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Jilin Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd. v. Jilin Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Hongyun Group Co., Ltd. (Disputes over Dissolution of Company)
Jilin Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd. v. Jilin Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd. and Hongyun Group Co., Ltd. (Disputes over Dissolution of Company) 吉林省金融控股集團股份有限公司與吉林省金融資產管理有限公司、宏運集團有限公司公司解散糾紛案
[Judgment Summary] 【裁判摘要】
The majority shareholder took advantage of its superior position to make unilateral decisions, arbitrarily lent the company's funds to its affiliated companies, damaged the rights and interests of minority shareholders, resulting in intensification of conflicts between shareholders, serious difficulties in the company's business operation and management, and inability to achieve the business objectives, which could be resolved by other means. The people's court shall support the litigation instituted by a minority shareholder for requesting dissolution of the company. 大股東利用優勢地位單方決策,擅自將公司資金出借給其關聯公司,損害小股東權益,致使股東矛盾激化,公司經營管理出現嚴重困難,經營目的無法實現,且通過其他途徑已無法解決,小股東訴請解散公司的,人民法院應予支持。
Supreme People's Court of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國最高人民法院
Civil Ruling 民事裁定書
No. 1474 (2019), Petition, Civil Division, SPC (2019)最高法民申1474號
Retrial petitioner: (defendant of first instance and appellant of trial on appeal): Jilin Financial Asset Management Co., Ltd. Domicile: Room 2034, East Side Building, Entrepreneurship Service Center Building, 6666 Ecological Street, Jingyue Development Zone, Changchun City, Jilin Province. 再審申請人(一審被告、二審上訴人):吉林省金融資產管理有限公司。
Legal representative: Wang Baojun, board chairman of the company. 法定代表人:王寶軍,該公司董事長。
Litigation representative: Zhang Xiaojian, lawyer of Beijing Tiantong (Shenyang) Law Firm. 委托訴訟代理人:張小健,北京市天同(沈陽)律師事務所律師。
Retrial petitioner: (third party of original trial and appellant of trial on appeal): Hongyun Group Co., Ltd. Domicile: Building 41, Jinhu Road, Longgang District, Huludao City, Liaoning Province. 再審申請人(一審第三人、二審上訴人):宏運集團有限公司。
Legal representative: Zhang Xinjian, manager of the company. 法定代表人:張新建,該公司經理。
Litigation representative: Cao Lin, lawyer of Beijing Tiantong (Shenyang) Law Firm. 委托訴訟代理人:曹琳,北京市天同(沈陽)律師事務所律師。
Litigation representative: Li Zhuang, lawyer of Beijing Tiantong (Shenyang) Law Firm. 委托訴訟代理人:李壯,北京市天同(沈陽)律師事務所律師。
Respondent (plaintiff of original trial, appellee of trial on appeal): Jilin Financial Holding Group Co., Ltd. Domicile: No. 10606, Renmin Street, Changchun City, Jilin Province. 被申請人(一審原告、二審被上訴人):吉林省金融控股集團股份有限公司。
...... 法定代表人:李來華,該公司董事長。

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