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Arrangement of the Supreme People's Court between the Mainland and the HKSAR on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of the Decisions of Civil and Commercial Cases under Consensual Jurisdiction [Expired]
最高人民法院關于內地與香港特別行政區法院相互認可和執行當事人協議管轄的民商事案件判決的安排 [失效]
Announcement of the Supreme People's Court
Pursuant to Article 95 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, upon negotiations, the Supreme People's Court and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region reached the Arrangement between the Mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of the Decisions of Civil and Commercial Cases under Consensual Jurisdiction (hereinafter referred to as Arrangement), which was signed on July 14, 2006. This Arrangement was adopted at the 1390th meeting of the Judicial Committee of the Supreme People's Court on June 12, 2006 and is hereby promulgated. Upon the unanimity of both parties, this Arrangement shall come into force as of August 1, 2008.
July 3, 2008
Arrangement of the Supreme People's Court between the Mainland and the HKSAR on Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement of the Decisions of Civil and Commercial Cases under Consensual Jurisdiction
(No.9 [2008] of the Supreme People's Court)
Pursuant to Article 95 of the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China, upon negotiations, the Supreme People's Court and the HKSAR made the following arrangements on the recognition and enforcement of the decisions of civil and commercial cases under consensual jurisdiction:


Article 1 For a final decision of payment with executive force made by a people's court in the mainland and a court of the HKSAR in a civil or commercial case under a written jurisdiction agreement, the party concerned may apply to the people's court in the mainland or the HK court for the recognition and enforcement of the decision.
   第一條 內地人民法院和香港特別行政區法院在具有書面管轄協議的民商事案件中作出的須支付款項的具有執行力的終審判決,當事人可以根據本安排向內地人民法院或者香港特別行政區法院申請認可和執行。
Article 2 The term “final decision with executive force” refers to:
   第二條 本安排所稱“具有執行力的終審判決”:
a. in the mainland:
1. a judgment made by the Supreme People's Court; or
2. a decision made by a higher people's court, an intermediate people's court or a grassroots people's court (see annex) which has been delegated jurisdiction over the first instance of a civil or commercial case involving foreign, Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan affairs, when appeal is not allowed for the first instance decision or no appeal is made within the prescribed time limit, or an effective second instance decision or a decision made after the case is reviewed by the people's court at the next higher level in accordance with the procedure for adjudication supervision.
b. In HKSAR: an effective decision made by the Court of Final Appeal or the Court of Appeal of the High Court, the Court of First Instance or the District Court.
The “decisions” as mentioned in this Arrangement includes decisions, verdicts, mediation awards and payment orders in the Mainland, or decisions, orders and legal cost appraisal certificates in HKSAR.
Where the people's court in the mainland retries a case after the party concerned applies to the HK court for the recognition and enforcement of the decision, the retrial shall be made by the people's court at the next higher level which made the effective decision.
Article 3 The “written jurisdiction agreement” as mentioned in this Arrangement refers to an agreement concluded after this Arrangement becomes effective by the parties concerned which expressly stipulates in writing that a people's court in the mainland or a HK court has exclusive jurisdiction over any dispute related to a certain legal relationship that occurred or may occur.
The “certain legal relationship” refers to a civil or commercial contract between the parties concerned, excluding a contract of employment or a contract to which a natural person is involved as a party for purposes of personal consumption, family affairs or other non-commercial purposes.
The “in writing” means that the contract is concluded in the form of a written contract, a letter, a data message (including telegraph, telefax, fax, electronic data exchange and e-mail) or other form which carries the contents of the contract in a physical form so as to make it possible to consult in the future.
A written jurisdiction agreement may consist of more than one written document.
Unless it is otherwise provided in the contract, the terms of the jurisdiction agreement in the contract exist independently. No matter whether the contract is modified, rescinded, terminated or nullified, terms on jurisdiction remain effective.
   第三條 本安排所稱“書面管轄協議”,是指當事人為解決與特定法律關系有關的已經發生或者可能發生的爭議,自本安排生效之日起,以書面形式明確約定內地人民法院或者香港特別行政區法院具有唯一管轄權的協議。
Article 4 An application for the recognition and enforcement of a civil or commercial decision as mentioned in this Arrangement shall be filed with, as in the mainland, the intermediate people's court at the place of domicile, the place of residence or the locality of the property of the party against whom the application is filed, and, as in HK, the High Court of HKSAR.
   第四條 申請認可和執行符合本安排規定的民商事判決,在內地向被申請人住所地、經常居住地或者財產所在地的中級人民法院提出,在香港特別行政區向香港特別行政區高等法院提出。
Article 5 If the place of domicile, the place of residence and the locality of the property of the party against whom the application is filed are under the jurisdiction of different intermediate people's courts, the applicant may choose any of them to file the application, and may not file with two or more people's courts at the same time.
   第五條 被申請人住所地、經常居住地或者財產所在地在內地不同的中級人民法院轄區的,申請人應當選擇向其中一個人民法院提出認可和執行的申請,不得分別向兩個或者兩個以上人民法院提出申請。

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