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Detailed Delivery Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange (2019 Revision) [Revised]
上海期貨交易所交割細則(2019修訂) [已被修訂]
Detailed Delivery Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange 


(Announcement No. 7 [2019] of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, February 1, 2019) (上海期貨交易所公告[2019]7號 2019年2月1日)

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 總 則

Article 1 These Detailed Rules are developed in accordance with the Trading Rules of the Shanghai Futures Exchange for the purposes of guaranteeing the normal futures delivery business and regulating physical delivery activities on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (“SHFE”).   第一條 為保證上海期貨交易所(以下簡稱交易所)期貨交割業務的正常進行,規範實物交割行為,根據《上海期貨交易所交易規則》,制定本細則。
Article 2 These Detailed Rules shall apply to the delivery business conducted on the SHFE, and the SHFE, members, clients and designated delivery warehouses shall comply with these Detailed Rules.   第二條 交易所交割業務按本細則進行,交易所、會員、客戶及指定交割倉庫應當遵守本細則。
Chapter II Delivery Procedures 

第二章 交割流程

Article 3 “Physical delivery” means the process through which both parties to a transaction close out outstanding positions on maturity by transferring the ownership of goods under the futures contract.   第三條 實物交割是指期貨合約到期時,交易雙方通過該期貨合約所載商品所有權的轉移,了結到期未平倉合約的過程。
Article 4 All the outstanding positions of a matured futures contract shall be closed out by physical delivery since the last trading day for its holder to perform the obligations. Physical delivery of a client shall be handled by the member at the SHFE in the name of the member.   第四條 在合約最後交易日後,所有未平倉合約的持有者應當以實物交割方式履約。客戶的實物交割應當由會員辦理,並以會員名義在交易所進行。
A client that is unable to provide or accept the special VAT invoice is prohibited from conducting physical delivery. 不能交付或者接收增值稅專用發票的客戶不允許交割。
A natural person client shall reduce its open positions in a futures contract to zero by the close of the third trading day before the last trading day of the contract. The SHFE will force-liquidate the open positions of the natural person client on the delivery month starting from the second trading day before the last trading day. 某一期貨合約最後交易日前第三個交易日收盤後,自然人客戶該期貨合約的持倉應當為0手。自最後交易日前第二個交易日起,對自然人客戶的交割月份持倉直接由交易所強行平倉。
Article 5 Physical delivery shall be completed within the delivery period set forth in the contract. The delivery period means five consecutive working days following the last trading day of the contract, referred to as the first, second, third, fourth and fifth delivery day, and the fifth delivery day is the last delivery day.   第五條 實物交割應當在合約規定的交割期內完成。交割期是指該合約最後交易日後的連續五個工作日。該五個交割日分別稱為第一、第二、第三、第四、第五交割日,第五交割日為最後交割日。
Article 6 Delivery procedures   第六條 交割程序:
(1) The first delivery day (一)第一交割日
(a) The buyer submits its intent. Within the first delivery day the buyer shall submit to the SHFE a letter of intent for the required goods that specifies the variety, mark, quantity, the name of the designated delivery warehouse and other content. 1、買方申報意向。買方在第一交割日內,向交易所提交所需商品的意向書。內容包括品種、牌號、數量及指定交割倉庫名等。
