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Rural Collective Economic Organizations Law of the People's Republic of China [Not Yet Effective]
中華人民共和國農村集體經濟組織法 [尚未生效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China 


(No. 26) (第二十六號)

The Rural Collective Economic Organizations Law of the People's Republic of China, adopted at the 10th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on June 28, 2024, is hereby issued and shall come into force on May 1, 2025. 《中華人民共和國農村集體經濟組織法》已由中華人民共和國第十四屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議于2024年6月28日通過,現予公布,自2025年5月1日起施行。
Xi Jinping, President of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國主席 習近平
June 28, 2024 2024年6月28日
Rural Collective Economic Organizations Law of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國農村集體經濟組織法
(Adopted at the 10th Session of the Standing Committee of the Fourteenth National People's Congress on June 28, 2024) (2024年6月28日第十四屆全國人民代表大會常務委員會第十次會議通過)
Table of Contents 目  錄
Chapter I General Provisions 第一章 總  則
Chapter II Members 第二章 成  員
Chapter III Organization Registration 第三章 組織登記
Chapter IV Organizational Structure 第四章 組織機構
Chapter V Property Management and Profit Distribution 第五章 財產經營管理和收益分配
Chapter VI Support Measures 第六章 扶持措施
Chapter VII Dispute Resolution and Legal Liability 第七章 爭議的解決和法律責任
Chapter VIII Supplemental Provisions 第八章 附  則
Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 總  則

Article 1 This Law is enacted in accordance with the Constitution for the purposes of safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of rural collective economic organizations and their members, regulating rural collective economic organizations and their operation and management, promoting high-quality development of the new rural collective economy, consolidating and improving the basic rural operations system and the basic socialist economic system, promoting comprehensive rural revitalization, accelerating the construction of an agricultural power, and boosting common prosperity.   第一條 為了維護農村集體經濟組織及其成員的合法權益,規範農村集體經濟組織及其運行管理,促進新型農村集體經濟高質量發展,鞏固和完善農村基本經營制度和社會主義基本經濟制度,推進鄉村全面振興,加快建設農業強國,促進共同富裕,根據憲法,制定本法。
Article 2 For the purposes of this Law, "rural collective economic organization" means a regional economic organization that is based on collective ownership of land, exercises ownership on behalf of its members in accordance with the law, and implements the two-level management system characterized by the combination of centralized operation with decentralized operation on the basis of household contracted management, including rural collective economic organizations at the township, town, village, or group level.   第二條 本法所稱農村集體經濟組織,是指以土地集體所有為基礎,依法代表成員集體行使所有權,實行家庭承包經營為基礎、統分結合雙層經營體制的區域性經濟組織,包括鄉鎮級農村集體經濟組織、村級農村集體經濟組織、組級農村集體經濟組織。
Article 3 Rural collective economic organizations are significant entities for developing the new rural collective economy, consolidating socialist public ownership, and promoting common prosperity. They are an important force for improving the rural governance system and achieving good rural governance. They are an important safeguard for enhancing the cohesion of the primary rural organizations of the Communist Party of China and consolidating the Party's ruling foundation in rural areas.   第三條 農村集體經濟組織是發展壯大新型農村集體經濟、鞏固社會主義公有制、促進共同富裕的重要主體,是健全鄉村治理體系、實現鄉村善治的重要力量,是提升中國共產黨農村基層組織凝聚力、鞏固黨在農村執政根基的重要保障。
Article 4 A rural collective economic organization shall adhere to the following principles:   第四條 農村集體經濟組織應當堅持以下原則:
(1) Adhering to the leadership of the Communist Party of China and performing duties in accordance with the law under the leadership of the township or town Party committee, sub-district Party working committee, and village Party organization. (一)堅持中國共產黨的領導,在鄉鎮黨委、街道黨工委和村黨組織的領導下依法履職;
(2) Adhering to the socialist collective ownership system and safeguarding the lawful rights and interests of the collective and its members. (二)堅持社會主義集體所有制,維護集體及其成員的合法權益;
