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Measures on the Enquiry of China WTO Enquiry offices (for Trial Implementation) [Effective]
中國政府WTO咨詢點咨詢辦法(暫行) [現行有效]
Measures on the Enquiry of China WTO Enquiry offices (for Trial Implementation)
(The Department of WTO and China WTO Notification and Enquiry Center of the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, January 1, 2002)


1.Purpose of Enquiry: to establish an open and transparent trade administration system, and to perform the obligations of China for its accession to the WTO.
In accordance with the relevant provisions of World Trade Organization on transparency, and China's promises to the World Trade Organization members (paragraph 2(C) in China's Protocol of Accession): China shall establish or designate an enquiry office where, upon request of any individual, enterprise or WTO Member all information relating to the measures under Article 2 of these Measures may be obtained. Replies to requests for information shall generally be provided within 30 days after receipt of a request. In exceptional cases, replies may be provided within 45 days after receipt of a request. Notice of the delay and the reasons therefor shall be provided in writing to the interested party. Replies to WTO Members shall be complete and shall represent the authoritative view of the Chinese government. Accurate and reliable information shall be provided to individuals and enterprises.
2.Scope of Enquiry: All of China's information on laws, regulations, judicial orders or judgments, administrative decisions and other measures pertaining to or affecting trade in goods, services, TRIPS or the control of foreign exchange. Such information shall include the name of the country or the competent organ at the next lower level of the country (including liaison point), which is responsible for implementing a certain measure.
3.Objects of Enquiry: WTO Members, Chinese and foreign enterprises and individuals.
4.Manner of Enquiry: Enquiry in writing. Anyone in need of enquiry may download the enquiry application form from the MOFTEC's web site ( or obtain the enquiry application form by fax to 0086-10-65197340, and shall submit the said form to China WTO Enquiry office by fax or by letter.
5.Time Limit of Enquiry: The enquiry office shall reply the requests for information in writing within 30 days after receipt of an application form (the time when the enquiry office receives the local stamp seal or the fax shall be the time of receipt). In exceptional cases, replies may be provided within 45 days after receipt of a request. Notice of the delay and the reasons therefor shall be provided in writing to the interested party.

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