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Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Developing the Silver Economy and Improving the Well-being of the Elderly [Effective]
國務院辦公廳關于發展銀發經濟增進老年人福祉的意見 [現行有效]
Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Developing the Silver Economy and Improving the Well-being of the Elderly 


(No. 1 [2024] of the General Office of the State Council) (國辦發〔2024〕1號)

The people's governments of all provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government; and all ministries and commissions of and institutions directly under the State Council: 各省、自治區、直轄市人民政府,國務院各部委、各直屬機構:
The silver economy is the collection of a series of economic activities such as providing products or services to the elderly and preparing for the old age. It involves a wide range of areas and features a long industrial chain, diverse business forms, and enormous potential. For the purposes of proactively responding to population ageing, cultivating new drivers of economic development, and improving the quality of people's life, with the approval of the State Council, the following opinions on developing the silver economy and improving the well-being of the elderly are hereby offered. 銀發經濟是向老年人提供產品或服務,以及為老齡階段做准備等一系列經濟活動的總和,涉及面廣、產業鏈長、業態多元、潛力巨大。為積極應對人口老齡化,培育經濟發展新動能,提高人民生活品質,經國務院同意,現就發展銀發經濟、增進老年人福祉提出如下意見。
I. Overall requirements   一、總體要求
Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in a New Era, all relevant sides shall further implement the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, ground their efforts in the new development stage, implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner, accelerate the building of a new development paradigm, concentrate efforts on the promotion of high-quality development, adhere to the people-centered development philosophy, implement the national strategy for actively responding to population ageing, insist on doing their best within their capacity, boost the better integration of an efficient market and a well-functioning government, promote the coordination of causes and industries, accelerate the large-scale, standardized, clustered and brand-oriented development of the silver economy, cultivate advanced, sophisticated, and cutting-edge products and high-quality service models, enable the elderly to share the achievements of development and enjoy their happy old age in peace, and continuously realize the people's aspirations for a better life. 以習近平新時代中國特色社會主義思想為指導,深入貫徹黨的二十大精神,立足新發展階段,完整、准確、全面貫徹新發展理念,加快構建新發展格局,著力推動高質量發展,堅持以人民為中心的發展思想,實施積極應對人口老齡化國家戰略,堅持盡力而為、量力而行,推動有效市場和有為政府更好結合,促進事業產業協同,加快銀發經濟規模化、標准化、集群化、品牌化發展,培育高精尖產品和高品質服務模式,讓老年人共享發展成果、安享幸福晚年,不斷實現人民對美好生活的向往。
II. Developing the undertakings for improving people's livelihoods and addressing pressing difficulties and problems that are of the greatest concern to the people   二、發展民生事業,解決急難愁盼
1. Expanding meal aid services for the elderly. Catering enterprises, property service enterprises, and public welfare and charity organizations shall be guided in developing meal aid services for the elderly, and elderly care institutions shall be boosted to provide to the public the meal aid services for the elderly. Business entities such as takeaway platforms and logistics enterprises shall be directed to participate in meal delivery services for the elderly. Diversified fund-raising mechanisms shall be improved, and the localities where conditions permit shall be allowed to give certain operating subsidies or comprehensive rewards and subsidies to meal aid service institutions for the elderly. All localities shall be supported in granting subsidies or issuing meal aid consumption coupons for the elderly enjoying meal aid services as required in consideration of the level of economic development and financial condition. (一)擴大老年助餐服務。引導餐飲企業、物業服務企業、公益慈善組織發展老年助餐,推動養老機構面向社會開展老年助餐服務。引導外賣平台、物流企業等經營主體參與老年助餐配送。完善多元籌資機制,允許有條件的地方給予老年助餐服務機構一定的運營補助或綜合性獎勵補助。支持各地結合經濟發展水平和財力狀況,按規定對享受助餐服務的老年人給予補貼或發放老年助餐消費券。
2. Expanding home-based elderly assistance services. Elderly care institutions, housekeeping enterprises, and property service enterprises shall be encouraged to provide door-to-door services for home-based elderly care. The development of diverse business forms such as community bathing assistance points, mobile bathing vehicles, and bathing assistance at home shall be supported. Professional elderly assistance and nursing institutions shall be cultivated and developed, the sharing of resources with elderly care institutions shall be supported, and escort scenarios shall be expanded. Retail service providers and social work service agencies, among others, shall be encouraged to expand elderly assistance service functions and provide services such as purchasing of daily necessities, housekeeping appointment, withholding and payment, and registration for medicine collection. (二)拓展居家助老服務。鼓勵養老機構、家政企業、物業服務企業開展居家養老上門服務。支持社區助浴點、流動助浴車、入戶助浴等多種業態發展。培育發展專業助老陪護機構,支持與養老機構共享資源,拓展陪護場景。鼓勵零售服務商、社會工作服務機構等拓展助老服務功能,提供生活用品代購、家政預約、代收代繳、掛號取藥等服務。
