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Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Control of Processing Trade Goods [Expired]
中華人民共和國海關對加工貿易貨物監管辦法 [失效]
Order of the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China
(Order No.113)
The Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Control of Processing Trade Goods, which were adopted at the executive meeting of this Administration on January 7, 2004, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force on April 1, 2004.
Mu Xinsheng, the Director
February 26, 2004
Measures of the Customs of the People's Republic of China on the Control of Processing Trade Goods


署長 牟新生
Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 總則

Article 1 In order to promote the healthy development of processing trade, and to regulate the customs control of processing trade goods, the present Measures are formulated in accordance with the Customs Law of the People's Republic of China and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.
   第一條 為了促進加工貿易健康發展,規範海關對加工貿易貨物管理,根據《中華人民共和國海關法》及其他有關法律、行政法規,制定本辦法。
Article 2 The present Measures apply to the formalities for the filing for records, import and export customs declaration, processing, regulation, and verification and writing-off of processing trade goods.
The filing for records, import and export customs declaration, processing, regulation, and verification and writing-off of goods under processing trade shall be conducted through paper documents and electronic data.
   第二條 本辦法適用于辦理加工貿易貨物備案、進出口報關、加工、監管、核銷手續。
Article 3 Meaning of the following terms used herein:
The term "processing trade" refers to the business activities in which the operating enterprise imports all or part of the raw or ancillary materials, spare parts, components, and packaging materials (hereinafter referred to as materials), and after processing or assembling, re-exports the finished products. It includes processing of supplied materials and processing of imported materials.
The term "processing of supplied materials" refers to the business activities in which the imported materials are supplied by the overseas enterprise, and the operating enterprise need not pay foreign exchange for the import, but just carries out processing or assembling in accordance with the requirements of the overseas enterprise, and charges for the processing, with the finished products being marketed by the overseas enterprise.
The term "processing of imported materials" refers to the business activities in which the operating enterprise pays foreign exchange for the import, and exports the finished products.
The term "goods under processing trade" refers to the imported materials, and finished processed products under processing trade, as well as the leftover materials, inferior products, and byproducts generated during the processing, etc.
The term "processing trade enterprises" shall include the operating enterprises and processing enterprises that have been registered with the customs.
The term "operating enterprise" refers to the various kinds of import and export enterprises and foreign-funded enterprises that conclude the contracts of processing trade import and export with foreign parties, as well as the foreign processing and assembling service companies that have obtained the license for processing of imported materials upon approval.
The term "processing enterprise" refers to the manufacturing enterprises that, upon entrustment by the operating enterprises, assume the processing or assembling of the imported materials and that have the status of legal person, as well as the factories without the status of legal person that are established by the operating enterprises, but employ relatively independent accounting and have obtained the business certificate (license) of industry and commerce.
The term "unit consumption quantity" refers to the quantity of the imported materials consumed per finished export product by the processing or manufacturing entity under normal production conditions, and it is referred to as "unit consumption" for short.
The term "deep processing and transfer" refers to the business activities in which the processing trade enterprise transfers the products processed by using bonded imported materials to another processing trade enterprise for further processing and re-export.
The term "undertaking enterprise" refers to the production enterprise that concludes the processing contract with the operating enterprise and undertakes the outward processing operations entrusted by the operating enterprise. The undertaking enterprise must register with the customs and have the corresponding production capacity.
The term "outward processing" refers to the act of the processing trade enterprise to, as a result of the restriction of its own production operations and upon approval of the customs and after finishing the relevant formalities, entrust the undertaking enterprise to process a certain operation procedure with respect to the processing trade goods, and transport back the processed goods back to the operating enterprise within a prescribed time limit for final re-export.
