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Measures of Beijing Municipal Judicial Bureau on the Registration of Establishment, Alteration and Nullification of Partnership Law Firms [Effective]
北京市司法局合夥律師事務所設立、變更、注銷登記管理辦法 [現行有效]


Measures of Beijing Municipal Judicial Bureau on the Registration of Establishment, Alteration and Nullification of Partnership Law Firms
(No.13 [2003] of Beijing Municipal Judicial Bureau January 20, 2003)

(2003年1月20號 京司發[2003]13號)

Chapter 1 General Provisions

第一章 總則

Article 1 In order to normalize the registration of establishment, alteration and nullification of partnership law firms in this municipality, and to strengthen the control of partnership law firms, these Measures are enacted in accordance with the Lawyers Lawof the People's Republic of China, and the Measures for the Administration of Registration of Law Firms and Measures for the Administration of Partnership Law Firms of the Ministry of Justice, and in light of the concrete situations of this municipality.
   第一條 為規範我市合夥律師事務所的設立、變更、注銷登記工作,加強對合夥律師事務所的管理,根據《中華人民共和國律師法》及司法部《律師事務所登記管理辦法》、《合夥律師事務所管理辦法》,結合本市具體情況,制定本辦法。
Article 2 For the establishment, alteration of major matters, and nullification of partnership law firms (hereinafter referred to as law firms), an application shall be filed for approval and registration, the judicial administrative department (hereinafter referred to as registration department) shall process the application according to law, if the conditions are met.
   第二條 合夥律師事務所(以下稱律師事務所)的設立、重大事項變更及注銷應依法申請核准登記,司法行政機關(以下稱登記機關)對符合條件的申請應依法辦理。
Chapter 2 Conditions for Establishment of Law Firms

第二章 律師事務所的設立條件

Article 3 The following conditions are needed when applying for the establishment of a law firm:
   第三條 申請設立律師事務所應具備以下條件:
(I) The law firm shall have its own name, domicile and articles of association.
1. The name of the law firm shall conform to the Measures for the Administration of Law Firm Names of the Ministry of Justice, and be composed of Beijing Municipality + Name + Law Firm.
2. The law firm shall have its own office place.
The environment in which the law firm's office place is located shall fit in with the character of the profession of lawyers; and the office conditions shall meet the office needs.
3. The articles of association shall include:
(1) Name and practice place of the law firm;
(2) Purpose of the law firm;
(3) Organizational form and structures of the law firm;
(4) Composition and responsibilities of the partners' conference;
(5) Responsibilities of the director of the law firm, and the procedures for election and alteration of the director;
(6) Rights and obligations of the lawyers;
(7) Amount and source of the initiating fund;
(8) Financial management system, distribution system and methods for bearing of debts;
(9) Conditions and procedures for alteration and termination of the law firm;
(10) Procedures for modification of the articles of association of the law firm;
(11) Other matters that need to be specified.
(II) The assets of the law firm shall be more than 100,000 RMB.
The form of contribution is currency, and the applicants shall faithfully contribute the money in their own names.
(III) The law firm shall have 3 or more full-time lawyers as the applicants.
1. The applicants shall have the qualification of lawyer or of legal profession, and shall have more than 3 years of practice experience prior to the day of application. The practice period shall be calculated starting from the day of acquiring the practice license of lawyer.
2. The applicants haven't been given administrative sanctions heavier than suspension of practice within 3 years before the day of application.
3. If a lawyer had been a partner of any other law firm, and withdrew from the partnership or was expulsed within 2 years from the establishment of that law firm, then that lawyer shall explain the reasons for his withdrawing or being expulsed when applying for establishment of the new law firm; the registration department may also investigate from that law firm the reasons for that applicant's withdrawing or being expulsed.
If the applicant withdrew from the partnership or was expulsed due to his practice that violated laws, regulations or rules and that was punishable by suspending from practice or other heavier punishments, then that lawyer may not apply for the establishment of a new law firm as the applicant.
4. Where an applicant had been a partner of any other law firm and that law firm was deprived of its practice license of law firm for violation of the provisions of law, if that applicant bore the major responsibility for the said punished act, then that applicant may not apply for the establishment of any new firm within 3 years.
5. For a practicing lawyer whose place of registration is not this municipality, he shall meet the conditions provided in the preceding paragraph and shall, in principle, first practice for one year in a law firm within this municipality in addition before he can be an applicant. If an applicant has the master's degree or a higher degree and is the legal talent badly needed by this municipality, he/she will not be restricted by the one-year practice provision.

第三章 律師事務所的設立登記程序

(IV) The law firm shall have a written partnership agreement, indicating:
   第四條 申請設立律師事務所應提交下列材料:
1. Names and domiciles of the partners and the numbers of their practice licenses;
2. Total amount of the initiating fund of the law firm, and the method and proportion of the contribution of the partners;
3. Rights and obligations of the partners;
4. Proportion of and method for the distribution of profits among the partners, and the method for bearing of debts;
5. Conditions and procedures for the partners' entering into, withdrawing and expulsion from the partnership;
6. Interpretation and modification of the partnership agreement;
7. Methods and procedures for settling disputes among the partners;

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