(b) The seller presents the standard warehouse warrants (“standard warrants”) (mill-based standard warrants may be presented for steel rebar, wire rod and hot-rolled roil futures contracts). Within the first delivery day the seller submits valid standard warrants with storage fees paid off to the SHFE through the Standard Warrant Management System. 2、賣方交標准倉單(螺紋鋼、線材和熱軋卷板期貨合約還允許提交廠庫標准倉單)。賣方在第一交割日內通過標准倉單管理系統將已付清倉儲費用的有效標准倉單交交易所。
Provisions on mill-based standard warrants shall be governed by the Measures of the Shanghai Futures Exchange for Steel Mills and Warehouses (for Trial Implementation). 廠庫標准倉單的有關規定參見《上海期貨交易所指定鋼材廠庫交割辦法(試行)》。
(2) The second delivery day (二)第二交割日
The SHFE allocates standard warrants. On the second delivery day, the SHFE allocates to the buyer standard warrants under the principles of “time of request, rounding of quantity, nearest matching, and coordinated allocation” based on the existing resources. 交易所分配標准倉單。交易所在第二交割日根據已有資源,按照“時間優先、數量取整、就近配對、統籌安排”的原則,向買方分配標准倉單。
The standard warrants invalid for delivery against the futures contract of the next delivery month shall be allocated by the SHFE to the buyer on a pro rata basis by their proportion of the total delivery volume in the current month. 不能用于下一期貨合約交割的標准倉單,交易所按所占當月交割總量的比例向買方分攤。
(3) The third delivery day (三)第三交割日
(a) The buyer makes payment and receives warrants. On the third delivery day the buyer shall make payment for goods and receive standard warrants at the SHFE before 14:00. 1、買方交款、取單。買方應當在第三交割日14:00前到交易所交付貨款並取得標准倉單。
(b) The seller receives payment. The SHFE shall make payment for goods to the seller before 16:00 on the third delivery day; however, the SHFE may prolong the payment under particular circumstances. 2、賣方收款。交易所應當在第三交割日16:00前將貨款付給賣方,如遇特殊情況交易所可以延長交割貨款給付時間。
(4) The fourth and fifth delivery day (四)第四、五交割日
The seller submits the special VAT invoice. 賣方交增值稅專用發票。
Article 7 For a physical delivery on the SHFE, standard warrants are circulated in the following order:   第七條 標准倉單在交易所進行實物交割的,其流轉程序如下:
(1) The seller's client entrusts standard warrants to the seller's member futures company so as to conduct physical delivery. (一)賣方客戶將標准倉單授權給賣方期貨公司會員以辦理實物交割業務;
(2) The seller's member submits standard warrants to the SHFE. (二)賣方會員將標准倉單提交給交易所;
(3) The SHFE allocates standard warrants to the buyer's member. (三)交易所將標准倉單分配給買方會員;
(4) The buyer's member futures company allocates standard warrants to the buyer's client. (四)買方期貨公司會員將標准倉單分配給買方客戶。
