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Notice of the General Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Transmitting the Four Interim Procedures Including the Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Repository of Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget Formulated Respectively by the Municipal Development & Reform [Effective]
上海市人民政府辦公廳關于轉發市發展改革委等四部門分別制訂的《上海市市級建設財力項目儲備庫管理暫行辦法》、《上海市市級建設財力項目財務監理管理暫行辦法》、《上海市市級建設財力項目工程監理管理暫行辦法》等四個暫行辦法的通知 [現行有效]
Notice of the General Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Transmitting the Four Interim Procedures Including the Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Repository of Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget Formulated Respectively by the Municipal Development & Reform
(SMPG GO G[2010]No. 41)
The Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Repository of Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget formulated by the Municipal Development &Reform Commission,the Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Financial Supervision over Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budgetby the Municipal Finance Bureau,the Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Engineering Supervision over Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budgetby the Municipal Urban Construction and Communications Commission,and the Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Supervision over the Auditing of Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budgetby the Municipal Auditing Bureau have all been approved by the Municipal People's Government.We hereby transmitthem to you and request you to implement them conscientiously.
the General Office of Shanghai Municipal People's Government
Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Repository of Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget


Article 1 (Purposes) With a view to ensuring more scientific and democratic decision-making in government-invested projects, and improving the overall balance in basic construction expenditures within the municipal financial budget (hereinafter referred to as the “Municipal Construction Budget”), these Procedures are formulated in accordance with the provisions of the Decision of the State Council on Reforming the Investment System and the Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget.
   第一條 (目的)
Article 2 (Repository of Projects) The investment projects that need balanced investment from the Municipal Construction Budget shall be included in the repository of Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget (hereinafter referred to as the “Repository of Projects”) according to the provisions of these Interim Procedures. The projects listed in the repository shall receive priority in decision-making.
   第二條 (項目儲備庫)
Article 3 (Division of Responsibilities) The Municipal Development & Reform Commission shall be responsible for the examination, approval, administration and updating of the projects in the repository; the relevant municipal departments and all district/county development & reform commissions shall be responsible for the preliminary examination and application of the projects for their inclusion in the repository.
   第三條 (責任分工)
Article 4 (Time of Application) The method of centralized application shall be adopted by projects in their application to be listed in the repository. The relevant municipal departments and the district/county development & reform commissions shall, according to the specific requirements put forward by the Municipal Development & Reform Commission, submit in a centralized method the projects applying for entry into the repository to the superior department from August 1 to August 30 each year. During other periods of time the relevant municipal departments and the district/county development & reform commissions may apply to make additions and adjustments to the submitted projects.
   第四條 (申報時間)
Article 5 (Requirements for Application) The relevant municipal departments and the district/county development & reform commissions shall submit to the Municipal Development & Reform Commission the basic information of the projects applying for entry into the repository, mainly including the project's name, background, construction type, place, contents, scale, estimated total investment, fund source, and other basic information. The construction and communications projects of this Municipality shall be submitted in a unified manner by the Municipal Urban Construction and Communications Commission upon overall consideration of a need for balance. Where one department submits two or more projects for application, this applicant department shall arrange these projects in order of importance and maturity. If those projects are related to each other and require the coordination of many departments, the applicant department shall take the initiative to communicate with the relevant departments in advance to do well the overall balance and resources sharing among projects.
   第五條 (申報要求)
Article 6 (Management of Projects in the Repository) The Municipal Development & Reform Commission shall conduct classified management and dynamic adjustment of the projects in the repository according to the maturity and progress of their preparatory work. According to their maturity, the projects in the repository shall be classified into four categories: A, B, C, and D. A system of progressive upgrading from Category D to Category A shall be adopted for projects of all categories. The specific requirements for project classification and upgrading are as follows: Category D: projects which comply with the direction of the economic and social development planning, but have not been included in the relevant planning yet. Category C: projects which comply with the State and municipal macro-control policies, have been included in the Municipality's national economic and social development planning, special planning, or development and construction planning, and fall within the key work of the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal People's Government, and whose preparatory work is to be launched in the near future. Category B: projects which fall within Category C and for which the written proposals have been approved, having upgraded to Category B. Category A: those Category B projects whose feasibility study reports have been approved, having upgraded to Category A; those Category C projects whose feasibility study reports (or whose written proposals) have been approved, or whose funding application reports have been approved, having upgraded to Category A. The Municipal Development & Reform Commission and the Municipal Finance Bureau shall be responsible for the linkage between the Repository of Projects and the investment plan of the Municipal Construction Budget. Category A shall be automatically moved out of the repository upon being included in the investment plan of the Municipal Construction Budget; Category D that have failed to be upgraded to Category C or other categories within two years shall be moved out of the repository automatically. In principle, the projects that are not listed in the repository shall not be covered by the investment plan of the Municipal Construction Budget. The applicant department may consult the repository information system for repository project classification, upgrading, etc.