(3) Adhering to democratic management, so that the members of the rural collective economic organization have equal rights and obligations in accordance with laws, regulations, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization. (三)堅持民主管理,農村集體經濟組織成員依照法律法規和農村集體經濟組織章程平等享有權利、承擔義務;
(4) Adhering to the coexistence of multiple modes of distribution with distribution according to the amount of labor performed playing a dominant role, and promoting common prosperity in rural areas. (四)堅持按勞分配為主體、多種分配方式並存,促進農村共同富裕。
Article 5 A rural collective economic organization exercises ownership on behalf of its members in accordance with the law and perform the following functions:   第五條 農村集體經濟組織依法代表成員集體行使所有權,履行下列職能:
(1) Awarding contracts for rural land. (一)發包農村土地;
(2) Processing the applications for and use of rural land as residential lots. (二)辦理農村宅基地申請、使用事項;
(3) Reasonably developing, utilizing, and protecting cultivated land, forestland, grassland, and other land resources and exercising supervision. (三)合理開發利用和保護耕地、林地、草地等土地資源並進行監督;
(4) Using collective commercial construction land or transferring or leasing it to an organization or individual. (四)使用集體經營性建設用地或者通過出讓、出租等方式交由單位、個人使用;
(5) Organizing the management of collective property. (五)組織開展集體財產經營、管理;
(6) Deciding on changes in the ownership of a collectively-funded enterprise. (六)決定集體出資的企業所有權變動;
(7) Distributing and using collective income. (七)分配、使用集體收益;
(8) Distributing and using compensation for collective-owned land that is expropriated or requisitioned. (八)分配、使用集體土地被征收征用的土地補償費等;
(9) Providing technical, information, and other services for members engaged in production and operations. (九)為成員的生產經營提供技術、信息等服務;
(10) Supporting and cooperating with the villagers' committee in villagers' self-governing practices under the leadership of the village Party organization. (十)支持和配合村民委員會在村黨組織領導下開展村民自治;
(11) Supporting other rural economic organizations and social organizations in functioning in accordance with the law. (十一)支持農村其他經濟組織、社會組織依法發揮作用;
(12) Other functions prescribed by laws, regulations, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization. (十二)法律法規和農村集體經濟組織章程規定的其他職能。
Article 6 A rural collective economic organization is registered in accordance with this Law, obtains the eligibility status as a special legal person, and engages in civil activities commensurate with the performance of its functions in accordance with the law.   第六條 農村集體經濟組織依照本法登記,取得特別法人資格,依法從事與其履行職能相適應的民事活動。
A rural collective economic organization is exempt from bankruptcy laws. 農村集體經濟組織不適用有關破產法律的規定。
A rural collective economic organization may contribute capital to form, or participate in the formation of, a company, a farmers' professional cooperative, or any other market participant in accordance with the law and is liable for the debts of the market participant so formed to the extent of its capital contribution. 農村集體經濟組織可以依法出資設立或者參與設立公司、農民專業合作社等市場主體,以其出資為限對其設立或者參與設立的市場主體的債務承擔責任。
Article 7 When performing operations, management and services, a rural collective economic organization shall comply with laws, regulations, social ethics, and business ethics, be honest and trustworthy, and assume social responsibilities.   第七條 農村集體經濟組織從事經營管理和服務活動,應當遵守法律法規,遵守社會公德、商業道德,誠實守信,承擔社會責任。
Article 8 The state protects the lawful rights and interests of rural collective economic organizations and their members, which may not be violated by any organization or individual.   第八條 國家保護農村集體經濟組織及其成員的合法權益,任何組織和個人不得侵犯。
The property collectively owned by members of a rural collective economic organization is protected by law, and may not be embezzled, misappropriated, withheld, looted, distributed without permission, or destroyed by any organization or individual. 農村集體經濟組織成員集體所有的財產受法律保護,任何組織和個人不得侵占、挪用、截留、哄搶、私分、破壞。
Women enjoy equal rights with men; the rights and interests of a woman in a rural collective economic organization shall not be violated on the grounds that she is unmarried, married, divorced, or widowed, or that there is no male member in her household. 婦女享有與男子平等的權利,不得以婦女未婚、結婚、離婚、喪偶、戶無男性等為由,侵害婦女在農村集體經濟組織中的各項權益。
