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Urban Credit Cooperative of Jingzhou Autonomous County Inhabited by Miao and Dong Ethnic Groups in Hunan Province V. Yang Longzhang (Case of Dispute of Loan Contract and Mortgage Contract)

Case of Dispute of Loan Contract and Mortgage Contract: Urban Credit Cooperative of Jingzhou Autonomous County Inhabited by Miao and Dong Ethnic Groups in Hunan Province V. Yang Longzhang
On March 18,1997, the Urban Credit Cooperative of Jingzhou Autonomous County Inhabited by Miao and Dong Ethnic Groups, in Hunan Province (hereinafter refereed to as "UCC"), and Yang Longzhang entered into a loan contract and a mortgage contract which provided that: UCC should loan to Yang a six-month RMB 2,225,000 with a 9.24% rate per month while Yang had to mortgage a six-story house, which is located at Hongxing West Road, Quyang town, Jingzhou County, for the loan. However, Yang Longzhang failed to pay the loan on Sep.17, 1997 when the loan became due, so UCC filed an action against him in Jingzhou People's Court. During the trial of the case, Zou Benjie, the legal representative of UCC, entered into a refunding agreement with Yang Longzhang on Oct. 13, 1997 which provided that: "Yang shall balance the second story of the said house against the UCC's loan at the judicial expertise price made by Intermediate People's Court of Huaihua Prefecture, any overpayment shall be refunded and any difference in price shall be demanded a supplemental payment. Yang should bear the transfer formalities and the required taxes hereof". On Nov. 10, 1997, Office of Judicial Expertise Technology under Huaihua Intermediate People's Court appraised the said house and issued (1997) Huaizhongfafangjianzi No.53 judicial expertise, which held that the said story was worth RMB398, 300(including the land price). People's Court of Jingzhou County found that: the loan contract and the mortgage contract, made between UCC and Yang Longzhang on March18, 1997, were valid because both parties' true wills were declared in them and the contracts were in line with the law; Yang Longzhang should pay off the loan for the refunding agreement's validity, it also held that Yang's claim for UCC to refund the price difference of the house based on their agreement should be supported. Therefore, the court entered (1998) Jingminchuzi No.133 civil judgment which read as follows:"1. Yang shall convert the second story of a six-story house, located at Hongxing West Road, Quyang Town, Jingzhou County, into money to pay off the principal RMB225, 000 and the interest RMB16, 600 hereon (total: RMB 241, 600) that he owned to UCC, and he shall render the transfer papers and the land use certificate to UCC within 30 days upon the judgment's coming into effect, and he shall bear the required taxes and cost thereof.2. As to the price difference of the house RMB 156, 700 that UCC owned to Yang, UCC shall pay RMB86, 700 to Yang within 15 days after the judgment comes into effect and pay the left RMB70, 000 to him within 30 days after the judgment comes into effect.3. As to the court acceptance fee RMB 14,700, UCC shall bear RMB8, 500 and Yang shall bear the left."




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