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Provisions on the Working Procedures for Prisons to Propose Commutations and Paroles (2014 Revision) [Effective]
監獄提請減刑假釋工作程序規定(2014修訂) [現行有效]
Order of the Ministry of Justice 


(No. 130) (第130號)

The Provisions on the Working Procedures for Prisons to Propose Commutations and Paroles, as revised and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Justice on October 10, 2014, are hereby issued and shall come into force on December 1, 2014. 監獄提請減刑假釋工作程序規定》已經2014年10月10日司法部部務會議修訂通過,現將修訂後的《監獄提請減刑假釋工作程序規定》發布,自2014年12月1日起施行。
Minister: Wu Aiying 部 長 吳愛英
October 11, 2014 2014年10月11日
Provisions on the Working Procedures for Prisons to Propose Commutations and Paroles 監獄提請減刑假釋工作程序規定
(As issued by Order No. 77 of the Ministry of Justice on April 2, 2003, and revised and adopted at the executive meeting of the Ministry of Justice on October 10. 2014) (2003年4月2日司法部令第77號發布 2014年10月10日司法部部務會議修訂通過)
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 總則

Article 1 To regulate the working procedures for prisons to propose commutations and paroles, these Provisions are formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China and the Prison Law of the People's Republic of China, and in light of the actual circumstances of the execution of criminal punishment.   第一條 為規範監獄提請減刑、假釋工作程序,根據《中華人民共和國刑法》、《中華人民共和國刑事訴訟法》、《中華人民共和國監獄法》等有關規定,結合刑罰執行工作實際,制定本規定。
Article 2 When proposing commutations or paroles, prisons shall comply with the conditions and procedures as provided for by law, abide by the principles of openness, fairness and justness, and strictly implement the case-handling accountability system.   第二條 監獄提請減刑、假釋,應當根據法律規定的條件和程序進行,遵循公開、公平、公正的原則,嚴格實行辦案責任制。
Article 3 With respect to the commutation or parole of a criminal sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or having his or her sentence commuted to fixed-term imprisonment, the proposal shall be filed by the prison and be submitted for ruling to the intermediate people's court at the place where the criminal serves the sentence.   第三條 被判處有期徒刑和被減刑為有期徒刑的罪犯的減刑、假釋,由監獄提出建議,提請罪犯服刑地的中級人民法院裁定。
Article 4 With respect to the commutation or parole of a criminal sentenced to death sentence with a two-year suspension of execution or a criminal sentenced to life imprisonment, the proposal shall be filed by the prison, and, upon examination and consent of the prison administration bureau of the province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, be submitted for ruling to the higher people's court at the place where the criminal serves the sentence.   第四條 被判處死刑緩期二年執行的罪犯的減刑,被判處無期徒刑的罪犯的減刑、假釋,由監獄提出建議,經省、自治區、直轄市監獄管理局審核同意後,提請罪犯服刑地的高級人民法院裁定。
Article 5 The prison administration bureaus and prisons of provinces, autonomous regions or municipalities directly under the Central Government shall respectively set up the commutations and parole review commissions, which shall consist of the leaders in charge of the specific work, and persons in charge of such relevant departments as departments of criminal punishment execution, administration of prison affairs, reformatory education, in-prison detection, livingandsanitation, reeducation through labor, political work and supervision, and the leaders in charge of the specific work shall serve as directors. There shall be no less than nine members in a prison administration bureau and the commutation and parole review commission of a prison.   第五條 省、自治區、直轄市監獄管理局和監獄分別成立減刑假釋評審委員會,由分管領導及刑罰執行、獄政管理、教育改造、獄內偵查、生活衛生、勞動改造、政工、監察等有關部門負責人組成,分管領導任主任。監獄管理局、監獄減刑假釋評審委員會成員不得少于9人。
Article 6 The filing of a proposal for commutation or parole by a prison shall be collectively deliberated by the people's police of a branch prison area or a prison area not divided into branch prison areas, verified by the prison area warden's executive meeting, examined by the criminal punishment execution department of the prison, reviewed by the commutation and parole review commission of the prison, and decided by prison warden's executive meeting.   第六條 監獄提請減刑、假釋,應當由分監區或者未設分監區的監區人民警察集體研究,監區長辦公會議審核,監獄刑罰執行部門審查,監獄減刑假釋評審委員會評審,監獄長辦公會議決定。
The criminal punishment execution department under the prison administration bureau of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government shall examine the proposal for commutation or parole filed by a prison according to the legal procedures and offer opinions thereon, and, after submitting the proposal to the deputy director in charge of the specific work for convening the examination by the commutation and parole review commission, submit the proposal to the director for approval. Where necessary, a director's executive meeting may be held for decision. 省、自治區、直轄市監獄管理局刑罰執行部門審查監獄依法定程序提請的減刑、假釋建議並出具意見,報請分管副局長召集減刑假釋評審委員會審核後,報局長審定,必要時可以召開局長辦公會議決定。
Chapter II Procedures for Prisons to Propose Commutations and Paroles 

第二章 監獄提請減刑、假釋的程序

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