Article 9 The state promotes the development of rural collective economic organizations and strengthens the new rural collective economy through support measures such as fiscal, tax, financial, land, talent, and industrial policies.   第九條 國家通過財政、稅收、金融、土地、人才以及產業政策等扶持措施,促進農村集體經濟組織發展,壯大新型農村集體經濟。
The state encourages government agencies, enterprises, public institutions, social groups, and other organizations and individuals to assist and serve rural collective economic organizations. 國家鼓勵和支持機關、企事業單位、社會團體等組織和個人為農村集體經濟組織提供幫助和服務。
An organization or individual that has made outstanding contributions to the development of a rural collective economic organization shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with the provisions issued by the state. 對發展農村集體經濟組織事業做出突出貢獻的組織和個人,按照國家規定給予表彰和獎勵。
Article 10 The agriculture and rural affairs authority of the State Council is responsible for guiding the construction and development of rural collective economic organizations throughout the country. The other relevant authorities of the State Council are responsible for relevant work within their respective purview.   第十條 國務院農業農村主管部門負責指導全國農村集體經濟組織的建設和發展。國務院其他有關部門在各自職責範圍內負責有關的工作。
The agriculture and rural affairs authorities of local people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for administering the registration of rural collective economic organizations within their administrative regions and supervising and guiding their operations, the management of collective property such as contracted land and rural land as residential lots, and the transfer and trading of property rights. The other relevant authorities of local people's governments at or above the county level are responsible for relevant work within their respective purview. 縣級以上地方人民政府農業農村主管部門負責本行政區域內農村集體經濟組織的登記管理、運行監督指導以及承包地、宅基地等集體財產管理和產權流轉交易等的監督指導。縣級以上地方人民政府其他有關部門在各自職責範圍內負責有關的工作。
Township and town people's governments and sub-district offices are responsible for supervising and administering rural collective economic organizations within their administrative regions. 鄉鎮人民政府、街道辦事處負責本行政區域內農村集體經濟組織的監督管理等。
The agriculture and rural affairs authorities of people's governments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with relevant authorities, strengthen the comprehensive coordination of the work of rural collective economic organizations, and guide, coordinate, support, and promote the construction and development of rural collective economic organizations. 縣級以上人民政府農業農村主管部門應當會同有關部門加強對農村集體經濟組織工作的綜合協調,指導、協調、扶持、推動農村集體經濟組織的建設和發展。
Local people's governments and the agriculture and rural affairs authorities of people's governments at or above the county level shall take measures to establish and improve a service system for supervising and administering collective property, strengthen the building of the primary workforce, and assign professionals fit for the supervision and administration of collective property. 地方各級人民政府和縣級以上人民政府農業農村主管部門應當采取措施,建立健全集體財產監督管理服務體系,加強基層隊伍建設,配備與集體財產監督管理工作相適應的專業人員。
Chapter II Members 

第二章 成  員

Article 11 A member of a rural collective economic organization is a resident who has or had a registered permanent residence in a rural collective economic organization, has formed a stable relationship of rights and obligations with the rural collective economic organization, and secures the basic standard of living by the land and other property collectively owned by members of the rural collective economic organization.   第十一條 戶籍在或者曾經在農村集體經濟組織並與農村集體經濟組織形成穩定的權利義務關系,以農村集體經濟組織成員集體所有的土地等財產為基本生活保障的居民,為農村集體經濟組織成員。
Article 12 A rural collective economic organization confirms its members through a members' meeting in accordance with the provisions of the preceding article.   第十二條 農村集體經濟組織通過成員大會,依據前條規定確認農村集體經濟組織成員。
The rural collective economic organization shall confirm the membership in the rural collective economic organization of an additional person to whom a member gives birth. The rural collective economic organization shall generally confirm the membership in the rural collective economic organization of an additional person arising from marriage, adoption, or policy-based migration. 對因成員生育而增加的人員,農村集體經濟組織應當確認為農村集體經濟組織成員。對因成員結婚、收養或者因政策性移民而增加的人員,農村集體經濟組織一般應當確認為農村集體經濟組織成員。