   第六條 (儲備庫項目管理)
Article 7 (Pre-arrangement of Upfront Expenses for Projects in the Repository) The Municipal Development & Reform Commission shall, jointly with the relevant departments, select from the repository those projects involving a large total investment, complex engineering and many social aspects, launch the preparatory work of such projects, and put them on the list of launching preparatory research within the year. The applicant department of these listed projects shall submit the estimated upfront expenses to the Municipal Development & Reform Commission. The upfront expenses shall be pre-arranged in the Municipal Construction Budget after the Municipal Development & Reform Commission consults with the Municipal Finance Bureau and submits them to the Municipal People's Government and obtains the latter's approval.
   第七條 (入庫項目的前期費用預安排)
Article 8 (The Uses and Appropriation of the Upfront Expenses) The upfront expenses include the expenses for preparation of written project proposals, feasibility study reports, environmental impact evaluation reports, preliminary designs, and cost estimates, for survey and design, for bidding agency service, and for patent or proprietary technology use, and other such expenses. The specific fee standards shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of the State and this Municipality. The upfront expenses may, according to the actual situation, be arranged in the stage of the written project proposal and the stage of the project feasibility study respectively. The payment of the upfront expenses of the projects for which government procurement and State treasury centralized payment are adopted shall be handled according to the relevant provisions on government procurement and State treasury centralized payment.
   第八條 (前期費用的使用範圍和撥付)
Article 9 (Disbursal and Supervision of the Upfront Expenses) Upon the written approval of the project proposal, the upfront expenses of the project shall be included in the construction costs according to the relevant provisions. In the case of projects whose upfront expenses have already been arranged, but which fail to be approved or have been approved but are cancelled later, the upfront expenses already spent shall be cancelled upon verification after the Municipal Auditing Bureau has organized the auditing and the user unit has obtained the approval of the Municipal Finance Bureau. If there is a balance remaining from the arranged upfront expenses, that balance shall be promptly handed over to the State treasury according to the provisions in a timely manner and any misappropriations for other purposes are strictly prohibited. The use and management of the upfront expenses shall be subject to the supervision and inspection of the Municipal Finance Bureau and the Municipal Auditing Bureau.
   第九條 (前期費用的列支和監督)
Article 10 (Supplementary Provisions) These Interim Procedures shall be interpreted by the Municipal Development & Reform Commission and implemented within 30 days after the date of their printing and distribution.
Shanghai Municipal Development & Reform Commission September 30, 2010
Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of the Financial Supervision over Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget
   第十條 (附則)
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 總則

Article 1 (Purposes and Basis) With a view to further improving the operation efficiency and utilization efficacy of the Municipal Construction Budget of this Municipality and properly standardizing the financial (investment) supervision (hereinafter referred to as the “Financial Supervision”) over the Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget of this Municipality, these Interim Procedures are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Budget Law of the People's Republic of China, the Provisions on the Management of Basic Construction Finance, the Provisions on the Administration of Public Finance Investment Appraisal and Examination, and the Interim Procedures of Shanghai Municipality on the Administration of Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget.
   第一條 (目的依據)
Article 2 (Application Scope) The Financial Supervision system shall be adopted for the investment projects arranged by the basic construction expenditures within the municipal financial budget (hereinafter referred to as the “Municipal Construction Budget”). The “Financial Supervision system” in these Interim Procedures means the whole-process fund monitoring, financial management, investment control and performance evaluation of the municipal-construction-budget-financed projects conducted by the Municipal Finance Bureau in conjunction with the competent project administrative department and the project unit via bidding, by selecting a professional non-governmental agency (hereinafter referred to as the “Financial Supervision Institution”), and according to the laws, rules, regulations and other relevant provisions.
   第二條 (適用範圍)
Article 3 (Supervision Principle) The Financial Supervision Institution shall, according to the relevant laws and rules of the State, the project feasibility study report and the preliminary design, abide by the principle of lawfulness, impartiality and objectiveness in carrying out Financial Supervision and assume the corresponding examination liability and legal liability.