Article 8 After the physical delivery process is completed, if the buyer has any dispute over the quality or quantity of the delivered goods (any disputed goods of natural rubber, silver, or bleached softwood kraft pulp shall remain in the designated delivery warehouse), it shall submit a written application to the SHFE before the 15th day of the month following the physical delivery month (including the current day, if it is a legal holiday, it shall be postponed to the first working day after the holiday), and at the same time, provide the quality determination conclusion issued by a quality supervision and inspection agency designated by the SHFE (see Annex 1, the list of designated quality supervision and inspection agencies for lead, nickel, tin, silver and bleached softwood kraft pulp will be announced by the SHFE separately). If the buyer fails to file an application within the prescribed time limit, it shall be deemed that the buyer has no objection to the delivered goods, and the SHFE will no longer accept any application from the buyer that has any objection to the delivered goods. However, if the requirements for disputes over the quality or quantity of delivered goods of steel rebar, wire rod, and hot-rolled coil are otherwise provided for in paragraph 2 of this Article, such provisions shall apply.   第八條 實物交割完成後,若買方對交割商品的質量、數量有異議的(天然橡膠、白銀、漂白硫酸鹽針葉木漿有異議的交割商品應當在指定交割倉庫內),應當在實物交割月份的下一月份的15日之前(含當日,遇法定假日時順延至假日後的第一個工作日),向交易所提出書面申請,並應當同時提供本交易所指定的質量監督檢驗機構(見附件一,鉛、鎳、錫、白銀、漂白硫酸鹽針葉木漿指定的質量監督檢驗機構名單由交易所另行公告)出具的質量鑒定結論。逾期未提出申請的,視為買方對所交割商品無異議,交易所不再受理交割商品有異議的申請。但螺紋鋼、線材和熱軋卷板交割商品的質量、數量異議相關要求本條第二款另有規定的,從其規定。
After the physical delivery process of steer bar, wire rod and hot-rolled coil is completed, if the buyer has any dispute over the quality or quantity of the delivered goods (any disputed goods shall remain in the designated delivery warehouse), it shall submit a written application to the SHFE before the 15th day of the month following the physical delivery month (including the current day, if it is a legal holiday, it shall be postponed to the first working day after the holiday), and at the same time, provide the quality determination conclusion issued by a quality supervision and inspection agency designated by the SHFE (the list of designated quality supervision and inspection agencies for steer bar, wire rod and hot-rolled coil will be announced by the SHFE separately). The quality warranty period of each batch of deliverable steel rebar, wire rod and hot-rolled coil shall contain the last delivery day of the delivery. Even if the quality warranty period expires before the deadline for the submission of dispute request, the seller shall be responsible for the actual quality of goods delivered this time provided that the goods are determined as ineligible in quality. 螺紋鋼、線材和熱軋卷板實物交割完成後,若買方對交割商品的質量、數量有異議的(有異議的交割商品應當在指定交割倉庫內),應當在實物交割月份的下一月份的15日之前(含當日,遇法定假日時順延至假日後的第一個工作日),向交易所提出書面申請,並應當同時提供本交易所指定的質量監督檢驗機構(螺紋鋼、線材和熱軋卷板指定的質量監督檢驗機構名單由交易所另行公告)出具的質量鑒定結論。用于交割的螺紋鋼、線材和熱軋卷板每批商品的有效期應當涵蓋本次交割的最後交割日。即使交割螺紋鋼、線材和熱軋卷板的每批商品的有效期截止時間早于質量異議期的提交截止時間,如果該批商品的質量鑒定結論不合格,賣方對該批交割商品的實際質量仍需承擔全部責任。
Article 9 The buyer shall undergo the relevant formalities once again as required to put the delivered goods for prospective delivery.   第九條 買方如需將交割商品再用于將來的交割,應當按規定重新辦理有關手續。
Chapter III Warehouse Entry and Exit 

