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Notice by the National Radio and Television Administration of Further Strengthening Administration of Radio, Television, and Network Audiovisual Entertainment Programs [Effective]
國家廣播電視總局關于進一步加強廣播電視和網絡視聽文藝節目管理的通知 [現行有效]
Notice by the National Radio and Television Administration of Further Strengthening Administration of Radio, Television, and Network Audiovisual Entertainment Programs 


(No. 60 [2018] of the National Radio and Television Administration) (廣電發〔2018〕60號)

The radio and television bureaus of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; the Press, Publication, Radio and Television Bureau of Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps; the General Office of the China Media Group; and the China Education Television: 各省、自治區、直轄市新聞出版廣電局,新疆生產建設兵團新聞出版廣電局,中央廣播電視總台辦公廳,中國教育電視台:
Since the 18th CPC National Congress, various radio and television broadcasters and network audiovisual program service institutions have focused on the center, served the overall situation, actively conducted innovation and pursuit of excellence, and constantly launched excellent programs that the people liked, and there has showed a sound trend in literary and artistic creations. However, there have been problems in certain entertainment programs such as excess celebrities, celebrity worship and publicity stunts, pan-entertainment, high celebrity pay, and television rating (click-through rate) fraud, which not only push up production costs and destroy the industry order and ecology, but also mislead young people into blindly worshiping celebrities and advocate mistaken values such as money worship and overnight fame. Effective measures must be effectively taken to correct such problems. For the purposes of ensuring the sound and orderly development of radio, television and network audiovisual entertainment programs, the relevant matters are hereby notified as follows: 黨的十八大以來,各廣播電視播出機構和網絡視聽節目服務機構圍繞中心、服務大局,積極創新創優,不斷推出人民群眾喜聞樂見的優秀節目,文藝創作呈現出良好態勢。但是,一些文藝節目出現了影視明星過多、追星炒星、泛娛樂化、高價片酬、收視率(點擊率)造假等問題,不僅推高制作成本、破壞行業秩序生態,而且誤導青少年盲目追星,滋長拜金主義、一夜成名等錯誤價值觀念,必須采取有效措施切實加以糾正。為確保廣播電視和網絡視聽文藝節目健康有序發展,現就有關事項通知如下:
I. Firmly grasping correct political directions and strengthening value guidance. All radio and television broadcasters, network audiovisual program service institutions, and program production institutions shall adhere to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era as the guidance, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 19th CPC National Congress and that of the National Publicity and Ideological Work Conference, adhere to politicians managing stations, websites and programs, adhere to the “two-sphere service” direction and the “pluralism” policy, strive to create a sound cultural environment and a healthy spiritual space, and undertake the important mission to enlighten people, nourish the mind, cultivate taste, and shape customs and educate people. Radio, television and network audiovisual entertainment programs must adhere to the pursuit of taste, style, and responsibility, abstain from indecency, vulgarity, and kitsch, vigorously advocate core socialist values, disseminate positive energy, and adhere to principles. All program production and dissemination institutions shall always put social benefits first, strive to harmonize social and economic benefits, and when the two benefits conflict, unconditionally reap social benefits in disregard of economic benefits, and may not be lost in the tide of market economy, be enslaved by the market, or produce works only for economic benefits.   一、牢牢把握正確的政治方向,強化價值引領。各廣播電視播出機構、網絡視聽節目服務機構、節目制作機構要堅持以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,深入學習貫徹黨的十九大精神和全國宣傳思想工作會議精神,堅持政治家辦台辦網辦節目,堅持“二為”方向、“雙百”方針,著力營造清朗的文化環境和健康的精神空間,承擔啟迪思想、滋養心靈、涵育審美、成風化人的重要使命。廣播電視和網絡視聽文藝節目要堅持講品位、講格調、講責任,抵制低俗、庸俗、媚俗,大力弘揚社會主義核心價值觀,傳播正能量,堅守底線紅線。各節目制作和傳播機構要始終堅持把社會效益放在首位,力爭社會效益與經濟效益統一,當二者發生沖突時,經濟效益要無條件服從社會效益,絕不能在市場經濟大潮中迷失方向,絕不能做市場的奴隸,使作品充滿銅臭氣。