   第三條 (監理原則)
Article 4 (Division of Functions and Duties) The Municipal Finance Bureau is this Municipality's competent administrative department implementing the Financial Supervision system over Projects Financed by the Municipal Construction Budget, and is responsible for administrating the entrustment, supervision, guidance and evaluation of the Financial Supervision Institutions. The competent project administrative department (including the competent administrative departments, municipal-level government investment institutions, and holding group corporations authorized by the State-owned assets supervision and administration commission) shall be responsible for assisting the Municipal Finance Bureau in carrying out the entrustment, supervision, guidance and evaluation of the Financial Supervision Institutions and shall assume the corresponding functions and duties in financial management. The project unit shall be responsible for cooperating with the Financial Supervision Institution to carry out work, promptly provide the relevant documentary materials and the necessary conditions for on-site working for the financial supervisor, have the right to put forward reasonable suggestions and requirements on work to the financial supervisor and participate in the evaluation of the Financial Supervision Institution. Shanghai Certified Public Accountants Association and Shanghai Construction Consultants Association shall, according to their respective functions and duties, conduct self-disciplinary management and supervision over the Financial Supervision Institution.
   第四條 (職能分工)
Chapter II Contents, Functions and Duties of the Financial Supervision

第二章 財務監理的內容和職責

Article 5 (Contents of Work) The Financial Supervision Institution shall be responsible for the fund monitoring, financial management, investment control (including the examination and approval of engineering cost settlement) and performance evaluation of the project financed by the Municipal Construction Budget in the whole process from the time of obtaining the written approval of the feasibility study report till passing the government auditing and final financial settlement upon project completion.
   第五條 (工作內容)
Article 6 (Fund Monitoring) Fund monitoring in the charge of the Financial Supervision Institution mainly includes:
   第六條 (資金監控)
1. assisting the project unit to formulate the annual and monthly fund use plans, examining and verifying these plans and issuing written opinions thereon; 2. assisting the project unit in conducting special management of the construction fund, and urging the project unit to use the construction fund according to the prescribed use, and preventing the acts of occupation, diversion to other uses and detention of the fund; 3. examining and verifying expenditures of all kinds to ensure that they meet the relevant State provisions, and preventing loss and occupation of the construction fund; and 4. examining and verifying the advance payment, progress payment, reserve payment and the payment for the project change visa, and issuing the written opinions.
Article 7 (Financial Management) Financial management in the charge of the Financial Supervision Institution mainly includes: 1. participating in the guidance of accounting of basic construction throughout the process, and assisting the project unit to formulate the relevant financial system and provisions;
2. assisting the project unit to set correctly the accounting titles, guiding it in standardizing the accounting measures, and participating in as well as examining and verifying the formulation of financial statements of all kinds;
3. examining the total budget of the project and the budget of the basic construction of each year, and issuing the written examination and verification report in a timely manner;
4. checking the monthly expenditure of the project, submitting an analysis report on investment implementation each quarter and an analysis report on investment completion each year; and, upon the completion of the whole project, examining all the expenses, examining and verifying the total cost of the project, conducting analysis by comparing the actual cost of the project with the estimated total cost, and providing the project unit with a report on the examination and verification of the general settlement;
   第七條 (財務管理)
5. assisting the project unit in the management and accounting of procurement, storage and use of the materials during the project construction process; and
6. assisting the project unit in formulating correctly the final financial settlement upon project completion, and assisting it in passing the government's auditing and its examination and approval of the final financial settlement upon project completion.
Article 8 (Investment Control) Investment control in the charge of the Financial Supervision Institution mainly includes:
1. Investment control in the design stage Assisting the project unit in conducting preliminary examination of the estimated cost of the preliminary development design, putting forward a technical and economic analysis and optimization suggestions of the preliminary design, and especially making specific analysis of and amendments to the main factors that affect the cost, and issuing the corresponding written opinions for the reference of the project unit.
2. Investment control in the preparatory stage Examining and verifying the upfront expenses, and issuing the corresponding written opinions. 3. Investment control in the bidding stage (1) participating in engineering surveys, designs, construction, construction supervision, equipment procurement and such other bidding work, examining and verifying the bidding documents and bill of quantities, and issuing the examination and verification opinions in writing; (2) participating in contract negotiation, and issuing the examination and verification opinions in writing on the reasonableness of the contract price, payment, change, claim and other such clauses in the contract; (3) forecasting uncertain factors that may arise in the engineering, such as price rises, design changes, unpredictable fees, etc., and issuing the relevant written opinions; and (4) participating in the price inquiry and examination and verification of the relevant projects, and issuing the relevant written opinions for the reference of the project unit.
