Xinjiang Population Dynamics and Data | | 新疆的人口發展 |
(The State Council Information Office of the People's Republic of China, September 2021) | | (中華人民共和國國務院新聞辦公室 2021年9月) |
Contents | | 目錄 |
Preface | | 前言 |
I. Population Growth in Xinjiang | | 一、新疆人口發展的曆史 |
II. Latest Demographics of Xinjiang | | 二、新疆人口的現狀 |
III. Demographic Changes in the Uygur Population | | 三、維吾爾族人口的發展 |
IV. Factors Contributing to Xinjiang's Demographic Development | | 四、新疆人口發展的現實必然性 |
V. Xinjiang's Population Prospects | | 五、新疆人口發展的趨勢 |
VI. Falsehoods Fabricated by Anti-China Forces | | 六、關于境外反華勢力炒作的幾個問題 |
Conclusion | | 結束語 |
Preface | | 前言 |
A healthy population is essential for the existence and development of human society. All economic and social activities are closely related to population. Its growth influences economic and social development, and national security and prosperity. | | 人口是社會生活的主體,是人類社會存在和發展的前提。人類的一切經濟社會活動都與人口密切相關,人口發展關乎經濟發展、社會和諧、民族興衰、國家安全。 |
Lying in northwest China and central Eurasia, Xinjiang has been a place inhabited by multiple ethnic groups since ancient times. In 60 BC, the Western Han Dynasty established the Western Regions Frontier Command to govern the Xinjiang area, officially incorporating the area into the Chinese territory. Over the following 2,000 years and more, various ethnic groups have emerged, divided and mixed there. Today they live together in harmony and have formed a diverse unity. | | 新疆地處中國西北、亞歐大陸腹地,自古以來就是多民族聚居地區。公元前60年,西漢中央政權在新疆地區設立西域都護府,標志著新疆地區正式納入中國版圖。2000多年來,新疆地區眾多民族經過誕育、分化、交融,形成了“你中有我、我中有你”的和合共生關系和多元一體格局。 |
Work to remedy the backward economic and social situation in Xinjiang began immediately after the founding of the People's Republic of China (PRC) in 1949. The population of Xinjiang, particularly that of its ethnic minorities, has grown fast in both size and quality, and life expectancy has seen a substantial increase. Today, the region enjoys rapid growth in all areas and a stable and secure society. The ethnic groups there live in peace and contentment, and its population is experiencing healthy and balanced development. | | 中華人民共和國成立前,新疆經濟社會發展落後,人口規模小,人口素質低,人均預期壽命短。1949年新中國成立後,新疆人口特別是少數民族人口數量快速增長,人口素質不斷提升,人均預期壽命大幅提高。今日新疆,經濟社會全面發展,社會大局持續穩定,各族人民安居樂業,人口發展均衡健康。 |
I. Population Growth in Xinjiang | | 一、新疆人口發展的曆史 |
Before the founding of the People's Republic of China, the mode of production in Xinjiang was backward and its productivity was low. Oppressed by foreign invaders, feudal exploiters, and a privileged religious hierarchy, people of all ethnic origins in the region led an extremely hard life with little security. The population grew very slowly. Historical data show that the population in this vast region never exceeded one million during the 1,800 years from 60 BC to the mid-18th century. When the Qing government set up the post of Ili General as governor of the region in 1762, the local population was less than 300,000, mainly because of the turmoil of war. The region became a province during the Qing Dynasty in 1884. According to Records of the Xiang Army, the population in Xinjiang was 1.84 million in 1887. It had grown to 4.33 million by the time of the peaceful liberation in 1949. | | 新中國成立前,新疆生產力水平低下,生產方式落後,各族人民深受外國侵略勢力、封建剝削階級和宗教特權階層的壓迫,生活極端困苦,生命毫無保障,人口增長緩慢。據考證,從公元前60年到公元18世紀中期的1800多年間,新疆地區人口一直沒有突破100萬。受戰亂等因素影響,1762年設立伊犁將軍時,新疆人口不足30萬。1884年,新疆建省。《湘軍志》記載,1887年新疆人口183.9萬人。1949年新疆和平解放時,人口達到433.34萬人。 |
