Guiding Case No. 35 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: People v. Zeng Xingliang and Wang Yusheng for Destroying a Computer Information System
Guiding Case No. 35 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: People v. Zeng Xingliang and Wang Yusheng for Destroying a Computer Information System | | 檢例第35號:曾興亮、王玉生破壞計算機信息系統案 |
Guiding Case No. 35 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate | | 檢例第35號 |
[Keywords] | | 【關鍵詞】 |
Destroying a computer information system; smart phone terminal; remote lock | | 破壞計算機信息系統 智能手機終端 遠程鎖定 |
[Basic Facts] | | 【基本案情】 |
Defendant: Zeng Xingliang, male, born in August 1997, farmer. | | 被告人曾興亮。 |
Defendant: Wang Yusheng, male, born in February 1992, farmer. | | 被告人王玉生。 |
From October to November 2016, defendants Zeng Xingliang, in collusion with Wang Yusheng or individually, used the social networking software to pass off as young women and chatted with victims. They falsely claimed that their Apple iPhones failed to log in to iCloud due to failures and asked victims to log in for them. In this way, they tricked the victims to deregister the original IDs of their iPhones, logged in to iCloud by using the ID and password provided by them. Afterwards, Zeng Xingliang and Wang Yusheng immediately logged in to the official Apple website on the computer with the new ID and password. By making use of the relevant functions of iPhones, they altered settings of the victims' iPhones and altered the password of the ID by using a “password protection question” so that the victims' iPhones were locked in a remote way. On the computer, Zeng Xingliang and Wang Yusheng contacted the victims through the network chat software and claimed money for unlocking. In this way, Zeng Xingliang was involved in 21 crimes individually or in collusion with others, in which 22 iPhones were involved and 21 ones were locked, and he extorted CNY7,290; Wang Yusheng was involved in 12 crimes, in which 12 iPhones were involved and 11 ones were locked, and he extroted CNY4,750. On November 24, both defendants were arrested by the public security authority. | | 2016年10月至11月,被告人曾興亮與王玉生結夥或者單獨使用聊天社交軟件,冒充年輕女性與被害人聊天,謊稱自己的蘋果手機因故障無法登錄“iCloud”(雲存儲),請被害人代為登錄,誘騙被害人先注銷其蘋果手機上原有的ID,再使用被告人提供的ID及密碼登錄。隨後,曾、王二人立即在電腦上使用新的ID及密碼登錄蘋果官方網站,利用蘋果手機相關功能將被害人的手機設置修改,並使用“密碼保護問題”修改該ID的密碼,從而遠程鎖定被害人的蘋果手機。曾、王二人再在其個人電腦上,用網絡聊天軟件與被害人聯系,以解鎖為條件索要錢財。采用這種方式,曾興亮單獨或合夥作案共21起,涉及蘋果手機22部,鎖定蘋果手機21部,索得人民幣合計7290元;王玉生參與作案12起,涉及蘋果手機12部,鎖定蘋果手機11部,索得人民幣合計4750元。2016年11月24日,二人被公安機關抓獲。 |
...... | | 【訴訟過程和結果】 |
| | 本案由江蘇省海安縣人民檢察院于2016年12月23日以被告人曾興亮、王玉生犯破壞計算機信息系統罪向海安縣人民法院提起公訴。2017年1月20日,海安縣人民法院作出判決,認定被告人曾興亮、王玉生的行為構成破壞計算機信息系統罪,分別判處有期徒刑一年三個月、有期徒刑六個月。一審宣判後,二被告人未上訴,判決已生效。 |
| | 【要旨】 |
| | 智能手機終端,應當認定為刑法保護的計算機信息系統。鎖定智能手機導致不能使用的行為,可認定為破壞計算機信息系統。 |
| | 【指導意義】 |
| | 計算機信息系統包括計算機、網絡設備、通信設備、自動化控制設備等。智能手機和計算機一樣,使用獨立的操作系統、獨立的運行空間,可以由用戶自行安裝軟件等程序,並可以通過移動通訊網絡實現無線網絡接入,應當認定為刑法上的“計算機信息系統”。 |
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