consignor shall handle the archival filing formality of centralized declaration at the customs house where the goods are placed, and an enterprise of processing trade shall handle the archival filing formality of centralized declaration at the competent customs house.
| | 第四条 收发货人应当在货物所在地海关办理集中申报备案手续,加工贸易企业应当在主管地海关办理集中申报备案手续。
Article 5 If a consignee or consignor applies for the archival filing formality of centralized declaration, he shall submit the Archival Filing Form on the Application of the Method of Centralized Declaration for Customs Clearance (hereinafter referred to as the Archival Filing Form, see Appendix 3), and simultaneously provide the security consistent with the requirements of the customs house, and the validity term of security shall not be less than three months. The customs house shall examine the Archival Filing Form submitted by the consignor or consignee; and ratify the archival filing if the form is in compliance with the present Measures. If a consignee and consignor, who is suspected of smuggling or wrongdoing and is being put on files by the customs house for investigation, is subject to administrative penalties due to the import and export of goods infringing on intellectual property rights, or who applies the management category of C or D, imports or exports the goods listed in Article 3 of the present Measures, the method of centralized declaration for customs clearance shall not be applied.
| | 第五条 收发货人申请办理集中申报备案手续的,应当向海关提交《适用集中申报通关方式备案表》(以下简称《备案表》,见附件3),同时提供符合海关要求的担保,担保有效期最短不得少于3个月。 海关应当对收发货人提交的《备案表》进行审核。经审核符合本办法有关规定的,核准其备案。 涉嫌走私或者违规,正在被海关立案调查的收发货人、因进出口侵犯知识产权货物被海关依法给予行政处罚的收发货人、适用C类或者D类管理类别的收发货人进出口本办法第三条所列货物的,不适用集中申报通关方式。
Article 6 Within the validity term of archival filing, a consignee or consignor may apply the method of centralized declaration for customs clearance. The validity term of archival filing shall be verified according to the validity term of security provided by the consignee or consignor. In case of any changes in the goods for which the method of centralized declaration for customs clearance is applied or the change in the security, etc., the consignee or consignor shall file a written application for alteration with the original archival filing customs house. The validity term of archival filing may be extended at expiration. If a consignee or consignor needs to continuously adopt the method of centralized declaration for customs clearance, he shall, ten days before expiration of the validity term of archival filing, file a written application for extension with the original archival filing customs house.
| | 第六条 在备案有效期内,收发货人可以适用集中申报通关方式。备案有效期限按照收发货人提交的担保有效期核定。 申请适用集中申报通关方式的货物、担保情况等发生变更时,收发货人应当向原备案地海关书面申请变更。 备案有效期届满可以延续。收发货人需要继续适用集中申报方式办理通关手续的,应当在备案有效期届满10日前向原备案地海关书面申请延期。
Article 7 If a consignee or consignor is under any of the following circumstances, the method of centralized declaration for customs clearance shall be terminated:
| | 第七条 收发货人有下列情形之一的,停止适用集中申报通关方式:
1. The conditions for security are changed, and no valid security can be continuously provided any more;
| | (一)担保情况发生变更,不能继续提供有效担保的;
2. The consignor or consignee is suspected of smuggling or wrongdoing and is being put on files by the customs house for investigation;
| | (二)涉嫌走私或者违规,正在被海关立案调查的;
3. The consignor or consignee is subject to administrative penalties due to the import or export of goods infringing on intellectual property rights; or
| | (三)进出口侵犯知识产权货物,被海关依法给予行政处罚的;
4. The classified customs management category is degraded to C or D. A consignee or consignor may voluntarily apply for terminating the application of the method of centralized declaration for customs clearance within the validity term of archival filing.
| | (四)海关分类管理类别被降为C类或者D类的。 收发货人可以在备案有效期内主动申请终止适用集中申报通关方式。
Article 8 If a consignee or consignor fails to apply for extension to the original archival filing customs house before expiration of the validity term of archival fling, the Archival Filing Form shall be invalidated. If the consignee or consignor needs to continuously go through the customs clearance formality according to the method of centralized declaration, he shall file a new application for archival filing. ...... | | 第八条 收发货人在备案有效期届满前未向原备案地海关申请延期的,《备案表》效力终止。收发货人需要继续按照集中申报方式办理通关手续的,应当重新申请备案。 ...... |
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