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Administrative Measures for Tobacco Monopoly Licenses [Expired]
煙草專賣許可證管理辦法(2007) [失效]


Order of the National Development and Reform Commission
(No. 51)
With a view to regulating the administration of tobacco monopoly licenses, the Administrative Measures for Tobacco monopoly licenses, which were formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly, Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly and other relevant laws and administrative regulations, and were deliberated at the executive meeting of the directors of the National Development and Reform Commission, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of March 7, 2007.
Director of the National Development and Reform Commission Ma Kai
February 5, 2007
Administrative Measures for Tobacco Monopoly Licenses



Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 總則

Article 1 With a view to regulating the administration of tobacco monopoly licenses, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the citizens, legal persons and other organizations, these Measures are formulated in accordance with the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly, Administrative License Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulation on the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Tobacco Monopoly and other relevant laws and administrative regulations.
   第一條 為了規範煙草專賣許可證管理,保護公民、法人和其他組織的合法權益,根據《中華人民共和國煙草專賣法》、《中華人民共和國行政許可法》、《中華人民共和國煙草專賣法實施條例》及相關法律、行政法規的規定,制定本辦法。
Article 2 These Measures shall apply to the administration on the licenses for exclusive sale of tobacco within the territory of the People's Republic of China (including the customs surveillance areas and duty-free areas, but excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan regions).
   第二條 本辦法適用于中華人民共和國境內(含海關監管區、免稅區等,港澳台地區除外)煙草專賣許可證的管理。
Article 3 The administrative department for the exclusive sale of tobacco shall, according to its statutory power, scope, conditions and procedures, examine, approve and issue tobacco monopoly licenses and carry out effective supervision and administration.
   第三條 煙草專賣行政主管部門應當依照法定的權限、範圍、條件和程序審批、發放煙草專賣許可證,並進行有效的監督管理。
Article 4 The citizens, legal persons or other organizations may have the rights to make statements and arguments about tobacco monopoly licenses and apply for administrative reconsideration or lodge administrative lawsuits in pursuance of the law. If their legitimate rights and interests are impaired due to the illegal issuance of tobacco monopoly licenses by the tobacco monopoly administrative departments, they have the right to claim compensations according to the law.
   第四條 公民、法人或者其他組織對煙草專賣行政主管部門發放的煙草專賣許可證,享有陳述權、申辯權;有權依法申請行政複議或者提起行政訴訟。其合法權益因煙草專賣行政主管部門違法發放煙草專賣許可證受到損害的,有權依法要求賠償。
Article 5 The tobacco monopoly licenses which the citizens, legal persons or other organizations have obtained in pursuance of law shall be protected by law.
If any law, regulation or rule on which the tobacco monopoly licenses are based is amended or abolished or if the objective situation on which the tobacco monopoly licenses are based has undergone a big change, the administrative department for the exclusive sale of tobacco may, for the sake of public interests, modify or revoke the tobacco monopoly licenses which have already become valid.
   第五條 公民、法人或者其他組織依法取得的煙草專賣許可證受法律保護。
Article 6 The term “tobacco monopoly licenses” as mentioned in these Measures are classified into 4 categories, namely, the tobacco monopoly license for production enterprises, the tobacco monopoly license for wholesale enterprises, the special tobacco monopoly license for commercial enterprises, and the tobacco monopoly license for retail trade.
   第六條 本辦法所稱的煙草專賣許可證,包括煙草專賣生產企業許可證、煙草專賣批發企業許可證、特種煙草專賣經營企業許可證、煙草專賣零售許可證四類。
Article 7 The tobacco monopoly administrative departments shall examine, approve, issue and administer the tobacco monopoly licenses in pursuance of the law.
   第七條 煙草專賣行政主管部門依法審批發放和管理煙草專賣許可證。
Chapter II Application and Acceptance

