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Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Issuing the Measures for the Supervision of the Implementation of the Policy of Home Appliances Going to the Countryside and the Punishments on Violations [Expired]
财政部、商务部、工业和信息化部关于印发《家电下乡政策执行监管及违规处理办法》的通知 [失效]


Notice of the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Commerce and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology on Issuing the Measures for the Supervision of the Implementation of the Policy of Home Appliances Going to the Countryside and the Punishments on Violations
(No.151 [2011] of the Ministry of Finance)
The public finance departments (bureaus), competent commerce departments and competent departments of industry and information technology of all provinces, autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government and cities under separate state planning; and the Public Finance Bureau, the Commerce Bureau and the Department of Industry and Information Technology of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps:
To implement the relevant provisions of the Detailed Rules for the Operation of Home Appliances Going to the Countryside (No.155 [2009] of the Ministry of Finance) and the Urgent Notice on the Relevant Issues on Strengthening the Supervision of Home Appliances Going to the Countryside and Home Appliances Trade-in to Prevent Subsidy Fraud (No.1 [2011] of the Ministry of Finance) and other documents, further strengthen the functions of supervision on home appliances going to the countryside and the punishment on violations, and promote the smooth implementation of the work of home appliances going to the countryside, we have formulated the Measures for the Supervision of the Implementation of the Policy of Home Appliances Going to the Countryside and the Punishments on Violations (see Annex) upon research, which are hereby issued to you for your compliance and implementation. Please report any problem encountered during implementation in a timely manner.
Annex: Measures for the Supervision of the Implementation of the Policy of Home Appliances Going to the Countryside and the Punishments on Violations
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Commerce
Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
April 12, 2011
Measures for the Supervision of the Implementation of the Policy of Home Appliances Going to the Countryside and the Punishments on Violations



Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 To urge all localities to effectively strengthen the supervision of the implementation of the policy of home appliances going to the countryside, promote the standard operation of manufacturing enterprises and distribution enterprises winning bids and their filed sales outlets (hereinafter referred to as the “filed outlets”), and ensure the orderly implementation of the work of home appliances going to the countryside, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Detailed Rules for the Operation of Home Appliances Going to the Countryside (No.155 [2009] of the Ministry of Finance) and other relevant provisions.
   第一条 为督促各地切实加强家电下乡政策执行监管,促进中标生产企业、中标流通企业及其备案销售网点(以下简称“备案网点”)规范经营,确保家电下乡工作有序开展,根据《家电下乡操作细则》(财建[2009]155号)等有关规定,制定本办法。
Article 2 The local authorities shall be mainly responsible for supervising the implementation of the policy of home appliances going to the countryside, the departments in charge of the program of home appliances going to the countryside including those of public finance, commerce and industry and information technology of all provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities directly under the Central Government, cities under separate state planning and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps), the manufacturing enterprises and distribution enterprises winning bids and their filed outlets and the relevant individuals shall abide by these Measures.
   第二条 家电下乡政策执行监管的主要责任在地方,各省(自治区、直辖市、计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团)财政、商务、工业和信息化等家电下乡主管部门、中标生产企业、中标流通企业及其备案网点及相关个人,应当遵守本办法规定。
Chapter II Supervision Functions of the Departments in Charge of the Program of Home Appliances Going to the Countryside and Punishments on their Violations

