May 31, 2010
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Notice of the People's Bank of China on Issues concerning the 2010 Financial Statistical System for Chinese-funded Financial Enterprises [Effective]
中国人民银行关于2010年中资金融机构金融统计制度有关事项的通知 [现行有效]
Notice of the People's Bank of China on Issues concerning the 2010 Financial Statistical System for Chinese-funded Financial Enterprises
(No.9 [2010] of the People's Bank of China)
Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China, all branches and business management departments of the People's Bank of China, and the central sub-branches of the People's Bank of China in all capital cities of provinces and autonomous regions; all policy banks, state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks; Postal Savings Bank of China:
To adapt to the changes in the macroeconomic and financial situations, improve the accuracy and completeness of financial statistics, correctly analyze and appraise the macroeconomic and financial policies, enhance the standardization of the statistical work, apply the financial statistical standards and meet the international practices, the People's Bank of China has adjusted and amended some statistical indicators on the basis of the 2009 financial statistical system. We hereby notify you of the relevant issues as follows:


I. Major amendments in the 2010 financial statistical system for Chinese-funded financial institutions.
1. Amendment to the “consolidated” RMB statistical indicators (see Annex 1)
(1) Adding the statistical indicators of non-resident counterparty to meet the needs of the RMB settlement business in cross-border trade.
(2) Adjusting the statistical indicators of domestic inter-bank transactions against the Coding Standards for Financial Institutions.
(3) Comprehensively adjusting the statistical indicators of “short-term loans” and “mid- and long-term loans”, ending the original loan classification indicators, adding loan indicators with subject classification signs, and separately setting the statistical indicators of ordinary M&A loans, syndicated loans and trade loans.
(4) Adjusting the statistical indicators related with negotiable securities.
(5) Adding the statistical indicators of “term deposits of organs and organizations” and “term deposits of the army”.
(6) Adjusting the statistical contents of “personal loans and overdrafts” in the sector-based classification of loans.
(7) Adding the statistical indicator of “real estates for investment”.
(8) Ending some statistical indicators of “reserves”.
(9) Ending some statistical indicators of the Quarterly Report on Regulatory Indicators (A1302).
2. Amendment to the “consolidated” foreign exchange statistical indicators (see Annex 2)
(1) Adding the statistical indicators of non-resident counterparty.
(2) Adjusting the statistical indicators of domestic inter-bank transactions against the Coding Standards for Financial Institutions.
(3) Adjusting the statistical indicators related with negotiable securities.
(4) Adjusting the statistical contents of “personal loans and overdrafts” in the sector-based classification of loans.
(5) Adding the statistical indicator of “real estates for investment”.
(6) Ending some statistical indicators of “reserves”.
(7) Ending the statements of the Quarterly Report on Regulatory Indicators (A2302).
3. Adjusting the institution grouping method for the credit receipt and payment statement and the method for preparing the statement and amending the items of the statement (see Annex 3).
4. Adding the special statistical indicators of loans to domestic small-, medium- and large- sized enterprises (see Annex 4).
5. Adjusting the special statistical system for bank acceptances (see Annex 5).
6. Adjusting the statistical indicators in a weekly report, a flash report and a ten-day report and the correlation with the statistical indicators in a “consolidated” monthly report (see Annex 6).
7. Ending the statistical indicators of cumulative amounts of granted and recovered loans of the submitting financial institution (see Annex 7).
II. Reporting Time in 2010
1. Time of financial institutions (headquarters) to report statistical data to the People's Bank of China in 2010
(1) Daily report: The 21 major financial institutions shall report the national deposit and loan data of the previous workday before 15:00 each day except a statutory holiday and the two-day weekend. If the previous workday falls on a Friday, the last day of a ten-day period of a month or the last day of a month, no daily report is required.
Shanghai Headquarters of the People's Bank of China, all branches and business management departments of the People's Bank of China, and all the central sub-branches of the People's Bank of China in all capital cities of provinces and autonomous regions shall, from the 26th day of each month to the first workday of next month, report the gathered data of the previous workday about deposits and loans of small- and medium-sized financial institutions (including foreign-funded banks) within their respective jurisdictions before 15:00 of each day. If the last day of a month falls on a statutory holiday or the two-day weekend, they shall report the daily data of the previous workday and the last day of the month on the first workday of next month. No report is required to be made on a statutory holiday or the two-day weekend.