3. Developing community services for the convenience of residents. By focusing on 15-minute community life circles, a group of consumer service centers for the convenience of residents and other facilities shall be constructed and improved, the rational layout of physical stores of daily products for the elderly shall be guided, and shopping malls and supermarkets, among others, shall be encouraged to open special areas or convenient windows for the elderly. The construction of complete communities shall be promoted, community-level embedded service facilities shall be developed, and the provision of services such as logistics distribution, smart parcel lockers, vegetable “through trains,” among others, in the communities shall be promoted. (三)發展社區便民服務。聚焦一刻鍾社區生活圈,建設改造一批社區便民消費服務中心等設施,引導老年日用產品實體店合理布局,鼓勵商場、超市等開設老年專區或便捷窗口。推進完整社區建設,發展社區嵌入式服務設施,推動物流配送、智能快遞櫃、蔬菜直通車等進社區。
4. Optimizing the elderly health services. The construction of geriatric medicine departments in general hospitals and traditional Chinese medicine hospitals shall be strengthened, the level of prevention and treatment of geriatric diseases shall be enhanced, and the transformation of scientific research results in the field of elderly health shall be promoted. The construction of rehabilitation hospitals, nursing homes (centers, stations), and hospice care institutions shall be accelerated, the building of rehabilitation nursing, health management, and other capabilities of grassroots medical and health institutions shall be strengthened, the expansion of services integrating medical care and elderly care services is encouraged, and the construction of elderly-friendly medical institutions shall be encouraged. Medical institutions shall be encouraged to extend rehabilitation services to communities and families through daytime rehabilitation, home care beds, and doctors' door-to-door visits, among others; the provision of services such as rehabilitation evaluation, rehabilitation guidance, and follow-up visits for rehabilitation for the elderly shall be supported; and the coverage of contracted family doctor services shall be expanded. The application of traditional Chinese medicines in the field of health care shall be expanded, traditional Chinese medicine services for the prevention and treatment of geriatric diseases and chronic diseases, among others, shall be developed, and the research and development of traditional Chinese medicine rehabilitation instruments shall be promoted. (四)優化老年健康服務。加強綜合醫院、中醫醫院老年醫學科建設,提高老年病防治水平,推動老年健康領域科研成果轉化。加快建設康複醫院、護理院(中心、站)、安甯療護機構,加強基層醫療衛生機構康複護理、健康管理等能力建設,鼓勵拓展醫養結合服務,推動建設老年友善醫療機構。鼓勵醫療機構通過日間康複、家庭病床、上門巡診等方式將康複服務延伸至社區和家庭,支持開展老年康複評定、康複指導、康複隨訪等服務,擴大家庭醫生簽約服務覆蓋面。擴大中醫藥在養生保健領域的應用,發展老年病、慢性病防治等中醫藥服務,推動研發中醫康複器具。
5. Improving elderly care services. Local governments shall be guided in granting differentiated subsidies to general beds and nursing beds in elderly care institutions. Efforts shall be intensified in the construction and reconstruction of elderly care institutions, the capabilities of providing care services for the disabled elderly shall be improved, and specialized care areas for elderly with cognitive impairments shall be added appropriately. The construction of medical and health institutions and elderly care institutions adjacent to each other and the sharing of resources between them shall be promoted. The service referral and connection mechanism among homes, communities and institutional elderly care shall be established. (五)完善養老照護服務。引導地方對養老機構普通型床位和護理型床位實行差異化補助。加大養老機構建設和改造力度,提升失能老年人照護服務能力,適當增設認知障礙老年人照護專區。推動醫療衛生機構與養老機構毗鄰建設、資源共享。建立居家、社區、機構養老之間的服務轉介銜接機制。
6. Enriching cultural and sports services for the elderly. National universities for the elderly shall be built, and the running of schools under the principle of opening to the public shall be boosted. The national public service platform for elderly education shall be built by relying on national universities for the elderly, and resource databases and teacher databases for elderly education shall be established. Complicated TV operation problems shall be solved to make it easier for the elderly to watch TV. The editing and publishing of large-print books suitable for the elderly shall be encouraged. Literature, radio, film and television, music, short video, and other content industries for the elderly shall be developed, and exchange and performance activities of elderly cultural groups and performance teams shall be supported. Various sports events suitable for the elderly shall be organized. The construction of venues for ball games, chess and card games, and other activities shall be strengthened, and the off-peak use of sports venues shall be supported. (六)豐富老年文體服務。建設國家老年大學,推動面向社會開放辦學。依托國家老年大學搭建全國老年教育公共服務平台,建立老年教育資源庫和師資庫。治理電視操作複雜問題,方便老年人看電視。鼓勵編輯出版適合老年人的大字本圖書。發展面向老年人的文學、廣播、影視、音樂、短視頻等內容行業,支持老年文化團體和演出隊伍交流展示。組織開展各類適合老年人的體育賽事活動。加強球類、棋牌等活動場地建設,支持體育場所錯峰使用。
7. Improving elderly care services in rural areas. Supporting service facilities, among others, for persons (nursing homes) in extraordinary poverty in rural areas shall be made full use of to provide elderly care services through entrusted operations and other methods. Local elderly care institutions and dining places, among others, shall be supported in increasing meal assistance functions. The establishment of incentive and evaluation mechanisms for voluntary elderly care services shall be explored to provide mutual-aid elderly care in rural areas. Ways shall be explored to vigorously develop rural travel and residence-integrated elderly care services and other rural characteristic elderly care industries under the “company (social organization) + farmer households + cooperative” business model. (七)提升農村養老服務。充分利用農村特困人員供養服務設施(敬老院)等,采用委托經營等方式開展養老服務。支持當地養老機構、餐飲場所等增加助餐功能。探索建立養老志願服務激勵與評價機制,開展農村互助式養老。探索采取“公司(社會組織)+農戶+合作社”經營模式積極發展鄉村旅居式養老服務等農村特色養老產業。
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