Xinjiang entered a new period of rapid population growth after the founding of the PRC. On the one hand, following its economic and social development, living standards and health care improved, so that the mortality rate fell rapidly and the population growth accelerated markedly. On the other, large numbers of intellectuals and young people streamed into Xinjiang from other parts of the country in response to the government's call to support the development of border areas and areas with large ethnic minority populations. According to data from the first national census conducted in 1953, Xinjiang had a population of 4.78 million, and by the time the second national census was conducted in 1964, its population had increased to 7.27 million, a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.88 percent. The number had grown to 12.33 million by the time China launched reform and opening up in 1978, an increase of 8 million compared to 1949, with a CAGR of 3.67 percent. | | 新中國成立後,新疆人口發展進入嶄新的曆史時期。隨著經濟社會的發展、人民生活水平的提高,特別是醫療衛生條件的改善,新疆人口死亡率快速下降,自然增長率大幅上升。在國家大力開發建設邊疆、促進民族地區加快發展等方針政策的引領下,大批知識分子和青年積極響應國家號召奔赴新疆,支援邊疆建設。在人口自然增長與人口流入雙重因素的作用下,新疆人口迅速增長。1953年第一次全國人口普查數據顯示,新疆人口達到478.36萬人;1964年第二次全國人口普查數據顯示,新疆人口總量727.01萬人,11年間,新疆人口增加248.65萬人,年均增長率3.88%。到1978年中國實行改革開放前,新疆人口總量已增加到1233.01萬人,比1949年淨增799.67萬人,年均增長率3.67%。 |
Xinjiang's population continued to grow steadily after 1978. According to data from national censuses, the region had 13.08 million people in 1982, then up by 2.08 million to 15.16 million in 1990 with a CAGR of 1.86 percent, and up by a further 3.3 million to 18.46 million in 2000 with a CAGR of 1.99 percent. | | 1978年後,新疆人口進入穩步增長階段。根據全國人口普查數據,1982年新疆人口總量1308.15萬人,1990年增加到1515.69萬人,淨增207.54萬人,年均增長率1.86%;2000年達到1845.95萬人,比1990年淨增330.26萬人,年均增長率1.99%。 |
The steady growth trend has continued into the 21st century. According to data from the sixth national census conducted in 2010, the population in Xinjiang was 21.82 million, an increase of 3.36 million with a CAGR of 1.68 percent over 2000. Preliminary data from the seventh national census conducted in 2020 showed that the number increased by 4.04 million to reach 25.85 million with a CAGR of 1.71 percent. From 2000 to 2020, Xinjiang's population growth slowed down, but was still 1.15 percentage points higher than the national average in CAGR. | | 21世紀以來,新疆人口進入平穩增長階段。2010年第六次全國人口普查數據顯示,新疆人口達到2181.58萬人,比2000年增加335.63萬人,年均增長率1.68%;2020年第七次全國人口普查初步彙總數據顯示,新疆人口達到2585.23萬人,比2010年增加403.65萬人,年均增長率1.71%。2000年至2020年這一階段,新疆人口增長有所放緩,但年均增長率仍比全國平均水平高出1.15個百分點。 |
The national censuses show that the ethnic minority population in Xinjiang has grown rapidly over the past seven decades. Ethnic Minority Population Growth in Xinjiang
Census | Year | Ethnic Minority Population | Increase from Previous Census | CAGR from Previous Census | 1st | 1953 | 4,451,500 | -- | -- | 2nd | 1964 | 4,948,900 | 497,400 | 0.97% | 3rd | 1982 | 7,797,500 | 2,848,600 | 2.56% | 4th | 1990 | 9,461,500 | 1,664,000 | 2.45% | 5th | 2000 | 10,969,600 | 1,508,100 | 1.49% | 6th | 2010 | 12,985,900 | 2,016,300 | 1.70% | 7th | 2020 | 14,932,200 | 1,946,300 | 1.41% |
| | 從少數民族人口增長看,曆次全國人口普查數據顯示,1953年,新疆少數民族人口445.15萬人,1964年增加到494.89萬人,淨增49.74萬人,年均增長率0.97%;1982年779.75萬人,與1964年相比,淨增284.86萬人,年均增長率2.56%;1990年946.15萬人,與1982年相比,淨增166.4萬人,年均增長率2.45%;2000年1096.96萬人,與1990年相比,淨增150.81萬人,年均增長率1.49%;2010年1298.59萬人,與2000年相比,淨增201.63萬人,年均增長率1.7%;2020年1493.22萬人,與2010年相比,淨增194.63萬人,年均增長率1.41%。 |
II. Latest Demographics of Xinjiang | | 二、新疆人口的現狀 |