第三章 入庫與出庫

Article 10 Before sending goods to the designated delivery warehouse, the owner shall submit a warehouse entry application (delivery notice).   第十條 貨主向指定交割倉庫發貨前,應當辦理入庫申報(交割預報)。
The variety, grade (mark), trademark, quantity, delivering entity, the name of the designated delivery warehouse and other content shall be indicated in the warehouse entry application and all necessary documents shall be provided. 入庫申報的內容包括品種、等級(牌號)、商標、數量、發貨單位及擬入指定交割倉庫名稱等,並提供各項單證等。
A client shall entrust a member futures company to undergo the formalities for delivery notice (warehouse entry application). 客戶應當委托期貨公司會員辦理交割預報(入庫申報)手續。
Article 11 Given the availability of storage capacity, the SHFE shall, in consideration of the owner's intent, decide whether to approve the warehouse entry within three trading days. The owner shall deliver goods to the designated warehouse determined in the approved warehouse entry application within the term of validity prescribed by the SHFE. Goods put in the warehouse without the approval of the SHFE or not put in the warehouse within the prescribed term of validity can not be used for delivery.   第十一條 交易所在庫容允許情況下,考慮貨主意願,在3個交易日內決定是否批准入庫。貨主應當在交易所規定的有效期內向已批准的入庫申報中確定的指定交割倉庫發貨。未經過交易所批准入庫或未在規定的有效期內入庫的商品不能用于交割。
Article 12 Upon the arrival of goods at the designated delivery warehouse, the designated delivery warehouse shall examine the arrived goods and verify the relevant certificates in accordance with the relevant provisions of the SHFE. After the completion of inspection, the designated delivery warehouse shall enter inspection results in the standard warrant management system. The designated warehouse shall not issue standard warrants until the member submits its application for the standard warrants and such application is approved by the SHFE.   第十二條 商品運抵指定交割倉庫後,指定交割倉庫按交易所有關規定對到貨及相關憑證進行驗核。驗收完畢後,指定交割倉庫應當將入庫驗收的結果輸入標准倉單管理系統。會員向交易所提交制作標准倉單申請在獲得交易所批准後,指定交割倉庫方可簽發標准倉單。
During the entry inspection, the owner shall oversee in person the inspection at the designated delivery warehouse; otherwise, it is deemed that the owner consents to the inspection results. 商品到庫驗收時,貨主應當到指定交割倉庫監收; 貨主不到庫監收的,視為貨主同意指定交割倉庫驗收結果。
Article 13 When the lawful holder of standard warrants applies to take delivery, the designated delivery warehouse shall deliver goods after finding no error in standard warrants upon examination. The owner may, in its sole discretion, take delivery by itself or authorize the designated delivery warehouse to deliver goods, in the latter of which the owner shall oversee the delivery at the warehouse; otherwise, it is deemed that the owner recognizes the goodness of the warehouse's delivery of goods.   第十三條 標准倉單合法持有人提貨時,指定交割倉庫在對標准倉單審核無誤後予以發貨。貨主可以自行到庫提貨或委托指定交割倉庫代為發運,但委托指定交割倉庫代為發運時貨主應當到庫監發。貨主不到庫監發,視為認可指定交割倉庫發貨無誤。
Article 14 At the time when the designated delivery warehouse delivers the goods, it shall fill out the Standard Warrant Warehouse Exit Confirmation (in duplicates, each of which is retained by the owner and the warehouse respectively) in a timely manner and properly keep them for checks thereafter.   第十四條 指定交割倉庫發貨時,應當及時填制《標准倉單出庫確認單》(一式二份,貨主和指定交割倉庫各執一份),並妥善保管備查。
Chapter IV Delivery of Copper Cathode 