II. Adhering to a people-centered approach for production and resolutely curbing adverse tendencies such as celebrity worship and publicity stunts and pan-entertainment. All radio and television broadcasters and network audiovisual program service institutions shall profoundly understand the serious harms induced by celebrity worship and publicity stunts, pan-entertainment and other problems from a political perspective, resolutely abandon the erroneous practices such as using celebrities as a unique selling point, and garnering views by relying on celebrities, strictly control idol-making shows and variety entertainment and reality shows in which the children of celebrities participate. All radio and television authorities shall further strengthen structured administration and macro-regulation, reduce the broadcast of entertainment games, reality shows, singing competitions and other programs participated in by celebrities, actively increase the broadcast of news, economy, culture, science and education, life services, animation and children, documentaries, farmer-oriented, and other public-welfare programs, and produce more original programs fulfilled with a sense of the times, positive and sound taste, and cultural connotations.   二、堅持以人民為中心的創作導向,堅決遏制追星炒星、泛娛樂化等不良傾向。各廣播電視播出機構和網絡視聽節目服務機構要從講政治的高度深刻認識追星炒星、泛娛樂化等問題的嚴重危害,堅決摒棄以明星為賣點、靠明星博眼球的錯誤做法,嚴格控制偶像養成類節目,嚴格控制影視明星子女參與的綜藝娛樂和真人秀節目。各廣播電視主管部門要進一步加強結構化管理和宏觀調控,減少影視明星參與的娛樂游戲、真人秀、歌唱類選拔等節目播出量,積極擴大新聞、經濟、文化、科教、生活服務、動畫和少兒、紀錄片、對農等公益節目播出量,制作播出更多富有時代氣息、格調積極健康、具有文化內涵的原創節目。
III. Encouraging competition by high-quality contents, constantly innovating the forms of the programs, and strictly controlling guest pay. All radio and television broadcasters, network audiovisual program service institutions, and program production institutions shall adhere to competing by high-quality contents, constantly explore and innovate the forms of programs that the people like, abstain from flamboyance, pay attention to frugality, refrain from costly celebrity worship and extravagance, reasonably cap the pay for celebrities that participate in programs, advocate that celebrities actively participate in public-welfare programs with a sense of social responsibility and mission, and resolutely correct adverse practices such as inviting celebrities at a high price and competing for celebrities. The variety shows broadcast on all satellite television channels from 19:30-22:30 shall file the information such as guest name, pay, and cost structure with the National Radio and Television Administration in advance. The total pay for all guests of a program shall not exceed 40% of the total cost of the program, and the principal guest pay shall not exceed 70% of the total guest pay. The network variety shows of key network audiovisual program service institutions shall also comply with such rules and file the aforesaid information with the National Radio and Television Administration before going online. The guest management by the variety shows of terrestrial television channels and other network audiovisual program service institutions shall all comply with the foregoing rules, and local radio and television authorities shall be responsible for filing administration and routine supervision.   三、鼓勵以優質內容取勝,不斷創新節目形式,嚴格控制嘉賓片酬。各廣播電視播出機構、網絡視聽節目服務機構、節目制作機構要堅持以優質內容取勝,不斷開拓創新人民群眾喜聞樂見的節目形式,摒棄浮華,注重節儉,力戒高價追星、鋪張浪費,對影視明星參與節目的片酬要控制合理額度,倡導影視明星以社會責任心和使命感積極參與公益性節目,堅決糾正高價邀請明星、競逐明星的不良現象。各電視上星綜合頻道19:30-22:30播出的綜藝節目要提前向總局報備嘉賓姓名、片酬、成本占比等信息,每個節目全部嘉賓總片酬不得超過節目總成本的 40%,主要嘉賓片酬不得超過嘉賓總片酬的70%。重點網絡視聽節目服務機構的網絡綜藝節目也要符合上述規定,上線前向國家廣播電視總局報備以上信息。地面電視頻道和其他網絡視聽節目服務機構綜藝節目的嘉賓管理均要符合上述規定,由當地廣播電視主管部門負責備案管理和日常監督。
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