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Citibank et al. v. Beihai Yuneng Technology Development Co., Ltd. et al (appeal from dispute over a letter of credit fraud)
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*Dear user, this document contains only a summary of the respective judicial case. To request a full-text translation as an additional service, please contact us at:  + 86 (10) 8268-9699
   Citibank et al. v. Beihai Yuneng Technology Development Co., Ltd. et al (appeal from dispute over a letter of credit fraud)
(appeal from dispute over a letter of credit fraud)

[Key Terms] a letter of credit fraud ; suspension of the payment ; termination of the payment
[核心術語] 信用證欺詐;中止支付;終止支付

[Disputed Issues] How is a determination to be made upon the letter of credit fraud? If there is a letter of credit fraud, under what circumstances a people’s court should not make a ruling on suspending the payment or make a judgment on terminating the payment under the letter of credit?
[爭議焦點] 1.哪些情形可認定為信用證欺詐?存在信用證欺詐的,何種情形下,法院不應當裁定中止支付或者判決終止支付信用證項下款項?

[Case Summary]
Under Article 8 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Some Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases of Disputes over Letter of Credit under any of the following circumstances the letter of credit fraud shall be determined: (1) the beneficiary counterfeits any documents or submits any documents containing false information; (2)the beneficiary maliciously refuses to deliver the goods or delivers goods of no value; (3)the beneficiary submits any false documents by colluding with the applicant or a third party and there isn't any true basic transaction; or (4)other circumstances of letter of credit fraud. Therefore if any of the said circumstances occurs the letter of credit fraud shall be determined. In addition pursuant to Article 10 of the Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Some Issues Concerning the Trial of Cases of Disputes over Letter of Credit...
[案例要旨] 《最高人民法院關于審理信用證糾紛案件若幹問題的規定》第八條規定了構成信用證欺詐的情形包括受益人偽造單據或者提交記載內容虛假的單據;受益人惡意不交付貨物或者交付的貨物無價值;受益人和開證申請人或者其他第三方串通提交假單據而沒有真實的基礎交易;以及其他進行信用證欺詐的情形。據此發生上述情形...
Full-text omitted. 花旗銀行(CITIBANK)等與北海宇能科技發展有限公司等信用證欺詐糾紛上訴案

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