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Measures for the Administration of External Marks of Automobile Products [Effective]
汽車產品外部標識管理辦法 [現行有效]
Order of the National Development and Reform Commission
(No. 38)
The "Measures for the Administration of External Marks of Automobile Products", which were formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations of the state as well as the relevant provisions of the "Policies on Developing the Automobile Industry", have been deliberated and adopted at the working meeting of the directors general of the National Development and Reform Commission, are hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on February 1, 2006.
Ma Kai, Director General of the National Development and Reform Commission
November 3, 2005
Measures for the Administration of External Marks of Automobile Products




Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 總則

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations for the purpose of regulating the external marks of the products of automobile manufacturing enterprises, protecting the lawful rights and interests of consumers, propelling automobile manufacturing enterprises to enhance their consciousness of quality and brand, and implementing the "Policies on Developing the Automobile Industry".
   第一條 為規範汽車生產企業產品外部標識,保護消費者合法權益,推動汽車生產企業增強質量意識和品牌意識,貫徹《汽車產業發展政策》,根據有關法律法規,制定本辦法。
Article 2 "External marks of automobile products" as mentioned in these Measures shall refer to the registered commodity trademarks, names of manufacturing enterprises, places of origin, names of vehicle types, models, displacement of engines, gear-box types, driving modes, and other marks reflecting the features of vehicles.
   第二條 本辦法所稱的“汽車產品外部標識”是指注冊商品商標、生產企業名稱、商品產地、車型名稱及型號、發動機排量、變速箱型式、驅動型式及反映車輛特征的其他標識。
Article 3 These Measures shall apply to the automobiles manufactured inside the territory of China and sold on domestic markets. No uniform requirements are set forth for the automobiles manufactured inside the territory of China and sold on foreign markets or the and imported automobiles.
   第三條 本辦法適用于在中國境內生產的面向國內市場銷售的汽車。對在中國境內生產的面向國外市場的汽車和進口汽車不做統一要求。
Article 4 The administrative department of automobile industry shall take charge of regulating and administering the indication of external marks of automobile products.
   第四條 汽車行業主管部門負責對汽車產品外部標識的標注進行規範和管理。
Chapter II Indication of Marks

第二章 標識的標注

Article 5 On an eye-catching position on the exterior surface of the front part of the vehicle body of a domestically manufactured automobile, there shall be installed at least a permanently existing commodity trademark.
   第五條 國產汽車在車身前部外表面的易見部位上應當至少裝置一個能永久保持的商品商標。

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