第四章 陰極銅的交割

Article 15 Delivery unit: 25 tons.   第十五條 交割單位:25噸。
Article 16 Delivery grades are provided for in the Copper Cathode Futures Contracts of the Shanghai Futures Exchange.   第十六條 交割品級見《上海期貨交易所陰極銅期貨合約》。
Article 17 Delivered goods   第十七條 交割商品
They shall be goods of registered trademarks produced by producers registered with the SHFE. 應當是在本交易所注冊的生產廠生產的注冊商標的商品。
Article 18 Packaging of delivered goods   第十八條 交割商品的包裝
(1) Packaging of goods: copper cathode of each delivery unit shall be the goods of the same registered trademark, the same grade of quality, the same shape and the similar bundle weight produced by the same producer. The registered producer may, in its sole discretion, decide the bundle weight of the registered product, provided that it is convenient to make a delivery unit. Each bundle shall be wrapped by rust-proof steel bands in a double parallel-cross manner (#) (or other methods of the similar sturdiness). Wrapping shall be sturdy and bear apparent and tightly-attached product marks and bundle weight. Each bundle weighs no more than four tons. (一)商品的包裝:每一交割單位陰極銅應當是同一生產企業生產、同一注冊商標、同一質量品級、同一塊形、捆重近似的商品組成。注冊生產企業自行選定注冊產品捆重,但要利于組手,每捆包裝采用表面作防鏽處理的鋼帶井字形捆紮(或者堅固程度相當的鋼帶捆紮方式),捆紮應當堅固,同時標有醒目的、不易脫落的商品標志及捆重。每捆重量不超過4噸。
(2) Among the arrived goods, bundles or pieces of goods with broken steel bands or severe rust or corrosion shall be tightly wrapped with the steel bands as prescribed into bundles suitable for delivery. Costs of packaging shall be borne by the owner. (二)到庫商品中,遇有包裝鋼帶斷裂或嚴重鏽蝕的捆件及散塊商品,應當重新組合,用規定的鋼帶捆紮緊固,方可用于交割。包裝費用由貨主承擔。
Article 19 Documents required for the delivery of goods   第十九條 交割商品必備單證
(1) Domestic goods: the Product Quality Certificate issued by the registered producer shall be provided. (一)國產商品:應當提供注冊生產企業出具的產品質量證明書。
(2) Imported goods: the Product Quality Certificate, the Certificate of Origin, the Commodity Inspection Certificate, the Customs' Special Bill of Payment for Import Duties and the Special Bill of Payment of VAT for Customs shall be provided, and these certificates are not valid unless they are acknowledged by the SHFE. (二)進口商品:應當提供產品質量證明書、產地證明書、商檢證書、海關進口關稅專用繳款書、海關代征增值稅專用繳款書,經交易所審定合格為有效。
Where national policies on taxation or commodity inspection change, the changed policies shall prevail, under which circumstances, the renewed requirements for documents on imported goods shall be announced by the SHFE separately. 國家稅收、商檢等政策調整的,應當遵守其規定,相關進口商品的單證要求由交易所另行發布。
Article 20 Weight tolerance and scale difference: the weight of copper cathode under each standard warrant is 25 tons. Weight tolerance shall be ±2%. Scale difference shall be ±0.1%.   第二十條 溢短和磅差:每張標准倉單所列陰極銅的重量為25噸,溢短不超過±2%。磅差不超過±0.1%。
Article 21 Within the delivery period, if delivery procedures are completed based on standard warrants, special VAT invoices, and payment vouchers for goods, among others, before 14:00 on the current day, the SHFE shall refund the margins on the delivery positions on that day. If delivery procedures are completed after 14:00 on the current day, the SHFE shall refund the margins on the delivery positions on the following trading day.   第二十一條 在交割期內,如當日14:00之前辦妥標准倉單、增值稅專用發票、貨款等交割事宜的,交易所當日即清退其相應的交割部位保證金。如當日14:00之後辦妥的,交易所將在下一交易日清退交割部位保證金。
Article 22 Delivery locations: delivery warehouses designated by the SHFE, see Annex 2.   第二十二條 交收地點:交易所指定交割倉庫,見附件二。
Chapter V Delivery of Aluminum Ingot 