第二章 申請與受理

Article 8 To engage in the production, wholesale, retail, import and export of tobacco monopoly products, the citizens, legal persons or other organizations shall file an application to the tobacco monopoly administrative department for a tobacco monopoly license.
If an entity without the legal person status under a legal person intends to separately obtain a tobacco monopoly license for a production enterprises or a tobacco monopoly license for wholesale enterprises, the entity with the legal person status shall file with the relevant tobacco monopoly administrative department an application and submit the pertinent application materials.
   第八條 公民、法人或者其他組織從事煙草專賣品的生產、批發、零售、進出口等業務的,應當依法向煙草專賣行政主管部門申請領取煙草專賣許可證。
Article 9 Generally, the application filed by an applicant shall be in written form, but it may also be filed by way of letter, telegraph, fax, exchange of electronic data or email and the standard text shall be completed according to the requirements of the tobacco monopoly administrative department.
An applicant may entrust an agent to file an application. If the agent files an application, he shall provide the authorization of the principal and the identity certification of the agent shall be provided.
   第九條 申請人一般以書面方式提出申請,也可以通過信函、電報、傳真、電子數據交換和電子郵件等方式提出申請,並按煙草專賣行政主管部門要求填報格式文本。
Article 10 A tobacco monopoly administrative department shall, according to the different items for which the applicants apply, determine the application types and require the applicants to provide corresponding application materials.
The types of applications for tobacco monopoly licenses include initial applications, and applications for renewal, modification, suspension of business, resumption of business and closure of business, etc.
   第十條 煙草專賣行政主管部門應當根據申請人申請的不同事項確定申請類型,並要求提供相應的申請材料。
Article 11 To apply for a tobacco monopoly license for a production enterprise, the applicant shall satisfy the following conditions:
   第十一條 申請煙草專賣生產企業許可證,應當具備下列條件:
(1)Having a capital which can meet the needs of production of tobacco monopoly products;
(2)Having technologies and equipments which can meet the needs of production of tobacco monopoly products;
(3)Conforming to the industrial policies of the national tobacco industry and catering to the needs enterprises in terms of structural adjustment; and
(4)Other conditions as prescribed by the tobacco monopoly administrative department of the State Council.
Article 12 To apply for a tobacco monopoly license for a wholesale enterprise, the applicant shall satisfy the following conditions:
   第十二條 申請煙草專賣批發企業許可證,應當具備下列條件:
(1)Having a capital which can meet the needs of engaging in the wholesale business of tobacco products;
(2)Having a fixed place of business and necessary professionals;
(3)Meeting the requirements for the reasonable distribution of tobacco monopoly wholesale enterprises; and
(4) Other conditions as prescribed by the tobacco monopoly administrative department of the State Council.
Article 13 To apply for a special tobacco monopoly license for a commercial enterprise, the applicant shall satisfy the following conditions:
   第十三條 申請特種煙草專賣經營企業許可證,應當具備下列條件:
(1)Having a capital which can meet the needs of engaging in the business of special tobacco monopoly products;
(2)Having a fixed place of business and necessary professionals;
(3)Meeting the requirements for the reasonable distribution of enterprises engaging in business of foreign tobacco monopoly products;
(4) Other conditions as prescribed by the tobacco monopoly administrative department of the State Council.
Article 14 To apply for a tobacco monopoly license for retail trade, the applicant shall meet the following conditions:
   第十四條 申請煙草專賣零售許可證,應當具備下列條件:
(1)Having a capital which can meet the needs of engaging in the business of retail trade of monopoly products;
(2)Having a fixed place of business which is independent of his domicile;
(3)Meeting the requirements for the reasonable distribution of the local retail networks of tobacco products;
(4) Other conditions as prescribed by the tobacco monopoly administrative department of the State Council.
Article 15 “Other conditions as prescribed by the tobacco monopoly administrative department of the State Council” as mentioned in Articles 11 through 14 of these Measures shall be announced before these Measures come into force.
   第十五條 本辦法第十一條、第十二條、第十三條、第十四條所規定的國務院煙草專賣行政主管部門規定的其他條件,在實施前應當公布。
Article 16 When a tobacco monopoly administrative department works out a plan on the reasonable distribution of retail networks of tobacco products, it shall, on the basis of the population, transport, economic development level, consumption capacity and other factors of the area under its jurisdiction, determine the reasonable distribution of the retail networks after a hearing.
The reasonable distribution plan, capital requirements and place of business requirements for the retail networks of tobacco products shall be set forth by the tobacco monopoly administrative departments at or above the county level and shall be submitted to the tobacco monopoly administrative department at the next higher level for archival purposes.
   第十六條 制訂煙草制品零售點合理布局規劃時,應當根據轄區內的人口數量、交通狀況、經濟發展水平、消費能力等因素,在舉行聽證後確定零售點的合理布局。
Article 17 When a chain enterprise applies for a tobacco monopoly license for retail trade, each of its branch stores shall file an application with the local tobacco monopoly administrative department.
   第十七條 連鎖經營企業在申請煙草專賣零售許可證時,應當由各個分店分別向所在地煙草專賣行政主管部門提出申請。
Article 18 No foreign-funded commercial enterprise or no individual industrial and commercial household may engage in the wholesale or retail business of tobacco monopoly products, or do so in any disguised form such as franchise, taking in member store or other re-investments.
   第十八條 外商投資的商業企業或者個體工商戶不得從事煙草專賣品批發或者零售業務,不得以特許、吸納加盟店及其他再投資等形式變相從事煙草專賣品經營業務。
Article 19 A tobacco monopoly administrative department shall, through the announcement column, electronic inquiry system or internet, announce the conditions, requirements, procedures, time limit, other contents necessary to be announced, for handling tobacco monopoly licenses.
   第十九條 煙草專賣行政主管部門應當將辦理煙草專賣許可證的條件、要求、程序、時限等需公示的內容通過公示欄、電子查詢系統或者互聯網等方式予以公示。
Article 20 The following contents shall be publicized at a place for handling tobacco monopoly licenses:
   第二十條 辦理煙草專賣許可證的場所應當公示下列內容:
(1)The name of the tobacco monopoly licenses;
(2)The laws, regulations and rules on which tobacco monopoly licenses are based;
(3)The organs for the examination and approval of tobacco monopoly licenses;
(4)The conditions for apply for tobacco monopoly licenses;
(5)The list of all materials which an applicant is required to submit;
(6)How to apply for tobacco monopoly licenses;
(7)The procedures and time limit for the examination and approval of tobacco monopoly licenses;
(8)The exact address and contact information of the office for handling tobacco monopoly licenses; and
(9)Contents necessary to be publicized.

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