Guiding Case No. 118 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Nineteen individuals including Wei A v. Development and Reform Bureau of A City, Shanxi Province (case of procuratorial supervision of failure to perform statutory duties)
Guiding Case No. 118 of the Supreme People's Procuratorate: Nineteen individuals including Wei A v. Development and Reform Bureau of A City, Shanxi Province (case of procuratorial supervision of failure to perform statutory duties) | | 檢例第118號:魏某等19人訴山西省某市發展和改革局不履行法定職責檢察監督案 |
(SPP Case No. 118) | | 檢例第118號 |
[Keywords] | | 【關鍵詞】 |
substantive resolution of an administrative dispute, performance of statutory duties, prosecutor's appeal, public hearing, resolution of similar issues | | 行政爭議實質性化解 履行法定職責 抗訴 公開聽證 解決同類問題 |
[Key Points] | | 【要旨】 |
In an administrative case against which a people's procuratorate files an appeal, it may continue to follow up and promote the resolution of administrative disputes and facilitate the resolution of similar issues by public hearing and other means, in order to ensure the timely satisfaction of the legal claims of the applicant and safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of any other party in pari materia who has not yet filed an administrative litigation. For an administrative dispute arising from an administrative authority not fully performing its duties because of the ambiguity in the provisions of laws, regulations, and regulatory documents, the people's procuratorate shall cause relevant departments to clarify the ambiguity, promote the resolution of administrative disputes, and boost systematic governance. | | 檢察機關提出抗訴的行政案件,為保障申請人及時實現合法訴求,維護未提起行政訴訟的同等情況的其他主體合法權益,可以繼續跟進推動行政爭議化解,通過公開聽證等方式,促成解決同類問題。對行政機關以法律、法規和規範性文件規定不明確為由履職不到位導致的行政爭議,應當協調有關部門予以明確,推動行政爭議解決,促進系統治理。 |
[Basic Facts] | | 【基本案情】 |
In 2013, the People's Government of A City, Shanxi Province (with partial name withheld) decided to carry out the demolition and renovation of A Community (with partial name withheld) in the city in its entirety, and signed an Agreement on Administrative Recuperation for Property Expropriation and Relocation for A Community with Wei A (with partial name withheld) and other individuals whose property was expropriated. In March 2014, A Residents' Committee of A Sub-district Office (with partial name withheld) in the city signed an Agreement on Cooperation in the Development of the Project to Renovate the Areas of the Community with Shanxi A Real Estate Development Co., Ltd. (with partial name withheld, hereinafter referred to as the "Real Estate Company"), under which Real Estate Company shall develop and renovate the community at issue. In March 2015, the demolition and renovation of the community at issue was determined as a shantytown renovation project. In the process of resettlement, Real Estate Company authorized A Property Management Service Company (with partial name withheld, hereinafter referred to as the "Property Company") to charge resettled households fees for the construction of water, gas, and heating facilities. On June 30, 2017, 19 individuals including Wei A complained to the Development and Reform Bureau of A City (with partial name withheld), requesting an investigation and handling of Property Company's arbitrary charges. On July 10, the bureau accepted and filed a case. In the process of investigating and handling the case, the bureau found that there was an ambiguity in the provisions of Article 14 of the Implementation Plan of Shanxi Province for Shantytown Renovation, and thus requested instructions from the People's Government of A City (with partial name withheld) on August 11. The Mayor's Executive Meeting of the Municipal People's Government put forward guiding opinions on coordination and handling, but did not give a clear answer to the question raised by the bureau. On November 20, the bureau notified the applicants of the relevant circumstances, but did not make a corresponding administrative disposition decision. | | 2013年,山西省某市人民政府決定對該市某小區實施整體拆遷改造,于同年10月與魏某等被征收人簽訂《某小區房屋征收與安置補償協議書》。2014年3月,該市某街道辦事處某居委會與山西某房地產開發有限公司(以下簡稱房地產公司)簽訂《小區片區改造項目合作開發協議書》,由房地產公司對案涉小區進行開發改造。2015年3月,案涉小區拆遷改造被確定為棚戶區改造項目。在回遷安置過程中,房地產公司委托某物業管理有限公司(以下簡稱物業公司)向回遷安置戶收取了供水、供氣、供熱等設施建設費。2017年6月30日,魏某等19人投訴至某市發展和改革局,要求對物業公司亂收費行為進行查處,7月10日,該局予以受理並立案,在查處案件過程中,該局認為《山西省棚戶區改造工作實施方案》第十四條的規定不明確,遂于8月11日向某市人民政府作出請示。市人民政府市長辦公會提出協調處理指導意見,未就該局提出的問題給出明確答複。11月20日該局將相關情況告知申請人,後未作出相應的行政處理決定。 |
...... | | 2017年9月5日,魏某等19人向人民法院提起行政訴訟,要求確認發展和改革局行政不作為違法,並判令其依法履行法定職責。人民法院經審理認為,對轄區內的價格活動進行監督檢查,對價格違法行為實施行政處罰屬于發展和改革局的法定職責。魏某等19人就物業公司收費問題投訴後,發展和改革局及時立案,並進行了一系列檢查、調查和協調工作,又因法規依據適用問題向上請示,雖然尚未作出行政行為,但案件仍在辦理之中,被告不構成行政不作為。依照《中華人民共和國行政訴訟法》第六十九條之規定,判決駁回魏某等人的訴訟請求。魏某等19人不服,提出上訴。2018年3月27日某市中級人民法院審理認為,發展和改革局在立案查處過程中,因法律依據不明確,政策界限不清晰,且在全市範圍內有較大影響,特向上級行政機關請示,具有一定的必要性,雖未在法定期限內作出行政行為,但其理由具有一定正當性,因此不構成不履行行政職能。依照《中華人民共和國行政訴訟法》第八十九條第一款第(一)項的規定,判決駁回上訴,維持原判。魏某等19人提出再審申請,被山西省高級人民法院駁回。 |
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