Cheng Bin and Peng Lijiao v. Peng Tao, Ma Ming and Wang Dingbing (Prosecutor-protested case concerning dispute over compensation for employees' injury)
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Cheng Bin and Peng Lijiao v. Peng Tao, Ma Ming and Wang Dingbing (Prosecutor-protested case concerning dispute over compensation for employees' injury) (Prosecutor-protested case concerning dispute over compensation for employees' injury)
[Key Terms]
employment relationship ; contractual relationship ; provide labor services ; pay remuneration
[Disputed Issues]
An employment relationship is formed between two parties where one party provides labor services as agreed and the other pays remuneration accordingly.
[Case Summary]
The determination of employment relationship should be started with considering the rights and obligations of employers and employees. An employment relationship is formed between an employer and employee if the employee provides labor services as agreed to the employer and the latter pays remuneration back accordingly. Where a victim receives labor assignments from a contract assignor and obtains remuneration from the latter after having provided labor services it can be determined that there exists an employment relationship between the victim and the contract assignor; but there only exists a contracting relationship between the contract letting party and the contractor and an assignment contracting relationship between the contractor and the contract assignor...
Full-text omitted. | | 程斌、彭麗姣與彭濤、馬明、王定兵雇員受害賠償糾紛抗訴案 |
| | ——雇員損害賠償案件中違法發包人和分包人的責任認定 |
| | [抗訴機關和受訴法院] |
| | 抗訴機關:湖北省人民檢察院 |
| | 受訴法院:湖北省高級人民法院 |
| | [基本案情] |
| | 申請人(一審被告、二審上訴人):程斌。 |
| | 申請人(一審被告、二審上訴人):彭麗姣。 |
| | 其他當事人(一審原告、二審被上訴人):彭濤。 |
| | 其他當事人(一審被告、二審被上訴人):馬明。 |
| | 其他當事人(一審被告、二審被上訴人):王定兵。 |
| | 2006年底,彭麗姣通過鄰居胡祥林找到馬明,要求為其承建廚房改造、粉刷頂棚及樓頂加蓋工程。經雙方口頭商定,由馬明包工包料、完工驗收後彭麗姣支付工程款;其中廚房改建款1200元,粉刷頂棚900元,樓頂加蓋3000元。2007年1月5日,彭麗姣支付馬明廚房改建款1200元,2007年2月10日又支付粉刷頂棚款900元。同年4月6日,在彭麗姣的催促下,馬明安排王定兵喊幾個小工進行樓頂加蓋施工,王定兵遂帶領彭濤、龔世華等人到彭麗姣家開始施工。同年4月9日在施工過程中,彭濤在加蓋的樓頂外側粉牆時不慎摔傷(經法醫鑒定為輕傷)。4月10日彭麗姣為彭濤支付醫療費1800元,後因費用較大拒絕支付。彭濤遂向丹江口市人民法院提起訴訟。 |
| | [原審裁判] |
| | 丹江口市人民法院根據彭麗姣的申請追加馬明、王定兵為被告,並于2007年8月31日作出(2007)丹民一初字第367號民事判決,該院認為,馬明在本案中是工程介紹人,與彭濤沒有形成雇傭關系,對彭濤的損害不承擔賠償責任。王定兵及其他工人都是由彭麗姣按天計算工錢支付報酬,都與彭麗姣形成了雇傭關系。彭麗姣未提供證據證實王定兵與彭濤之間形成了雇傭關系,亦未提供證據證實其將工程發包給了王定兵,因此,對彭麗姣辯解彭濤是王定兵所雇請的理由不予采納,對彭濤與彭麗姣之間的雇傭關系予以確認。彭濤作為雇員在從事雇傭活動中遭受人身損害,雇主應當承擔賠償責任,故彭麗姣應對彭濤承擔賠償責任;程斌作為彭麗姣的丈夫在夫妻存續期間應對家庭的賠償之債共同承擔賠償責任。依照《中華人民共和國民法通則》第119條、第134條第1款第7項、最高人民法院《關于審理人身損害賠償案件適用法律若幹問題的解釋》第11條第1款的規定,判決程斌、彭麗姣共同賠償彭濤醫療費、鑒定費共計24806元;駁回彭濤的其他訴訟請求;馬明、王定兵不承擔賠償責任。 |
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