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Measures for Election of Deputies of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic China to the Ninth National People's Congress (Adopted at the Fifth Session of the Eighth National People's Congress on March 14, 1997)
| | 中華人民共和國香港特別行政區選舉第九屆全國人民代表大會代表的辦法 (1997年3月14日第八屆全國人民代表大會第五次會議通過)
Article 1 These Measures are enacted in accordance with the Constitution of the People's Republic of China, the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China and the provisions of the third paragraph of Article 15 of the Electoral Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses of the People's Republic of China and in view of the actual conditions of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
| | 第一條 根據中華人民共和國憲法、中華人民共和國香港特別行政區基本法以及中華人民共和國全國人民代表大會和地方各級人民代表大會選舉法第十五條第三款的規定,結合香港特別行政區的實際情況,制定本辦法。
Article 2 The election of deputies of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to the Ninth National People's Congress shall be under the direction of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
| | 第二條 香港特別行政區選舉第九屆全國人民代表大會代表由全國人民代表大會常務委員會主持。
Article 3 The number of deputies to be elected from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to the Ninth National People's Congress is 36.
| | 第三條 香港特別行政區應選第九屆全國人民代表大會代表的名額為三十六名。
Article 4 Deputies to be elected from the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region to the National People's Congress shall be Chinese citizens among residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
| | 第四條 香港特別行政區選舉的全國人民代表大會代表必須是香港特別行政區居民中的中國公民。
Article 5 An Election Council for Deputies to the Ninth National People's Congress shall be formed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. The Election Council shall be composed of the Chinese citizens from among members of the Selection Committee for the First Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, as prescribed by the Decision of the National People's Congress on the Method for the Formation of the First Government and the First Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, the members of the Eighth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference from among residents of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region who are not members of the Selection Committee and the members of the Provisional Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region who are Chinese citizens. However, those who have expressed their unwillingness to become members of the Election Council shall be excepted. The name list of the members of the Election Council shall be proclaimed by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.
| | 第五條 香港特別行政區成立第九屆全國人民代表大會代表選舉會議。選舉會議由《全國人民代表大會關于香港特別行政區第一屆政府和立法會產生辦法的決定》中規定的第一屆政府推選委員會委員中的中國公民,以及不是推選委員會委員的香港特別行政區居民中的中國人民政治協商會議第八屆全國委員會委員和香港特別行政區臨時立法會議員中的中國公民組成。但本人提出不願參加的除外。 選舉會議成員名單由全國人民代表大會常務委員會公布。
Article 6 The first meeting of the Election Council shall be convened by the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, at which 11 of its members shall be elected to form a presidium, and these members shall elect an executive chairman of the Presidium. The Presidium shall preside over the Election Council. The Election Council shall, upon proposal by the Presidium, formulate specific measures for election according to these Measures.
| | 第六條 選舉會議第一次會議由全國人民代表大會常務委員會召集,推選十一名選舉會議成員組成主席團,主席團從其成員中推選常務主席一人。 主席團主持選舉會議。 選舉會議根據主席團的提議,依照本辦法制定具體選舉辦法。
Article 7 Ten or more members of the Election Council may jointly nominate candidates for deputies. The number of candidates for deputies jointly nominated by each member shall not be greater than the number to be elected.
| | 第七條 選舉會議成員十人以上聯名,可以提出代表候選人。每一名成員參加聯名提出的代表候選人不得超過應選名額。
Article 8 Competitive election shall be adopted and, specifically, the number of candidates for deputies to the Ninth National People's Congress shall be 20 to 50 percent greater than the number of deputies to be elected by the Election Council. A ballot shall be directly held if the number of nominees is within the proportion of 50 percent for competitive election. If the number of nominees exceeds the proportion of 50 percent for competitive election, a ballot shall be held by all the members of the Election Council. A formal list of candidates shall be decided upon in order of the number of votes that the nominees have obtained and on condition that the proportion of 50 percent for competitive election is not exceeded, and then a ballot for deputies shall be held.
| | 第八條 選舉會議選舉第九屆全國人民代表大會代表的候選人應多于應選人數五分之一至二分之一,進行差額選舉。 提名的候選人名額如果沒有超過應選名額二分之一的差額比例,直接進行投票選舉。提名的候選人名額如果超過應選名額二分之一差額比例,由選舉會議全體成員進行投票,根據候選人得票多少的順序,按照不超過二分之一的差額比例,確定正式候選人名單,進行投票選舉。
Article 9 Secret ballot shall be adopted by the Election Council in the election of deputies to the Ninth National People's Congress. When an election is held by the Election Council, if the number of votes cast is greater than the number of voters, the election shall be null and void; if the number of votes cast is equal to or less than the number of voters, the election shall be valid. A ballot shall be nullified if the number of candidates voted for is greater than the number of deputies to be elected; it shall be valid if the number of candidates voted for is equal to or less than the number of deputies to be elected.
| | 第九條 選舉會議選舉第九屆全國人民代表大會代表采用無記名投票的方式。 選舉會議進行選舉時,所投的票數多于投票人數的無效,等于或者少于投票人數的有效。 每一選票所選的人數,多于應選人數的作廢,等于或者少于應選人數的有效。
Article 10 Candidates for deputies who have obtained more votes shall be elected. Where the number of votes for some candidates is tied, making it impossible to determine the ones elected, another ballot shall be conducted for these candidates to resolve the tie, and the ones who have obtained more votes shall be elected.
| | 第十條 代表候選人以得票多的當選。如遇票數相等不能確定當選人時,應當就票數相等的候選人再次投票,以得票多的當選。
Article 11 The Presidium shall announce the result of election and submit it to the Credentials Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress. The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress shall, on the basis of the report of the Credentials Committee, affirm the qualification of the deputies and publish the name list of the deputies. | | 第十一條 選舉結果由主席團予以宣布,並報全國人民代表大會常務委員會代表資格審查委員會。 全國人民代表大會常務委員會根據代表資格審查委員會提出的報告,確認代表資格,公布代表名單。 |
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