The confirmation of membership in the rural collective economic organization shall not violate this Law or any other law or regulations. 確認農村集體經濟組織成員,不得違反本法和其他法律法規的規定。
The rural collective economic organization shall prepare or modify a list of members. The list of members shall be filed for recordation with the township or town people's government, the sub-district office, and the agriculture and rural affairs authority of the county people's government. 農村集體經濟組織應當制作或者變更成員名冊。成員名冊應當報鄉鎮人民政府、街道辦事處和縣級人民政府農業農村主管部門備案。
The people's congresses of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and their standing committees may, in accordance with this Law and in light of the conditions of their administrative regions, establish specific provisions on the confirmation of membership in rural collective economic organizations. 省、自治區、直轄市人民代表大會及其常務委員會可以根據本法,結合本行政區域實際情況,對農村集體經濟組織的成員確認作出具體規定。
Article 13 A member of a rural collective economic organization enjoys the rights:   第十三條 農村集體經濟組織成員享有下列權利:
(1) To elect and be elected as a member representative, a council member, or a member of the board of supervisors or a supervisor in accordance with laws, regulations, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization. (一)依照法律法規和農村集體經濟組織章程選舉和被選舉為成員代表、理事會成員、監事會成員或者監事;
(2) To participate in the members' meeting and member representatives' meeting in accordance with laws, regulations, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization, and vote on major matters and important affairs of the rural collective economic organization. (二)依照法律法規和農村集體經濟組織章程參加成員大會、成員代表大會,參與表決決定農村集體經濟組織重大事項和重要事務;
(3) To inspect and copy the financial reports, meeting minutes, and other materials of the rural collective economic organization to understand relevant circumstances. (三)查閱、複制農村集體經濟組織財務會計報告、會議記錄等資料,了解有關情況;
(4) To supervise the production and operations management activities of the rural collective economic organization and the distribution and use of collective income, and make comments and recommendations. (四)監督農村集體經濟組織的生產經營管理活動和集體收益的分配、使用,並提出意見和建議;
(5) To be awarded a contract for rural land by the rural collective economic organization in accordance with the law. (五)依法承包農村集體經濟組織發包的農村土地;
(6) To apply for the right to use rural land as a residential lot in accordance with law. (六)依法申請取得宅基地使用權;
(7) To participate in a distribution of collective income. (七)參與分配集體收益;
(8) To participate in a distribution of compensation for collective land that is expropriated or requisitioned. (八)集體土地被征收征用時參與分配土地補償費等;
(9) To enjoy the services and welfare provided by the rural collective economic organization. (九)享受農村集體經濟組織提供的服務和福利;
(10) Otherwise prescribed by laws, regulations, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization. (十)法律法規和農村集體經濟組織章程規定的其他權利。
Article 14 A member of a rural collective economic organization shall perform the obligations:   第十四條 農村集體經濟組織成員履行下列義務:
(1) To comply with laws, regulations, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization. (一)遵守法律法規和農村集體經濟組織章程;
(2) To comply with the decisions made by the rural collective economic organization in accordance with laws, regulations, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization. (二)執行農村集體經濟組織依照法律法規和農村集體經濟組織章程作出的決定;
(3) To safeguard the lawful rights and interests of the rural collective economic organization. (三)維護農村集體經濟組織合法權益;
(4) To reasonably utilize and protect collective land and other resources. (四)合理利用和保護集體土地等資源;
(5) To participate in and support the production and operations management and public welfare activities of the rural collective economic organization. (五)參與、支持農村集體經濟組織的生產經營管理活動和公益活動;
(6) Otherwise prescribed by laws, regulations, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization. (六)法律法規和農村集體經濟組織章程規定的其他義務。
Article 15 Where a non-member of a rural collective economic organization works for the rural collective economic organization for a long time and makes contributions to the collective, he or she may, with the consent of more than three-quarters of the members at a members' meeting of the rural collective economic organization, enjoy the rights prescribed in Article 13(7), (9), and (10) of this Law.   第十五條 非農村集體經濟組織成員長期在農村集體經濟組織工作,對集體做出貢獻的,經農村集體經濟組織成員大會全體成員四分之三以上同意,可以享有本法第十三條第七項、第九項、第十項規定的權利。