(2) Weekly report: the RMB data of last Friday shall be reported before 15:00 of the first workday of each week.
(3) Ten-day report: the data of the last day of the first or middle ten-day period of a month shall be reported before 15:00 of the first workday after the end of the ten-day period. If the last day of a ten-day period falls on a Friday, no ten-day report is required.
(4) Flash monthly report: the data of the last day of the last month shall be reported before 15:00 of the first workday after the end of the month. If the last day of a month falls on a Friday, no flash monthly report is required.
(5) Monthly report:
The first batch of statements shall be submitted before 16:00 on the 4th day after the end of each month. If the fourth day falls on a statutory holiday, time of submission shall be postponed according to the number of holidays. No postponement is made if it falls on the two-day weekend.
The second batch of statements shall be submitted before 16:00 on the 10th day after the end of each month, and the time of submission shall be postponed to the next day if it falls on a statutory holiday or the two-day weekend.
(6) Quarterly report: this report shall be submitted before 16:00 on the 20th day after the end of each quarter, and the time of submission shall be postponed to the next day if it falls on a statutory holiday or the two-day weekend.
(7) Annual report: this report shall be submitted before May 12 of next year.
(8) Carryover figures: the monthly report carryover figures in 2010 shall be reported before January 22, 2010.
See Annex 8 for the details of the above contents.
2. All banks shall, before the end of January 2010, report their measures and methods for implementing the 2010 financial statistical rules to the People's Bank of China, notify the People's Bank of China in a timely manner about their organizational changes, reform of accounting rules, adjustment of internal control mechanisms, improvement of information systems and other recent developments, and strengthen statistical analysis. The relevant documents shall be submitted by fax to the Financial Survey and Statistics Department of the People's Bank of China within 6 days after the end of each month.
1. Amendment to the “Consolidated” RMB Statistical Indicators (omitted)
2. Amendment to the “Consolidated” Foreign Exchange Statistical Indicators (omitted)
3. Adjustment of the Financial Statistical Statements (omitted)
4. Adding the Special Statistical Indicators of Loans to Domestic Small-, Medium- and Large-scaled Enterprises (omitted)
5. Adjustment of the Special Statistical System for Bank Acceptances (omitted)
6. Adjustment of the Statistical Indicators of a Weekly Report, a Flash Report and a Ten-day Report and the Correlation with the Statistical Indicators of a “Consolidated” Monthly Report (omitted)
7. Ending the Submission of Statistical Indicators of Cumulative Amounts of Granted and Recovered Loans (omitted)
8. Time of Submission by Statements through the Data Centralization System, Submitting Institutions and Scope of Data (omitted)
People's Bank of China
January 12, 2010
为适应《跨境贸易人民币结算试点管理办法》(中国人民银行 财政部 商务部 海关总署 国家税务总局 中国银行业监督管理委员会公告[2009]第10号发布)有关规定,完善人民币统计指标,准确、全面反映银行业与非居民交易所形成的资产、负债情况,2010年对人民币资产负债统计指标进行调整,在部分指标下增设非居民交易对手。
 1.增设金融机构与境外同业往来类人民币统计指标。主要在“6.存放同业款项” (12012)、“8.拆放同业”(12037)、“15.存放同业定期款项”(12321)、“4.同业存放款” (12407)、“5.同业拆借”(12437)、“6.同业存放定期款项”(12617)项下分别增设二级科目“存放境外”(12725)、“拆放境外”(12727)、“存放境外”(12752)、“境外存放”(12754)、“境外拆入”(12755)和“境外存放”(12761)。
 2.在“9.短期贷款”(12060)和“1.中长期贷款”(12237)下增设二级子科目“对非居民贷款”(12728/12742),并下设三级子科目“非金融国际组织”(12729/12743)、“国际金融组织” (12730/12744)、“政府”(12731/12745)、“金融机构”(12732/12746)(下设四级子科目“中央银行”(12733/12747)、“银行业金融机构”(12734/12748)和“非银行业金融机构”(12735/ 12749))、“非金融企业”(12736/12750)和“个人”(12737/12751)。

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