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Measures for the Management of End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling [Effective]
報廢機動車回收管理辦法 [現行有效]
Order of the State Council of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 715) (第715號)

The Measures for the Management of End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling is hereby issued and shall come into force on June 1, 2019. 現公布《報廢機動車回收管理辦法》,自2019年6月1日起施行。
Premier: Li Keqiang 總 理  李克強
April 22, 2019 2019年4月22日
Measures for the Management of End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling 報廢機動車回收管理辦法
Article 1 These Measures are developed to regulate the recycling of end-of-life vehicles (“ELV”), protect the environment, promote the development of circular economy, and ensure the road traffic safety.   第一條 為了規範報廢機動車回收活動,保護環境,促進循環經濟發展,保障道路交通安全,制定本辦法。
Article 2 For the purpose of these Measures, “ELV” mean the vehicles that ought to be scrapped according to the provisions set forth in the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China.   第二條 本辦法所稱報廢機動車,是指根據《中華人民共和國道路交通安全法》的規定應當報廢的機動車。
For those that should not be scrapped according to the provisions as set forth in the Road Traffic Safety Law of the People's Republic of China and are scrapped voluntarily by their owners, the provisions of these Measures shall apply. 不屬于《中華人民共和國道路交通安全法》規定的應當報廢的機動車,機動車所有人自願作報廢處理的,依照本辦法的規定執行。
Article 3 The state encourages the early scrapping and upgrading of obsolete vehicles in certain special areas, with specific measures stipulated separately by the relevant departments of the State Council.   第三條 國家鼓勵特定領域的老舊機動車提前報廢更新,具體辦法由國務院有關部門另行制定。
Article 4 The department in charge of the management of ELV recycling under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and management of the recycling (including dismantling, the same below) of ELVs nationwide; and the departments of public security, ecological environment, industry and information system, transportation, and market regulation and administration under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and management work related to ELV recycling within the scope of their respective responsibilities.   第四條 國務院負責報廢機動車回收管理的部門主管全國報廢機動車回收(含拆解,下同)監督管理工作,國務院公安、生態環境、工業和信息化、交通運輸、市場監督管理等部門在各自的職責範圍內負責報廢機動車回收有關的監督管理工作。
The departments in charge of the management of ELV recycling under the people's governments at the county level or above shall be responsible for the supervision and management of the recycling activities of ELVs within their respective administrative regions; and the departments of public security, ecological environment, industry and information technology, transport, and market regulation and administration under the people's governments at the county level or above shall be responsible for the supervision and management work related to the recycling of ELVs within the scope of their respective responsibilities and administrative regions. 縣級以上地方人民政府負責報廢機動車回收管理的部門對本行政區域內報廢機動車回收活動實施監督管理。縣級以上地方人民政府公安、生態環境、工業和信息化、交通運輸、市場監督管理等部門在各自的職責範圍內對本行政區域內報廢機動車回收活動實施有關的監督管理。
Article 5 The state adopts the qualification accreditation system for the ELV recycling enterprises. Without the qualification accreditation, any entity or individual shall not engage in the recycling activities of ELVs.   第五條 國家對報廢機動車回收企業實行資質認定制度。未經資質認定,任何單位或者個人不得從事報廢機動車回收活動。
The state encourages vehicle manufacturers to engage in the recycling of ELVs; and vehicle manufacturers shall take their respective responsibilities according to the relevant national regulations. 國家鼓勵機動車生產企業從事報廢機動車回收活動。機動車生產企業按照國家有關規定承擔生產者責任。
Article 6 To obtain the qualification accreditation, a vehicle manufacturer shall meet the following requirements:   第六條 取得報廢機動車回收資質認定,應當具備下列條件:
1. having the qualification of an enterprise legal person; (一)具有企業法人資格;
2. having the necessary storage and dismantling sites, the dismantling equipment and facilities, and the operation specifications of dismantling that comply with the laws, regulations and mandatory standards related to environmental protection; and (二)具有符合環境保護等有關法律、法規和強制性標准要求的存儲、拆解場地,拆解設備、設施以及拆解操作規範;
3. having the technical personnel who are suitable to the dismantling of ELVs. (三)具有與報廢機動車拆解活動相適應的專業技術人員。
Article 7 Enterprises that plan to engage in the ELV recycling shall file an application with the departments in charge of the management of ELV recycling under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government, which shall make inspections according to the law and grant the qualification certificates to the qualified enterprises; and, for those that are not qualified, disapprove the qualification accreditation and give the reasons in writing.   第七條 擬從事報廢機動車回收活動的,應當向省、自治區、直轄市人民政府負責報廢機動車回收管理的部門提出申請。省、自治區、直轄市人民政府負責報廢機動車回收管理的部門應當依法進行審查,對符合條件的,頒發資質認定書;對不符合條件的,不予資質認定並書面說明理由。
The departments in charge of the management of ELV recycling under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall make full use of the advanced technologies (e.g. computer networks) and promote online application and online acceptance so as to provide convenience to the applicants. The applicants may file the application online. 省、自治區、直轄市人民政府負責報廢機動車回收管理的部門應當充分利用計算機網絡等先進技術手段,推行網上申請、網上受理等方式,為申請人提供便利條件。申請人可以在網上提出申請。
The departments in charge of the management of ELV recycling under the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall release to the public the list of recycling enterprises that have obtained the qualification accreditation within their respective administrative regions. 省、自治區、直轄市人民政府負責報廢機動車回收管理的部門應當將本行政區域內取得資質認定的報廢機動車回收企業名單及時向社會公布。
Article 8 No entity or individual shall require the vehicle owners to give or sell their ELVs to a designated recycling enterprise.   第八條 任何單位或者個人不得要求機動車所有人將報廢機動車交售給指定的報廢機動車回收企業。
Article 9 For ELVs to be recycled, the recycling enterprises shall issue the Certificate of End-of-Life Vehicle Recycling to the vehicle owners, take away their registration license, number plate and vehicle license, deregister the vehicles at the traffic administration departments of the public security organs according to the relevant national regulations in a timely manner, and hand over the deregistration certificates to the vehicle owners.   第九條 報廢機動車回收企業對回收的報廢機動車,應當向機動車所有人出具《報廢機動車回收證明》,收回機動車登記證書、號牌、行駛證,並按照國家有關規定及時向公安機關交通管理部門辦理注銷登記,將注銷證明轉交機動車所有人。
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