Announcement No. 4 [2006] of the General Administration of Customs——Releasing the List of First Batch of Watches in Possession of Hong Kong Proprietary Brand
Announcement of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China | | 海關總署公告 |
(No. 4 [2006]) | | (2006年第4號) |
In accordance with regulations in Announcement No. 54, 2005 of the General Administration of Customs, the List of First Batch of Watches in Possession of Hong Kong Proprietary Brand (see Appendix) has been affirmed by related departments, and is now promulgated. | | 根據海關總署公告2005年第54號有關確認“香港自有品牌”手表名單程序的規定,第一批香港自有品牌手表清單(見附件)已經有關部門確認,現予公布。對申報進口清單所列香港自有品牌的手表,海關憑香港原產地證書簽發機構出具的原產地證書按照《內地與香港關于建立更緊密經貿關系的安排》的規定驗放。 |
For the watches in possession of Hong Kong Proprietary Brand in the import list, the customs shall transact checking procedures in accordance with Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement. | | 特此公告。 |
Appendix: List of First Batch of Watches in Possession of Hong Kong Proprietary Brand ...... | | 附件:第一批香港自有品牌手表清單 ...... |
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