Article 16 A member of a rural collective economic organization may voluntarily withdraw from the rural collective economic organization on written application and with the consent of the rural collective economic organization.   第十六條 農村集體經濟組織成員提出書面申請並經農村集體經濟組織同意的,可以自願退出農村集體經濟組織。
If a member of a rural collective economic organization voluntarily withdraws, he or she may negotiate with the rural collective economic organization to obtain appropriate compensation or retain the property rights and interests he or she enjoys for a certain period, but may not demand the division of collective property. 農村集體經濟組織成員自願退出的,可以與農村集體經濟組織協商獲得適當補償或者在一定期限內保留其已經享有的財產權益,但是不得要求分割集體財產。
Article 17 Under any of the following circumstances, membership in a rural collective economic organization is forfeited:   第十七條 有下列情形之一的,喪失農村集體經濟組織成員身份:
(1) Death. (一)死亡;
(2) Losing nationality of the People's Republic of China. (二)喪失中華人民共和國國籍;
(3) Gaining membership in another rural collective economic organization. (三)已經取得其他農村集體經濟組織成員身份;
(4) Becoming a civil servant rather than contract-based one. (四)已經成為公務員,但是聘任制公務員除外;
(5) Other circumstances prescribed by laws, regulations, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization. (五)法律法規和農村集體經濟組織章程規定的其他情形。
If membership in a rural collective economic organization is forfeited under the circumstances in sub-paragraph (3) and (4) of the preceding paragraph, the relevant rights and interests that are enjoyed may be retained for a certain period in accordance with laws, regulations, relevant provisions issued by the state, and the bylaw of the rural collective economic organization, after consultation with the rural collective economic organization. 因前款第三項、第四項情形而喪失農村集體經濟組織成員身份的,依照法律法規、國家有關規定和農村集體經濟組織章程,經與農村集體經濟組織協商,可以在一定期限內保留其已經享有的相關權益。
Article 18 A member of a rural collective economic organization does not lose his or her membership in the rural collective economic organization by reason of attending school, performing military service, engaging in industrial or engineering work, conducting business, getting a divorce, becoming a widow, or serving a sentence, among others.   第十八條 農村集體經濟組織成員不因就學、服役、務工、經商、離婚、喪偶、服刑等原因而喪失農村集體經濟組織成員身份。
If a member of a rural collective economic organization gets married and has not gained membership in another rural collective economic organization, the original rural collective economic organization shall not cancel his or her membership. 農村集體經濟組織成員結婚,未取得其他農村集體經濟組織成員身份的,原農村集體經濟組織不得取消其成員身份。
Chapter III Organization Registration 

第三章 組織登記

Article 19 A rural collective economic organization shall meet the following conditions:   第十九條 農村集體經濟組織應當具備下列條件:
(1) Having members that comply with this Law. (一)有符合本法規定的成員;
(2) Having collective property that complies with this Law. (二)有符合本法規定的集體財產;
(3) Having a bylaw that complies with this Law. (三)有符合本法規定的農村集體經濟組織章程;
(4) Having a name and domicile that comply with this Law. (四)有符合本法規定的名稱和住所;
(5) Having an organizational structure that complies with this Law. (五)有符合本法規定的組織機構。
A village that meets the conditions specified in the preceding paragraph shall generally form a rural collective economic organization; a villagers' group may form a rural collective economic organization based on the circumstances; if necessary, a township or town may form a rural collective economic organization. 符合前款規定條件的村一般應當設立農村集體經濟組織,村民小組可以根據情況設立農村集體經濟組織;鄉鎮確有需要的,可以設立農村集體經濟組織。
The formation of a rural collective economic organization shall not change the ownership of collective land. 設立農村集體經濟組織不得改變集體土地所有權。
Article 20 The bylaw of a rural collective economic organization shall state the following:   第二十條 農村集體經濟組織章程應當載明下列事項:
(1) The name, legal representative, domicile, and scope of property of the rural collective economic organization. (一)農村集體經濟組織的名稱、法定代表人、住所和財產範圍;
(2) Rules and procedures for confirming membership in the rural collective economic organization. (二)農村集體經濟組織成員確認規則和程序;
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