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Goldlion (Far East) Limited v. the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China (appeal from a trademark administrative dispute)
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   Goldlion (Far East) Limited v. the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China (appeal from a trademark administrative dispute)
(appeal from a trademark administrative dispute)

[Key Terms] trademark ; identical words ; registration
[核心術語] 商標;文字相同;注冊

[Disputed Issues] If the characters used in the disputed trademark and the cited trademark are partly identical but the marks are used on different or dissimilar products, whether the disputed trademark shall be approved for registration?
[爭議焦點] 爭議商標與引證商標的文字部分相同,但使用在不相同或者不類似的商品上,對爭議商標是否予以注冊?

[Case Summary] Under Article 13 of the Trademark Law where a trademark for registration to be used on identical or similar goods is a copy imitation or translation of a well-known trademark of another party which has not been registered in China and may easily cause confusion it shall not be registered and shall be prohibited from use. Where a trademark for registration to be used on different or dissimilar goods is a copy imitation...
[案例要旨] 《商標法》第十三條規定:“就相同或者類似商品申請注冊的商標是複制、摹仿或者翻譯他人未在中國注冊的馳名商標容易導致混淆的不予注冊並禁止使用。就不相同或者不相類似商品申請注冊的商標是複制、摹仿或者翻譯他人已經在中國注冊的馳名商標誤導公眾...

Full-text omitted.




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