According to preliminary data from the seventh national census in 2020, the total population of Xinjiang was 25.85 million, among which the Han ethnic group numbered 10.92 million, and ethnic minorities 14.93 million. Compared with the data from the sixth national census in 2010, Xinjiang ranked fourth among 31 provinces and equivalent administrative units on China's mainland in terms of the population growth rate. It ranked eighth in terms of the actual increase in population over that period. By 2020, Xinjiang's total population ranking had risen from 25th to 21st in the country. | | 2020年第七次全國人口普查初步彙總數據顯示,新疆總人口2585.23萬人,漢族人口1092.01萬人,少數民族人口1493.22萬人。與第六次全國人口普查相比,10年間,新疆人口增速居全國第4位,人口增量居全國第8位,人口總量的排位由第25位上升到第21位。 |
Gender composition: Of Xinjiang's population in 2020, 13.35 million (51.66 percent) were male while 12.5 million (48.34 percent) were female. The male to female ratio was 106.85:100, basically the same as in 2010. | | 從性別結構看,新疆人口中,男性人口1335.44萬人,占總人口的51.66%;女性人口1249.8萬人,占總人口的48.34%;總人口性別比(每100名女性相對應的男性人數)為106.85,與第六次全國人口普查基本持平。 |
Age breakdown: In 2020, there were 5.81 million in the 0-14 age group, accounting for 22.46 percent; 17.13 million in the 15-59 age group, accounting for 66.26 percent; and 2.92 million in the age group of 60 and above, accounting for 11.28 percent. Compared with 2010, the proportions of people in the age groups from 0 to 14, and 60 and above were up by 2.01 and 1.62 percentage points. In 2020, Xinjiang's share of people in the 0-14 age group was 4.51 percentage points higher than the national average of 17.95 percent; and its share of people in the age group of 60 and above was 7.42 percentage points lower than the national average of 18.7 percent. The aging of its population was relatively moderate. | | 從年齡結構看,新疆0-14歲人口580.62萬人,占22.46%;15-59歲人口1712.92萬人,占66.26%;60歲及以上人口291.7萬人,占11.28%。與2010年相比,0-14歲人口比例上升2.01個百分點,60歲及以上人口比例上升1.62個百分點。與全國平均水平相比,新疆0-14歲人口比例比全國的17.95%高4.51個百分點;60歲及以上人口比例比全國的18.7%低7.42個百分點,人口的老齡化程度相對較低。 |
Education: The average years of schooling for people aged 15 and above rose from 9.27 years in 2010 to 10.11 years in 2020, 0.2 years higher than the national average of 9.91, and ranking 10th across the nation. Compared with 2010, the number of people with university education rose from 10,613 to 16,536 per 100,000 persons; those with high school education grew from 11,669 to 13,208; those with middle school education dropped from 36,241 to 31,559; and those with primary education fell from 30,085 to 28,405. | | 從受教育程度看,新疆15歲及以上人口的平均受教育年限由2010年9.27年提高至2020年10.11年,比全國人口平均受教育年限9.91年高出0.2年,居全國第10位。與2010年相比,每10萬人口中擁有大學文化程度的由10613人增加到16536人;擁有高中文化程度的由11669人增加到13208人;擁有初中文化程度的由36241人降低至31559人;擁有小學文化程度的由30085人降低至28405人。 |
Health: The average life expectancy of people in Xinjiang was 74.7 in 2019, up 2.35 years from 2010. Infant mortality rate, mortality rate for children under five years of age, and maternal mortality rate went down from 26.58 per 1,000, 31.95 per 1,000, and 43.41 per 100,000 in 2010 to 6.75 per 1,000, 10.91 per 1,000, and 17.89 per 100,000 in 2020. In 2019, practicing doctors and hospital beds per 1,000 persons numbered 2.7 and 7.39, up 0.58 and 1.93 over 2010. | | 從健康水平看,新疆人口2019年平均預期壽命74.7歲,比2010年提高2.35歲。嬰兒死亡率、5歲以下兒童死亡率、孕產婦死亡率分別由2010年的26.58?、31.95?、43.41/10萬降至2020年的6.75?、10.91?、17.89/10萬。2019年每千人執業醫師數和醫療衛生機構床位數分別達到2.7人和7.39床,分別比2010年增加了0.58人和1.93床。 |
