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Notice of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council on Issuing the Guidelines for the Gratuitous Transfer of the Enterprises' State-owned Property Rights (No. 25 [2009] of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission) All central enterprises, In order to further regulate the gratuitous transfer of state-owned property rights of central enterprises, better exercise the openness of government affairs, serve the enterprises and improve work efficiency, the State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission formulated the Guidelines for the Gratuitous Transfer of the Enterprises' State-owned Property Rights. They are hereby printed and distributed to you. Please comply with them. If you have any problem or suggestion during the implementation thereof, please timely report it to this Commission. State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council February 16, 2009 Guidelines for the Gratuitous Transfer of the Enterprises' State-owned Property Rights
| | 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会关于印发《企业国有产权无偿划转工作指引》的通知 (国资发产权[2009]25号) 各中央企业: 为进一步规范中央企业国有产权无偿划转行为,更好地实施政务公开,服务企业,提高办事效率,国资委制定了《企业国有产权无偿划转工作指引》,现印发给你们,请遵照执行。执行中有何问题和建议,请及时反馈我委。 国务院国有资产监督管理委员会 二〇〇九年二月十六日 企业国有产权无偿划转工作指引
Article 1 To regulate the gratuitous transfer of state-owned property rights of central enterprises, these Guidelines are formulated in accordance with the Interim Measures for the Administration of Gratuitous Transfer of State-owned Property Rights of Enterprises (hereinafter referred to asthe Measures) of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission (hereinafter referred to as the SASAC).
| | 第一条 为进一步规范中央企业国有产权无偿划转行为,根据国务院国有资产监督管理委员会(以下简称国资委)《企业国有产权无偿划转管理暂行办法》(以下简称《办法》),制定本指引。
Article 2 A one-man company invested and established by a wholly state-owned enterprise, wholly state-owned company or state-owned public institution, and a one-man company (hereinafter collectively referred to as state-owned one-man company) reinvested and established by it may act as the transferor (or transferee). If a state-owned one-man company acts as a transferor (transferee), the gratuitous transfer shall be deliberated by the board of directors. If there is no board of directors, the shareholder shall make a written resolution and affix seal thereto. If it is to gratuitously transfer the property rights of a wholly state-owned enterprise to a wholly state-owned company or state-owned one-man company, the enterprise shall be restructured into a company in accordance with law.
| | 第二条 国有独资企业、国有独资公司、国有事业单位投资设立的一人有限责任公司及其再投资设立的一人有限责任公司(以下统称国有一人公司),可以作为划入方(划出方)。 国有一人公司作为划入方(划出方)的,无偿划转事项由董事会审议;不设董事会的,由股东作出书面决议,并加盖股东印章。 国有独资企业产权拟无偿划转国有独资公司或国有一人公司持有的,企业应当依法改制为公司。
Article 3 The gratuitous transfer of the state-owned property rights of an enterprise to or from a central enterprise or its subsidiary shall be governed by these Guidelines.
| | 第三条 中央企业及其子企业无偿划入(划出)企业国有产权的,适用本指引。
Article 4 A central enterprise or its subsidiary to which the state-owned property rights of an enterprise is to be gratuitously transferred shall satisfy the requirements of the SASAC regarding the reduction of the enterprise management levels, and in principle the enterprise management levels after the transfer shall not exceed 3 levels. ...... | | 第四条 中央企业及其子企业无偿划入企业国有产权,应当符合国资委有关减少企业管理层次的要求,划转后企业管理层次原则上不超过三级。
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