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Regulations of Shanghai Municipality on the Supervision Over Product Quality [Expired]
上海市產品質量監督條例 [失效]
(Adopted at the Twelfth Session of the Standing Committee of the Tenth Shanghai Municipal People's Congress on August 26, 1994)



第一章 總則

Article 1 With a view to strengthening supervision and control over product quality, clarifying the quality liability for products, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of users and consumers, and maintaining the social and economic orders, the present Regulations are formulated in accordance with the stipulations of Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter referred to as "Law of Product Quality" and the other laws and regulations and in the light of the actual situation in Shanghai.
   第一條 為加強對產品質量的監督管理,明確產品質量責任,保護用戶和消費者的合法權益,維護社會經濟秩序,根據《中華人民共和國產品質量法》(以下簡稱《產品質量法》)和其他法律、法規的規定,結合本市實際情況,制定本條例。
Article 2 Those who are engaged in the production and sale of products must abide by the present Regulations.
"Products" mentioned in the present Regulations refers to those which are processed or manufactured for sale.
Construction projects shall not be covered by the present Regulations.
   第二條 在本市範圍內從事產品生產、銷售活動,必須遵守本條例。
Article 3 The Shanghai Municipal Technical Supervision Administration (hereinafter referred to as "Municipal Technical Supervision Administration") is the competent administrative department of supervision and control of product quality in Shanghai, which is responsible for the organization and coordination of the product quality supervision for Shanghai Municipality.
Departments of technical supervision and control at district and country levels shall, according to the division of responsibility, do well in exercising supervision over product quality under the leadership of the Municipal Technical Supervision Administration.
Administrative departments of industry and commerce, of commodity inspection, and of hygiene shall, in their respective area of responsibility, do well in exercising supervision over product quality.
Competent departments of various trades shall be in charge of the quality control over products in their respective systems.
   第三條 上海市技術監督局(以下簡稱“市技術監督局”)是本市產品質量監督管理的行政主管部門,負責組織、協調全市的產品質量監督工作。
Article 4 The promotion of scientific methods of quality control and the adoption of advanced science and technology shall be encouraged. Enterprises shall be encouraged to have their product quality reach and surpass the advanced standards both at home and abroad. Commendation and rewards shall be given to those units and individuals who have made remarkable achievements in advancing quality control over products and in reaching advanced international standards in respect to product quality.
   第四條 鼓勵推行科學的質量管理方法,采用先進的科學技術,鼓勵企業產品質量達到並且超過國內外先進標准。對產品質量管理先進和產品質量達到國際先進水平,成績顯著的單位和個人,給予表彰和獎勵。

第二章 行政監督

Article 5 Accreditation system of enterprise quality setup and accreditation system of product quality shall be actively promoted.
An enterprise may, on the voluntary principle, apply to the relevant accreditation agencies for accreditation of both enterprise quality setup and product quality in accordance with the stipulations of the Law of Product Quality.
   第五條 積極推行企業質量體系認證制度和產品質量認證制度。
Article 6 A production permit system may be practised in Shanghai for the important products and products relating to personal safety and health, which are not listed in the State production licence catalogue.
The measures for practising the production permit system shall be drawn up by the Shanghai Municipal People's Government.
   第六條 本市對未列入國家生產許可證目錄的重要產品和涉及人身安全、健康的產品,可以實行准產證制度。
Article 7 The system of supervision on and inspection of product quality, integrating supervised random inspection with regular inspection, with stress on the former inspection, and announcing the inspection results periodically, shall be practised in Shanghai.
Where the laws and regulations provide otherwise on supervision and inspection of product quality, such provisions shall apply.
   第七條 本市對產品質量實行監督抽查和定期檢查相結合,以監督抽查為主,並定期公告檢查結果的監督檢查制度。
Article 8 The supervision and inspection plan of product quality for the whole Municipality shall be exclusively drawn up and transmitted to blower levels by the Municipal Technical Supervision Administration.
Departments of technical supervision and control at district and county levels shall be responsible for drawing up the supervision and inspection plan of product quality for the enterprises in their respective administrative areas, and shall report it to the Municipal Technical Supervision Administration for the record.
   第八條 全市性產品質量監督檢查計劃,由市技術監督局統一編制、下達。
Article 9 Inspection of product quality shall be carried out on the basis of the State standard, trade standard or local standard.
Products under inspection for which no such standards as specified in the preceding paragraph are available shall be inspected according to the express quality standards of the products.
If the quantity of products fails to reach that specified by the State for sampling, actual samples shall be drawn according to the sampling principles stipulated by the Municipal Technical Supervision Administration.
   第九條 產品質量檢驗的依據是國家標准、行業標准或者地方標准。
Article 10 The inspection results shall be notified to the inspected unit and individual after the department of technical supervision and control exercises supervision and inspection on product quality.
The Municipal Technical Supervision Administration shall announce the inspection results of product quality periodically.
   第十條 技術監督管理部門對產品質量進行監督檢查後,應當將檢查結果告知被檢查的單位和個人。
Article 11 Organizations undertaking to inspect product quality must have available the necessary inspection and measuring facilities and capability and must get approval from the Municipal Technical Supervision Administration prior to their engagement in the inspection of produce quality. The quality inspection organizations shall perform inspection according to the specified procedures and methods, shall not falsify inspection data and inspection conclusions, and shall bear legal responsibility for the reports issued.
Where the laws and regulations provide otherwise on quality inspection organizations, such provisions shall apply.
   第十一條 承擔產品質量檢驗工作的機構,必須具備必要的檢測條件和能力,並經市技術監督局考核合格後,方可從事產品質量檢驗工作。產品質量檢驗機構應當按照規定的程序和方法進行檢驗,不得偽造檢驗數據和檢驗結論,並對其出具的檢驗報告負法律責任。
Article 12 The expenses needed for the supervised random inspection shall be allocated by the financial organ of the same level. Collecting fees from the enterprises under inspection is forbidden.
Expenses required for the regular inspection shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and the Municipality.
Expenses for both supervised random inspection and regular inspection shall include inspection fee and fee for the publication of the inspection results.
   第十二條 監督抽查所需的費用由同級財政撥款,不得向被抽查者收取。
Article 13 The supervision department of product quality may, during the process of conducting supervision and inspection on product quality, exercise the following functions and powers:
   第十三條 產品質量監督部門在進行產品質量監督檢查時,可以行使下列職權:
1. To look up and duplicate relevant invoices, vouchers, account books, advertisements, business letters and cables, and other relevant materials;
2. To enter production sites, warehouses or storing areas for products;
3. To seal up or detain products which possibly have serious quality problems and to make decisions about handling within the specified time limit.