第五章 鋁錠的交割

Article 23 Delivery unit: 25 tons.   第二十三條 交割單位:25噸。
Article 24 Delivery grades are provided for in the Aluminum Futures Contracts of the Shanghai Futures Exchange.   第二十四條 交割品級見《上海期貨交易所鋁期貨合約》。
Article 25 Delivered goods   第二十五條 交割商品
They shall be goods of registered trademarks produced by producers registered with the SHFE. 應當是在本交易所注冊的生產廠生產的注冊商標的商品。
Article 26 Packaging of delivered goods   第二十六條 交割商品的包裝
(1) Packaging of goods: the aluminum ingot of each delivery unit shall be the goods of the same registered trademark, the same grade of quality, the same shape and the same packaging amount (similar bundle weight) produced by the same producer. The registered producer may, in its sole discretion, decide the bundle weight, provided that it is convenient to make a delivery unit. Each bundle shall be wrapped by rust-proof steel bands of a size of 30-32*0.9-1.0mm in a double parallel-cross (#) manner. Wrapping shall be sturdy and bear apparent and tightly-attached product marks, smelting furnace lot number and bundle weight. Each bundle weighs no more than two tons. (一)商品的包裝:每一交割單位的鋁錠應當是同一生產企業生產、同一注冊商標、同一質量品級、同一塊形、同一包裝數量(捆重近似)的商品組成。注冊生產企業自行選定注冊產品捆重,但要利于組手。每捆包裝采用30-32*0.9-1.0mm 表面作防鏽處理的鋼帶井字形捆紮,捆紮應當堅固,同時標有醒目的、不易脫落的產品商品標志、生產爐批編號及捆重。每捆重量不超過2噸。
(2) Among the arrived goods, bundles or pieces of goods with broken steel bands or severe rust or corrosion shall be tightly wrapped with the steel bands as prescribed into bundles suitable for delivery. Costs of packaging shall be borne by the owner. (二)到庫商品中,遇有包裝鋼帶斷裂或嚴重鏽蝕的捆件及散塊商品,應當重新組合,用規定的鋼帶捆紮緊固,方可用于交割。包裝費用由貨主承擔。
(3) Each ingot of the domestic aluminum weighs 15KG±2KG, 20KG±2KG or 25KG±2KG. The imported aluminum shall be in ingot shape and weighs between 12KG and 26KG each. (三)國產鋁每錠重量為15KG±2KG、20KG±2KG或25KG±2KG。進口鋁的形狀應當為錠,每錠重量在12KG到26KG之間。
Article 27 Documents required for the delivery of goods   第二十七條 交割商品必備單證
(1) Domestic goods: the Product Quality Certificate issued by the registered producer shall be provided. (一)國產商品:應當提供注冊生產企業出具的產品質量證明書。
(2) Imported goods: the Product Quality Certificate, the Certificate of Origin, the Commodity Inspection Certificate, the Customs' Special Bill of Payment for Import Duties and the Special Bill of Payment of VAT for Customs shall be provided, and these certificates are not valid unless they are acknowledged by the SHFE. (二)進口商品:應當提供產品質量證明書、產地證明書、商檢證書、海關進口關稅專用繳款書、海關代征增值稅專用繳款書,經本交易所審定合格為有效。
Where national policies on taxation or commodity inspection change, the changed policies shall prevail, under which circumstances, the renewed requirements for documents on imported goods shall be announced by the SHFE separately. 國家稅收、商檢等政策調整的,應當遵守其規定,相關進口商品的單證要求由交易所另行發布。
Article 28 Weight tolerance: the weight of aluminum ingot under each standard warrant is 25 tons. Weight tolerance shall be ±2%.   第二十八條 溢短:每張標准倉單所列鋁錠的重量為25 噸,溢短不超過±2%。
Article 29 Scale difference shall be ±0.1%.   第二十九條 磅差:不超過±0.1%。
Article 30 Within the delivery period, if delivery procedures are completed based on standard warrants, special VAT invoices, and payment vouchers for goods, among others, before 14:00 on the current day, the SHFE shall refund the margins on the delivery positions on that day. If delivery procedures are completed after 14:00 on the current day, the SHFE shall refund the margins on the delivery positions on the following trading day.   第三十條 在交割期內,如當日14:00之前辦妥標准倉單、增值稅專用發票、貨款等交割事宜的,交易所當日即清退其相應的交割部位保證金。如當日14:00之後辦妥的,交易所將在下一交易日清退交割部位保證金。
Article 31 Delivery locations: delivery warehouses designated by the SHFE, see Annex 2.   第三十一條 交收地點:交易所指定交割倉庫,見附件二。
Chapter VI Delivery of Zinc Ingot 