4. Investment control in the project implementation stage (1) formulating the procedures and measures for field control of construction cost; (2) coordinating and cooperating with the engineering supervision unit in work (of quality and progress control), and implementing the visa system strictly; (3) attending the routine engineering meetings and other working meetings as required by the project unit, keeping track of the actual situation of the engineering progress, and implementing the tracking management of construction cost control; (4) examining and verifying the statement of monthly completed work submitted by the construction unit and approved by the engineering supervision unit, and providing the written proposal of the current month's payment, which can, upon acceptance by the project unit, serve as the basis for the current month's payment; (5) collecting relevant information on project engineering, learning the engineering process, assisting the project unit in examining and verifying the expenses that arise from design changes and on-site visas, and adjusting correspondingly the goal of the budget control; calculating the increases and decreases in engineering expenses arising from design alternations and the project unit's instructions, negotiating with the contract unit for a reasonable price arising from engineering changes that go beyond the contract, and avoiding unreasonable payment; (6) according to the monthly workload and payment in the project implementation stage, verifying the expenses for each change, and handling the total engineering settlement jointly with the project unit; (7) giving early warnings to the project unit of possible expense claims, and providing it with professional evaluation opinions, approximation of the cost, and counter-claim consultation, so as to guarantee the project unit's interests stipulated in the contract; and providing the project unit with consultation opinions of confirmation or feedback about the claim lodged by the relevant party; (8) assisting the project unit in inspecting the fulfillment of contracts of all kinds, preparing a report on contract fulfillment, and providing the whole set contracts, settlement (finalization) report and a summary of all expenses for the project unit's record; (9) examining and verifying the budget for the project construction drawings; (10) in terms of the materials and equipment of the project that need to be procured or whose prices need to be verified, inquiring about the prices or examining and verifying them according to the contract and the relevant provisions in a timely manner, and then issuing the examination and verification opinions in writing; (11) doing well the work of calculation and examination and verification of reinforcing steel bars and embedded parts of the project; and (12) regularly inspecting fulfillment of the contracts of procuring materials, equipment, etc. 5. Investment control in the settlement stage upon project completion Examining in a timely manner the projects' partial or whole cost settlement submitted by the construction unit, determining the cost of a single project impartially and reasonably, and putting forward a written report on the examination result (including the examination, verification and deduction of materials provided, equipment prices, consumption of water and electricity in the construction).
Article 9 (Performance Evaluation) The Financial Supervision Institution shall assist the competent project administrative department and the project unit to make objective and impartial performance evaluation on its economic, political, social and ecological efficacy after the project construction, issue a written performance evaluation report on the results, and provide in a timely manner the Municipal Finance Bureau therewith.
   第八條 (投資控制)
Chapter III Access and Choosing of Financial Supervisors
Article 10 (Access Conditions) The subject of the Financial Supervision Institution may be a cost consultation company, an accounting firm, or a union of a cost consultation company and an accounting firm. The consultation service for project cost settlement shall be undertaken according to the relevant provisions of the Interim Procedures on Settlement of Cost of Engineering Construction (FC [2004] No. 369). The Financial Supervision Institution shall also meet the following conditions:
1. The cost consultation company has the certificate of Grade A project cost consultancy enterprise for three years or more, and the accounting firm has existed for three years or more.
2. The institution is staffed by 20 or more professional and technical personnel engaged in the examination of project cost estimates, budget (settlement), financial settlement upon project completion, as well as staffed by professionals with the qualifications of certified cost engineer or certified public accountant.
3. In the past three years the institution has never violated discipline or regulation, and has good social credit and professional quality, and has complete and perfect systems of technical file management, quality control and financial management.
4. Its professionals entrusted to undertake the project Financial Supervision obey the State laws, rules and regulations, have a high professional quality and good professional ethics, and have no act of violating the law or regulation in the last three years.
Article 11 (Entrusted Subject) The entrusted subjects of the Financial Supervision Institutions are classified into the following three cases according to the investment modes of the Municipal Construction Budget:
1. In the case of a project in which the Municipal Construction Budget invests in the mode of capital input or interest subsidy, the competent project administrative department shall be responsible for entrusting the Financial Supervision Institution.
2. In the case of a project in which the Municipal Construction Budget invests in the investment grant mode, and which is implemented by the district/county, the financial department of the relevant district/county shall be responsible for entrusting the Financial Supervision Institution, and in the case of other projects, the competent project administrative department shall be responsible for entrusting the Financial Supervision Institution.
3. In the case of a project in which the Municipal Construction Budget invests in the direct investment mode, the entrustment falls into the following two categories according to the investment amount of the construction and installation engineering defined in the written approval of the feasibility study report: (1) In the case of a project with the investment amount of the construction and installation engineering exceeding 150 million yuan, the Municipal Finance Bureau and the competent project administrative department shall jointly entrust the Financial Supervision Institution. (2) In the case of a project with the investment amount of the construction and installation engineering being 150 million yuan or less, the competent project administrative department and the project unit shall jointly entrust the Financial Supervision Institution.