The term "inspection" refers to the act of the customs to check and verify whether the processing and production capacity, as well as the import, transport, storage, processing, assembling, assignment, transfer, sale or export of processing trade goods, etc., declared by the processing trade enterprise conform to the facts and are in compliance with the relevant laws, administrative regulations and rules, through such methods as verification of data, examination of documents, verification of goods against the relevant account books, etc.
The term "verification and writing-off" refers to the act of the customs, at the application of the processing trade operating enterprise for lift of control after completing the formalities for re-export or domestic sale etc., to lift the control if the application of the operating enterprise is genuine and complies with the relevant laws, administrative regulations and rules upon examination and inspection.
   第三條 本辦法下列用語的含義:
Article 4 Except when the state has otherwise provisions, where the imported materials under processing trade fall within import restrictions imposed by the state, the operating enterprise shall be exempted from submitting the import license to the customs; where the finished export products of processing trade fall within the export restrictions imposed by the state, the operating enterprise shall submit the export license to the customs.
   第四條 除國家另有規定外,加工貿易進口料件屬于國家對進口有限制性規定的,經營企業免于向海關提交進口許可證件;加工貿易出口制成品屬于國家對出口有限制性規定的,經營企業應當向海關提交出口許可證件。
Article 5 Where the imported materials under processing trade are under the control of bonded goods, the customs shall, after the finished goods are exported, make verification and writing-off according to the verified quantity of the goods actually processed and exported. Where taxes are collected in advance pursuant to the provisions, the customs shall, after the finished goods are exported, return the collected taxes according to the verified quantity of the goods actually processed and exported.
Where export customs duties shall be levied on the export products under processing trade, the customs shall collect the export customs duties pursuant to the relevant provisions.
   第五條 經海關批准,加工貿易項下進口料件實行保稅監管的,待加工成品出口後,海關根據核定的實際加工複出口的數量予以核銷;對按照規定進口時先征收稅款的,待加工成品出口後,海關根據核定的實際加工複出口的數量退還已征收的稅款。
Article 6 The customs shall apply the system of guarantee with respect to processing trade goods pursuant to the provisions of the state.
   第六條 海關按照國家規定對加工貿易貨物實行擔保制度。
Article 7 Processing trade goods may not be mortgaged, pledged, or placed under lien.
   第七條 加工貿易貨物不得抵押、質押、留置。
Article 8 The customs may, according to the needs of control, make inspections over the processing trade enterprises, which shall render cooperation. Customs inspections shall not affect the normal business activities of the enterprises.
   第八條 海關根據監管需要,可以對加工貿易企業進行核查,企業應當予以配合。海關核查不得影響企業的正常經營活動。
Article 9 Processing trade enterprises shall, in accordance with the Accounting Law of the People's Republic of China and the relevant laws, administrative regulations and rules of the state, establish account books, statements, and other relevant documents that comply with the requirements of customs control to record the information of import, storage, assignment, transfer, sale, processing, use, wearing-off, and export, etc., relating to its processing trade goods, keep accounts and make accounting on the basis of legal and valid certificates.
A processing trade enterprise shall, pursuant to the provisions, submit to the customs the annual statements of the business operations of the previous year and other relevant documents.
   第九條 加工貿易企業應當根據《中華人民共和國會計法》及國家有關法律、行政法規、規章的規定,設置符合海關監管要求的賬簿、報表及其他有關單證,記錄與本企業加工貿易貨物有關的進口、存儲、轉讓、轉移、銷售、加工、使用、損耗和出口等情況,憑合法、有效憑證記賬並進行核算。
Chapter II Filing for Record of Processing Trade Goods

第二章 加工貿易貨物備案

Article 10 An operating enterprise shall go through the formalities for filing for record of the processing trade goods with the customs of the place where the processing enterprise is located.
Where the operating enterprise and the processing enterprise are not within the jurisdiction of the same customs directly under the General Administration of Customs (GAC), the formalities for the filing for record of goods shall be carried out pursuant to the provisions of the customs on the administration of processing trade in different places.
   第十條 經營企業應當向加工企業所在地主管海關辦理加工貿易貨物備案手續。
Article 11 Where an operating enterprise goes through the formalities for the filing for record of processing trade goods, it shall faithfully report the trade method, unit consumption, ports of import and export, as well as the commodity names, commodity numbers, specifications and types, prices, and origins, etc., of the imported materials and export products.
   第十一條 經營企業辦理加工貿易貨物備案手續,應當如實申報貿易方式、單耗、進出口口岸,以及進口料件和出口成品的商品名稱、商品編號、規格型號、價格和原產地等。
Article 12 An operating enterprise shall submit the following documents when going through the formalities for filing for record of processing trade goods:
   第十二條 經營企業辦理加工貿易貨物備案手續,應當提交下列單證:
1) Valid documents of approval issued by the competent authority agreeing to the operation of processing trade;

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