Reply of the Supreme People's Court on Whether Restricted Departure from China Falls within the Scope of State Compensation
Reply of the Supreme People's Court on Whether Restricted Departure from China Falls within the Scope of State Compensation | | 最高人民法院關于限制出境是否屬于國家賠償範圍的複函 |
(No. 1 [2013] of the Supreme People's Court) | | ([2013]賠他字第1號) |
The Higher People's Court of Jiangsu Province: | | 江蘇省高級人民法院: |
Your Request for Instructions on Whether Restricted Departure from China Falls within the Scope of State Compensation (No. 1 [2012] of the Higher People's Court of Jiangsu Province) has been received. Upon deliberation, in the opinion of this Court, in accordance with Article 38 of the State Compensation Law of the People's Republic of China, where a people's court illegally adopts the measure of restricted departure from China in civil procedures, it falls within the scope of state compensation. A party may be compensated for the direct losses caused to the property rights of the party for the illegally adopted measure of restricted departure from China. You shall first determine whether the civil decision (No. 78-1 [2007], Civil Division I, Initial, Intermediate People's Court of Changzhou City) of the Intermediate People's Court of Changzhou City constitutes an illegally adopted measure of restricted departure from China, and then make a decision according to the law. | | 你院(2012)蘇法委賠字第1號《關于限制出境是否屬于國家賠償範圍的請示》收悉。經研究認為,根據《中華人民共和國國家賠償法》第三十八條的規定,人民法院在民事訴訟過程中違法采取限制出境措施的,屬于國家賠償範圍。對于因違法采取限制出境措施造成當事人財產權的直接損失,可以給予賠償。你院應針對常州市中級人民法院作出的(2007)常民一初字第78-1號民事決定是否構成違法采取限制出境的措施予以認定,並依法作出決定。 |
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