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Wang Yazhou v. Huang Ruifu (appeal from a civil loan dispute )
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   Wang Yazhou v. Huang Ruifu (appeal from a civil loan dispute )
(appeal from a civil loan dispute )

[Key Terms] service ; service by public notice ; service by dropping documents
[核心術語] 送達;公告送達;留置送達

[Disputed Issues] How many methods can a court complete service of litigation documents? How to handle service in difficult situations?
[爭議焦點] 1.法院送達訴訟文書有幾種方式?對于難以送達的情況如何處理?

[Case Summary] The term “service” refers to the conduct that a people's court delivers the litigation document to the addressee according to legal procedures and methods. Under relevant provisions of the Civil Procedure Law there are six ways of service by a court as follows: direct service; service by dropping documents; service by mandate; service by post; service by passing on and service by public notice. In case of difficult situation for service under Article 79 of the Civil Procedure Law if the recipient of a service or any of his adult family members living with him refuses to accept a legal document the person serving the document shall ask the representatives of the relevant basic organization or unit to which the recipient of the service belongs to appear on the scene...
[案例要旨] 送達是指人民法院按照法定程序和方式將訴訟文書送交受送達人的行為。根據《民事訴訟法》的相關規定人民法院送達的方式有以下六種:直接送達;留置送達;委托送達;郵遞送達;轉交送達;公告送達。對于難以送達的情況根據《民事訴訟法》第七十九條的規定受送達人或者他的同住成年家屬拒絕接收訴訟文書的...

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