第六章 鋅錠的交割

Article 32 Delivery unit: 25 tons.   第三十二條 交割單位:25噸。
Article 33 Delivery grades are provided for in the Zinc Futures Contracts of the Shanghai Futures Exchange.   第三十三條 交割品級見《上海期貨交易所鋅期貨合約》。
Article 34 Delivered goods   第三十四條 交割商品
They shall be goods of registered trademarks produced by producers registered with the SHFE. 應當是在本交易所注冊的生產廠生產的注冊商標的商品。
Article 35 Packaging of delivered goods   第三十五條 交割商品的包裝
(1) Zinc ingot of each delivery unit shall be the goods of the same registered trademark, the same grade of quality, the same shape and the same packaging amount (similar bundle weight) produced by the same producer. The registered producer may, in its sole discretion, decide the bundle weight, provided that it is convenient to make a delivery unit. Each bundle shall be wrapped by rust-proof steel bands of a size of 30-32*0.9-1.0mm. Wrapping shall be sturdy and bear apparent and tightly-attached product marks, lot number and bundle weight. (一)每一交割單位的鋅錠應當是同一生產企業生產、同一注冊商標、同一質量品級、同一塊形、同一包裝數量(捆重近似)的商品組成。注冊生產企業自行選定注冊產品捆重,但要利于組手,每捆包裝采用30-32*0.9-1.0mm表面作防鏽處理的鋼帶捆紮,捆紮應當堅固,同時標有醒目的、不易脫落的產品商品標志、批號及捆重。
(2) Among the arrived goods, bundles or pieces of goods with broken steel bands or severe rust or corrosion shall be tightly wrapped with the steel bands as prescribed into bundles suitable for delivery. Costs of packaging shall be borne by the owner. (二) 到庫商品中,遇有包裝鋼帶斷裂或嚴重鏽蝕的捆件及散塊商品,應當重新組合,用規定的鋼帶捆紮緊固,方可用于交割。包裝費用由貨主承擔。
(3) Each ingot of the domestic produced zinc weighs 18KG to 30KG. (三) 國產鋅的每錠重量為18-30KG。
Article 36 Documents required for the delivery of goods   第三十六條 交割商品必備單證
(1) Domestic goods: the Product Quality Certificate issued by the registered producer shall be provided. (一) 國產商品:應當提供注冊生產企業出具的產品質量證明書。
(2) Imported goods: the Product Quality Certificate, the Certificate of Origin, the Commodity Inspection Certificate, the Customs' Special Bill of Payment for Import Duties and the Special Bill of Payment of VAT for Customs shall be provided, and these certificates are not valid unless they are acknowledged by the SHFE. (二) 進口商品:應當提供產品質量證明書、產地證明書、商檢證書、海關進口關稅專用繳款書、海關代征增值稅專用繳款書,經交易所審定合格為有效。
Where national policies on taxation or commodity inspection change, the changed policies shall prevail, under which circumstances, the renewed requirements for documents on imported goods shall be announced by the SHFE separately. 國家稅收、商檢等政策調整的,應當遵守其規定,相關進口商品的單證要求由交易所另行發布。
Article 37 Weight tolerance and scale difference: the weight of zinc ingot under each standard warrant is 25 tons. Weight tolerance shall be ±2%. Scale difference shall be ±0.1%.   第三十七條 溢短和磅差:每張標准倉單所列鋅錠的重量為25噸,實物溢短不超過±2%,磅差不超過±0.1%。
Article 38 Within the delivery period, if delivery procedures are completed based on standard warrants, special VAT invoices, and payment vouchers for goods, among others, before 14:00 on the current day, the SHFE shall refund the margins on the delivery positions on that day. If delivery procedures are completed after 14:00 on the current day, the SHFE shall refund the margins on the delivery positions on the following trading day.   第三十八條 在交割期內,如當日14:00之前辦妥標准倉單、增值稅專用發票、貨款等交割事宜的,交易所當日即清退其相應的交割部位保證金。如當日14:00之後辦妥的,交易所將在下一交易日清退交割部位保證金。
Article 39 Delivery locations: delivery warehouses designated by the SHFE, see Annex 2.   第三十九條 交收地點:交易所指定交割倉庫,見附件二。
Chapter VII Delivery of Lead Ingot 