Rural, urban and floating populations: In 2020, there were 14.61 million people living in the urban areas of Xinjiang, accounting for 56.53 percent; 11.24 million living in the rural areas, accounting for 43.47 percent. Compared with 2010, the urban population increased by 5.28 million and the rural population decreased by 1.24 million. The share of urban population went up by 13.73 percentage points. As of 2020, the floating population in Xinjiang numbered 8.05 million, with 4.66 million moving within the autonomous region and 3.39 million moving to Xinjiang from other parts of the country. Compared with 2010, the floating population grew by 4.06 million, an increase of 101.78 percent. | | 從城鄉和流動人口結構看,2020年新疆城鎮人口1461.36萬人,鄉村人口1123.87萬人,分別占總人口的56.53%、43.47%。與2010年相比,城鎮人口增加527.79萬人,鄉村人口減少124.13萬人,城鎮人口比例上升13.73個百分點。新疆流動人口805.14萬人。其中,疆內流動人口466.07萬人,跨省流入人口339.07萬人。與2010年相比,流動人口增加406.11萬人,增長101.78%。 |
Regional distribution: Xinjiang now has 14 prefectural-level areas 每 9 in northern Xinjiang and 5 in southern Xinjiang. In the past, there was a big population gap between north and south. The population of southern Xinjiang once accounted for over two thirds of the region's total. This gap has been gradually bridged thanks to economic and social development. In 2020, the population of northern Xinjiang was 13.31 million, making up 51.48 percent of the total, up by 1.96 million from 11.35 million in 2010. The population of southern Xinjiang was 12.54 million, accounting for 48.52 percent of the total, an increase of 2.08 million from 10.46 million in 2010. | | 從區域分布看,新疆現有14個地(州、市),其中,北疆9個、南疆5個。曆史上,南北疆人口數量相差較大,南疆人口一度占全疆人口的三分之二以上。隨著經濟社會的發展,南北疆人口分布趨于平衡。2020年,北疆人口1330.91萬人,占總人口的51.48%,比2010年的1135.29萬人,增加195.62萬人;南疆人口1254.32萬人,占48.52%,比2010年的1046.29萬人,增加208.03萬人。 |
III. Demographic Changes in the Uygur Population | | 三、維吾爾族人口的發展 |
Xinjiang has enjoyed peace and development since 1949. After the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region was established in 1955, the CPC and the central government implemented regional autonomy to ensure the equal status of all ethnic groups, and adopted a series of preferential policies to assist and support regional development. Ethnic minority groups in Xinjiang, including the Uygurs, entered an optimal period for development. | | 新中國成立以來,新疆進入和平發展時期。1955年,新疆維吾爾自治區成立,黨和國家在新疆實行民族區域自治制度,堅持各民族一律平等,實施一系列特殊扶持政策,維吾爾族等少數民族人口進入了曆史上最好的發展時期。 |
The Uygur population in Xinjiang has continued to grow. Uygur Population Growth Between National Censuses
Year of Census | Uygur Population | Increase from Previous Census | CAGR from Previous Census | 1953 | 3,607,600 | -- | -- | 1964 | 3,991,600 | 384,000 | 0.92% | 1982 | 5,955,900 | 1,964,300 | 2.25% | 1990 | 7,191,800 | 1,235,900 | 2.38% | 2000 | 8,345,600 | 1,153,800 | 1.50% | 2010 | 10,001,300 | 1,655,700 | 1.83% | 2020 | 11,624,300 | 1,623,000 | 1.52% |
These data show that since the founding of the PRC, the Uygur population has maintained a relatively high growth rate, a trend shared with the total population growth of the region. | | 從人口增長看,新疆維吾爾族人口持續增長。根據曆次全國人口普查數據,維吾爾族人口1953年為360.76萬人,1964年399.16萬人,1982年595.59萬人,1990年719.18萬人,2000年834.56萬人,2010年1000.13萬人,2020年1162.43萬人。每兩次普查間淨增人口分別為38.4萬人、196.43萬人、123.59萬人、115.38萬人、165.57萬人、162.3萬人,年均增長率分別為0.92%、2.25%、2.38%、1.5%、1.83%、1.52%。上述數據表明,新中國成立後,維吾爾族人口總體保持較高增長水平,與新疆人口發展的趨勢基本一致。 |
...... | | 進入新世紀以來,維吾爾族人口從2000年的834.56萬人增長至2020年的1162.43萬人,年均增長率1.67%,遠高于同期全國少數民族人口年均增長率0.83%的水平。 |
| | 從年齡結構看,維吾爾族人口與全疆人口相比,年齡結構輕。2020年維吾爾族0-14歲、15-59歲、60歲及以上人口占比分別為30.51%、60.95%、8.54%。2020年全疆0-14歲、15-59歲、60歲及以上人口占比分別為22.46%、66.26%、11.28%。 |
| | 從受教育程度看,維吾爾族受教育水平不斷提高。第七次全國人口普查數據顯示,維吾爾族每10萬人中擁有大學文化程度的人口為8944人,與2000年相比增加6540人,15歲及以上人口受教育年限從2000年的7.06年提高到2020年的9.19年。 |
| | 從區域分布看,維吾爾族人口主要分布在喀什、和田、阿克蘇、克州等南疆四地州。據2020年全國人口普查數據,南疆四地州維吾爾族人口占當地人口的83.74%,占全疆維吾爾族人口的74.01%。其中,喀什、和田等地區,維吾爾族人口在200萬以上,阿克蘇地區接近200萬。 |
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