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Notice of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Strengthening the Administration of the Clauses and Premium Rates for Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance [Expired]
中国保险监督管理委员会关于加强机动车辆商业保险条款费率管理的通知 [失效]
Notice of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission on Strengthening the Administration of the Clauses and Premium Rates for Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance
(No. 16 [2012] of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission)
All property insurance companies, all offices of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission, and the Insurance Association of China:
In order to further regulate the market order of commercial motor vehicle insurance (hereinafter referred to as "commercial vehicle insurance"), improve the regulatory system for commercial vehicle insurance, and follow the principle of protecting public interests and preventing unfair competition, and in accordance with the Insurance Law of the People's Republic of China, the Measures for the Administration of Insurance Clauses and Insurance Premium Rates of Property Insurance Companies and other relevant laws, regulations and provisions, we hereby notify you of the issues concerning the strengthening of the administration of commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates as follows:


I. Principles for determining commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates
1. Insurance companies shall determine the commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates according to laws, administrative regulations and the provisions of the China Insurance Regulatory Commission (“CIRC”). Insurance companies shall assume corresponding legal responsibility for the commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates they set.
Insurance companies shall submit the commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates they set to the CIRC for approval. Insurance companies shall strictly implement the commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates approved by the CIRC.
2. When determining commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates, insurance companies shall follow the principles of compliance, impartiality, reasonability, honesty, credibility and pellucidity.
When determining commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates, insurance companies shall follow the principle of sufficiency and the principle of fairness, and ensure that insurance clauses and premium rates are commensurate with the insurance liability and are able to cover the risk transfer cost, and may not endanger the financial soundness and solvency of insurance companies or damage the legal rights and interests of policyholders and the insured.
3. The Insurance Association of China (“IAC”) shall organize professionals to research and develop the Model Clauses of Commercial Motor Vehicle Insurance of the Insurance Association of China (hereinafter referred to as “Model Clauses”), the referential depreciation factors database, and the vehicle models database for reference and use by the insurance companies.
The IAC shall gather, collect statistics of and analyze data on the sector-wide commercial vehicle insurance business, and calculate the referential net loss ratio for the commercial vehicle insurance business sector at least once every two years for reference and use by the insurance companies.
The IAC shall report the Model Clauses and the referential net loss ratio for the insurance sector to the CIRC.
4. Insurance companies shall refer to or use the Model Clauses to determine their own commercial vehicle insurance clauses, and use the referential net loss ratio for the insurance sector to determine their own commercial vehicle insurance premium rates.
Insurance companies, whose composite cost rate is lower than average in the insurance sector and lower than 100% for two consecutive accounting years, may duly increase the insurance liability for commercial vehicle insurance clauses on the basis of the Model Clauses when determining their commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates according to the referential net loss ratio for the insurance sector.
When using the Model Clauses and the referential net loss ratio for the insurance sector, insurance companies shall, during the course of implementation, report problems they encounter to the IAC. The IAC shall organize member entities to assess the problems, make demonstration and modifications, and report the relevant information to the CIRC.
5. Insurance companies, which satisfy the following conditions, may determine their commercial vehicle insurance clauses and premium rates on the basis of their own data:
(1) their governance structure is sound, their internal control system is healthy and has been effectively implemented, their data is sufficient and authentic, and they have been operating the commercial vehicle insurance business for three full fiscal years or more;
(2) their audited composite cost rate is lower than 100% in the last two consecutive fiscal years;
(3) their audited solvency adequacy ratio is higher than 150% in the last two consecutive fiscal years;
(4) they have commercial insurance underwriting data for 300,000 or more motor vehicles;
(5) they have a special team to develop commercial vehicle insurance products, have management personnel who are familiar with laws and vehicle insurance pricing practices, and have established sound operation flows and information systems; and
(6) other conditions as set forth by the CIRC.
6. Insurance companies, which determine their commercial vehicle insurance clauses on the basis of their own data, shall extensively and publicly solicit opinions and organize experts to conduct appraisal on the clauses in light of the actual needs.
II. Requirements on the determination and implementation of commercial vehicle insurance clauses

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