第二章 家电下乡主管部门监管职责及违规处罚

Article 3 The provincial departments of public finance, commerce and industry and information technology shall, jointly with the relevant departments, urge local authorities to strengthen daily supervision, carry out major inspection and sampling check, form a continual supervision pressure, and urge all localities to strictly carry out the policy of home appliances going to the countryside, so as to guarantee the smooth implementation of work.
   第三条 省级财政、商务、工业和信息化部门应当会同有关部门督促地方加强日常监管,并开展重点检查和抽查,形成持续监管压力,督促各地严格执行家电下乡政策,保障工作顺利实施。
Article 4 The local public finance departments shall be responsible for supervising the examination and payment of subsidies for home appliances going to the countryside and the safety of financial funds. The provincial public finance department shall attach equal importance to special inspection and major sampling check, urge county and township public finance departments to effectively carry out the policy of home appliances going to the countryside, and prevent subsidy defraud.
   第四条 地方财政部门对家电下乡补贴资金审核兑付工作以及财政资金安全负有监管职责。省级财政部门要专项检查和重点抽查并举,督促县乡财政部门落实好家电下乡政策,防止骗补行为发生。
1. The provincial public finance department shall, after receiving the subsidies allocated by the central treasury in advance, arrange in full amount subsidies which shall be paid by it, and timely allocate the money in advance according to the payment of subsidies in all localities. In the case of deficiency of the actually paid subsidies, the provincial public finance department shall make advance payment. Any department failing to effectively implement this Article found in inspections shall be given a criticism in a circulated notice within the sector.
2. The township or town public finance office shall strictly carry out the policy of home appliances going to the countryside, earnestly examine the materials on the payment of subsidies for farmers, earnestly examine the completeness and authenticity of materials, and timely and accurately grant subsidies. Where the materials and information are not complete, the said office shall suspend the payment of subsidies and conduct a thorough examination of suspected fraud, if it is, jointly with the relevant departments. Where the merchants make advance payment of subsidies, the township or town public finance office may only allocate subsidies after examining and confirming the invoices, logos for home appliances going to the countryside (hereinafter referred to as the “logos”), and the identity card, household register and other materials of the purchaser. The payment of subsidies shall be announced in a timely manner for the people's supervision. Any office failing to effectively carry out this Article found in inspections shall be given a criticism in a circulated notice within the sector, cancelled of the qualification for excellence appraisal of that year, and its work funds shall be reduced as the case may be.
3. The county or township public finance department shall periodically conduct sampling inspections on a certain proportion of the farmers who have received subsidies as shown in the information management system for home appliances going to the countryside (hereinafter referred to as the “information system”) by making phone calls, conducting on-site investigation, etc., and create special files for the sampling inspection. Where the merchants make advance payment of subsidies, the township or town public finance office shall inspect each farmer who received subsidies for two or more home appliances by himself or by another person on his behalf. Any department failing to effectively implement this Article found in inspections shall be given a criticism in a circulated notice within the sector and be cancelled of the qualification for excellence appraisal of that year.
4. The local public finance department at each level shall normalize the data analysis of the information system jointly with the commerce department, and timely examine any abnormal data or suspected subsidy fraud and make examination records. Any department failing to effectively implement this Article shall be given a criticism in a circulated notice within the sector.
Article 5 The local commerce department shall be responsible for supervising the sales of home appliances going to the countryside by the sales enterprises winning bids and their filed sales outlets, and the application and use of logos by the manufacturing enterprises winning bids within its administrative region. It shall strengthen supervision, inspection and sampling check, and effectively regulate the acts of enterprises under the program of home appliances going to the countryside.
   第五条 地方商务部门对行政区域内中标销售企业及其备案销售网点家电下乡产品销售、中标生产企业标识卡申领及使用等负有监管职责。要加大监督检查和重点抽查力度,切实规范企业家电下乡行为。
1. The provincial commerce department shall strengthen the supervision and administration of the sales enterprises winning bids and their filed outlets, prepare the standards for the uniform filing of sales outlets under the program of home appliances going to the countryside, and direct and urge county commerce departments to do a good job in filing sales outlets. Any department failing to effectively implement this Article found in inspections shall be given a criticism in a circulated notice within the sector.
2. The provincial commerce department shall, jointly with the departments of industry and information technology, public finance, etc., strengthen the supervision, inspection and irregular sampling check of application, production, distribution and circulation of logos of manufacturing enterprises winning bids, and prevent the abuse of logos. It shall conduct sampling check of the application, production, distribution and circulation of logos of manufacturing enterprises winning bids at least once each month. Where a manufacturing enterprise winning the bid needs to apply for logos exceeding the quota under special circumstances, the provincial commerce department shall examine the relevant circumstances, timely put forward suggestions and take responsibility. Any department failing to effectively implement this Article found in inspections shall be given a criticism in a circulated notice within the sector and be cancelled of the qualification for excellence appraisal of that year.

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