第七章 鉛錠的交割

Article 40 Delivery unit: 25 tons.   第四十條 交割單位:25噸。
Article 41 Delivery grades are provided for in the Lead Futures Contracts of the Shanghai Futures Exchange.   第四十一條 交割品級見《上海期貨交易所鉛期貨合約》。
Article 42 Delivered goods   第四十二條 交割商品
They shall be goods of registered trademarks produced by producers registered with the SHFE. 應當是在本交易所注冊的生產廠生產的注冊商標的商品。
Article 43 Packaging of delivered goods   第四十三條 交割商品的包裝
(1) Lead ingot of each delivery unit shall be the goods of the same registered trademark, the same grade of quality, the same shape and the same packaging amount (similar bundle weight) produced by the same producer. The registered producer may, in its sole discretion, decide the bundle weight, provided that it is convenient to make a delivery unit. Each bundle shall be wrapped with rust-proof bands of proper strength, and the specific requirements shall be announced by the SHFE separately. Wrapping shall be sturdy and bear apparent and tightly-attached product marks indicating the name of the producer, product name, mark, lot number, net weight and date of production. (一)每一交割單位的鉛錠必須是同一生產企業生產、同一注冊商標、同一質量品級、同一塊形、同一包裝數量(捆重近似)的商品組成。注冊生產企業自行選定注冊產品捆重,但要利于組手,每捆包裝應用相應強度且不易鏽蝕的包裝帶捆紮包裝,具體要求由交易所另行公告。捆紮應當堅固,同時標有醒目的、不易脫落的產品標識,注明生產廠名稱、產品名稱、牌號、批號、淨重和生產日期。
(2) Among the arrived goods, bundles or pieces of goods with broken steel bands or severe rust or corrosion shall be tightly wrapped with the steel bands as prescribed into bundles suitable for delivery. Costs of packaging shall be borne by the owner. (二)到庫商品中,遇有包裝帶斷裂的捆件及散塊商品,應當重新組合,用規定的包裝帶捆紮緊固,方可用于交割。包裝費用由貨主承擔。
(3) Each ingot of the domestic lead may weigh 48kg±3kg, 42kg±2kg, 40kg±2kg or 24kg±1kg. (三)國產鉛的每錠重量可為48kg±3kg、42kg±2kg、40kg±2kg、24kg±1kg。
Article 44 Documents required for the delivery of goods   第四十四條 交割商品必備單證
(1) Domestic goods: the Product Quality Certificate issued by the registered producer shall be provided. (一)國產商品:應當提供注冊生產企業出具的產品質量證明書。
(2) Imported goods: the Product Quality Certificate, the Certificate of Origin, the Commodity Inspection Certificate, the Customs' Special Bill of Payment for Import Duties and the Special Bill of Payment of VAT for Customs shall be provided, and these certificates are not valid unless they are acknowledged by the SHFE. (二)進口商品:應當提供產品質量證明書、產地證明書、商檢證書、海關進口關稅專用繳款書、海關代征增值稅專用繳款書,經交易所審定合格為有效。
Where national policies on taxation or commodity inspection change, the changed policies shall prevail, under which circumstances, the renewed requirements for documents on imported goods shall be announced by the SHFE separately. 國家稅收、商檢等政策調整的,應當遵守其規定,相關進口商品的單證要求由交易所另行發布。
Article 45 Weight tolerance and scale difference: the weight of lead ingot under each standard warrant is 25 tons. Weight tolerance shall be ±2%. Scale difference shall be ±0.1%.   第四十五條 溢短和磅差:每張標准倉單所列鉛錠的重量為25噸,實物溢短不超過±2%,磅差不超過±0.1%。
Article 46 Within the delivery period, if delivery procedures are completed based on standard warrants, special VAT invoices, and payment vouchers for goods, among others, before 14:00 on the current day, the SHFE shall refund the margins on the delivery positions on that day. If delivery procedures are completed after 14:00 on the current day, the SHFE shall refund the margins on the delivery positions on the following trading day.   第四十六條 在交割期內,如當日14:00之前辦妥標准倉單、增值稅專用發票、貨款等交割事宜的,交易所當日即清退其相應的交割部位保證金。如當日14:00之後辦妥的,交易所將在下一交易日清退交割部位保證金。
Article 47 Delivery locations: delivery warehouses designated by the SHFE (designated and announced separately by the SHFE). Lead ingot for futures delivery shall be stored indoors.   第四十七條 交收地點:交易所指定交割倉庫(由交易所指定並另行公告)。用于鉛期貨交割的鉛錠必須存放在室內庫房。
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