4. In the case of an informatization project and other special projects invested by the Municipal Construction Budget, the competent project administrative department and the project unit, upon reporting to the Municipal Finance Bureau and obtaining the approval therefrom, need not entrust a Financial Supervision Institution.
Article 12 (Procedures of Choosing) To ensure the openness, equality and impartiality of the choice of a Financial Supervision Institution, and maintain the consistency of the Financial Supervision work and the performance evaluation of the Financial Supervision Institution, the choosing of the Financial Supervision Institution shall be implemented according to the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Bid Invitation and Bidding, and the relevant provisions of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on procurement management.
Chapter IV Fee Collection and Standards of the Financial Supervision
Article 13 (Fee Standards) The fee collection standards of the Financial Supervision shall be implemented with reference to that in the Interim Procedures on Management of Payment of Expenses of Financial Investment Evaluation and Subsidies of Entrustment Agency (FC [2010] No. 512) and in the “Whole-process Cost Control in the Construction Stage” of the Fee Standards of Shanghai Municipality for Construction Project Cost Service and Project Bidding Agency (SCAJ [2005] No. 834). The specific contract value shall be determined according to the result of the bid evaluation.
Article 14 (Expense Composition) The expense of Financial Supervision shall be linked with its quality, and shall be clearly divided into three parts: the annual basic expense, the retention money for the annual evaluation, and quality-ensuring money for the final evaluation. The entrusted subject shall reserve an entrustment expense ranging from 10% to 20% of the Financial Supervision expense to function as the retention money for the annual evaluation and the quality-ensuring money for the final evaluation. The form of close-end contract shall be adopted for the Financial Supervision entrustment contract (according to which the fee collection for engineering cost examination and approval shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of the Fee Standards of Shanghai Municipality for Construction Project Cost Service and Project Bidding Agency). In case a cost estimate adjustment occurs after the implementation of the project, the Financial Supervision expense shall not be increased. Where the workload is increased due to the entrusted subject, the Financial Supervision Institution may negotiate with the entrusted subject on extra fees.
Article 15 (Expense Payment) The Financial Supervision expense shall be listed into the project construction cost. In the case of a project in which the Municipal Construction Budget invests in the direct investment mode, the Financial Supervision Institution shall file an application for the Financial Supervision expense as agreed upon in the contract, and the Municipal Finance Bureau shall pay such expense directly to the Financial Supervision Institution according to the relevant provisions on state treasury centralized payment upon the competent project administrative department's preliminary examination of the application as well as the Municipal Finance Bureau's examination and approval of the application. In the case of a project in which the Municipal Construction Budget invests in other modes, the Financial Supervision expense shall be paid to the Financial Supervision Institution by the entrusted subject as agreed upon in the contract.
Chapter V Evaluation and Supervision of the Financial Supervision
Article 16 (Mode of Evaluation) The evaluation on the quality of the Financial Supervision shall be conducted by the Municipal Finance Bureau jointly with the competent project administrative department and the project unit by combining the annual evaluation with the final evaluation, i.e., conducting one examination and evaluation on the quality of the Financial Supervision work once a year, and conducting the final examination and evaluation after the project has passed the auditing and financial settlement upon project completion and completed the performance evaluation.
Article 17 (Contents of Evaluation) The contents of evaluation include the working attitude, completeness of material management, and proper staffing input of the Financial Supervision Institution, the perfection and deviation degrees of the budgetary estimate, budget and settlement examination and approval, the accuracy of financial monitoring, investment control, the promptness and truthfulness of the Financial Supervision report, the early warnings mechanism for major events, and the quality of performance evaluation.
Article 18 (Supervision and Administration) The contract of Financial Supervision shall define the above mode and contents of evaluation, and clearly state that the Financial Supervision Institution shall bear the damages and compensations for the loss if the Financial Supervision Institution fails to fulfill the obligations prescribed in the contract or fails to implement the obligations as agreed upon and the corresponding damages and compensations shall be deducted form the payable supervision expense by the Municipal Finance Bureau.
Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions
Article 19 (Implementation for Reference) Other government-invested projects of this Municipality may be implemented with reference to these Interim Procedures. All district/county financial departments, municipal-level government investment institutions, and holding group corporations authorized by the State-owned assets supervision and administration commission may refer to these Interim Procedures in formulating their own procedures on Financial Supervision and administration in the light of the actual circumstances.
   第九條 (績效評價)

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