第三章 生產者、銷售者的責任和義務

Article 14 The manufacturer shall be responsible for the quality of its products.
The product quality shall fulfil the following requirements:
   第十四條 生產者應當對其生產的產品質量負責。
1. Being free from any irrational danger that threatens the safety of person and property; if there exists the State standard, trade standard or local standard that safeguards human health and the safety of person and property, such standards shall be met;
2. Possessing such operation characteristics as are inherent in the product, except the product with an explanation of its defects in operation characteristics;
3. Conforming to the product standard indicated on the product or on its package, or conforming to the quality conditions as indicated in the product instructions or by a sample product, etc.
Article 15 Marks on the product or on its package shall fulfil the following requirements:
   第十五條 產品或者其包裝上的標識應當符合下列要求:
1. Showing the product quality to be up to standard upon inspection;
2. Showing the name of product and the manufacturer's name and address, all in Chinese;
3. Showing the specifications, quality grades, major ingredients and contents of the product as necessitated by the features and operation requirements of the product;
4. Showing the production date and the service life or expiry date if the product has a limited service life;
5. Showing warning marks or warning instructions in Chinese for the product that is liable to damage itself or to endanger the safety of person and property in case of misuse;
6. Showing production licence number or production permit number if the product is under the production licence system or the production permit system.
Product marks may not be attached to the nude food or other nude products whose features are such as to make it difficult to attach marks.
Article 16 Machinery, equipment, instruments, meters and complex durable consumer goods shall be accompanied by instructions of installation, operation, repair and maintenance.
   第十六條 機器設備、儀器儀表、結構複雜的耐用消費品,應當附有安裝、使用、維修和保養的說明書。
Article 17 Packages of the products that are drastically poisonous, dangerous, fragile, packages of the products that cannot be placed upside down during storage and transportation and packages of other products that have special requirements, must conform to the relevant requirements. There must be on the packages warning marks or warning instructions in Chinese, and points for attention in regard to storage and transportation.
   第十七條 劇毒、危險、易碎、儲運中不能倒置以及其他有特殊要求的產品,其包裝必須符合相應要求,應當有警示標志或者中文警示說明,標明儲運注意事項。
Article 18 Imported products to be marketed by the seller must bear indications in Chinese of the name and country of origin of the product and the name and address of the importer or of the general distributor; products that are related to human health and the safety of person and property, or products that have special requirements of operation and maintenance, must be accompanied by instructions in Chinese; products with a limited service life must bear an indication in Chinese of the expiry date; products assembled with imported component parts or imported products to be separately packaged must bear indications in Chinese of the names and addresses of the factories doing assembly or separate packaging on themselves or on their respective packages.
   第十八條 銷售者銷售的進口產品,應當用中文標明產品名稱、產地以及進口商或者總經銷者名稱、地址;關系人體健康和人身、財產安全和或者對使用、維護有特殊要求的產品,應當附有中文說明書;限期使用的產品,應當有中文注明的失效日期;用進口散件組裝或者分裝的產品,應當在產品或者包裝上用中文注明組裝或者分裝廠的廠名、廠址。

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