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Special Provisions of the State Council Concerning the Floatation and Listing Abroad of Stocks by Limited Stock Companies [Expired]
國務院關于股份有限公司境外募集股份及上市的特別規定 [失效]
Order of The State Council of the People's Republic of China
 (No. 160)
The "Special Provisions of the State Council Concerning the Floatation and Listing Abroad of Stocks by Limited Stock Companies' was adopted at the 22nd executive meeting of the State Council on July 4, 1994 and is hereby promulgated for implementation starting from the date of promulgation.
Prime Minister: Li Peng
August 4, 1994


總理 李鵬
Article 1 This set of provisions has been formulated according to Article 85 and Article 155 of the "Company Law of the People's Republic of China" in order to meet the needs of the floatation and listing abroad of stocks by limited stock companies.
   第一條 為適應股份有限公司境外募集股份及境外上市的需要,根據《中華人民共和國公司法》第八十五條、第一百五十五條,制定本規定。
Article 2 Limited stock companies may issue their stocks to given or non-given investors and list them abroad with the approval of the Securities Committee of the State Council.
The term "listing abroad" used in this set of provisions means to issue stocks to investors abroad and list them for transactions and transfer on the stock exchanges by limited stock companies.
   第二條 股份有限公司經國務院證券委員會批准,可以向境外特定的、非特定的投資人募集股份,其股票可以在境外上市。
Article 3 The stocks issued and listed abroad (hereinafter referred to as "foreign capital stock listed abroad") by limited stock companies shall be in the form of inscribed stocks, with the per value indicated in Renminbi and subscribed to in foreign currencies.
The foreign capital stock listed abroad may be in the form of stock deposit receipts or in other derivations.
   第三條 股份有限公司向境外投資人募集並在境外上市的股份(以下簡稱境外上市外資股),采取記名股票形式,以人民幣標明面值,以外幣認購。
Article 4 The Securities Committee of the State Council or its supervision and management and executive organization the China Securities Supervision and Management Committee may reach understanding or an agreement with securities supervision and management organizations abroad to exercise cooperative supervision and management of the limited stock companies in their activities of issuing and listing their stocks abroad and other relevant activities.
   第四條 國務院證券委員會或者其監督管理執行機構中國證券監督管理委員會,可以與境外證券監督管理機構達成諒解、協議,對股份有限公司向境外投資人募集股份並在境外上市及相關活動進行合作監督管理。
Article 5 A limited stock company wishing to issue and list its stocks abroad shall file a written application according to the requirements by the Securities Committee of the State Council and submit it, together with relevant documents, to the Securities Committee of the State Council for approval.
   第五條 股份有限公司向境外投資人募集股份並在境外上市,應當按照國務院證券委員會的要求提出書面申請並附有關材料,報經國務院證券委員會批准。
Article 6 If a State-owned enterprise or an enterprise with State-owned property occupying the dominant position is to be converted into a limited stock company that will issue and list its stocks abroad according to the relevant regulations of the State, the number of promoters may be less than five if it is incorporated by way of promotion. Such a limited stock company may issue new stocks as soon as it is incorporated.
   第六條 國有企業或者國有資產占主導地位的企業按照國家有關規定改建為向境外投資人募集股份並在境外上市的股份有限公司,以發起方式設立的,發起人可以少于5人;該股份有限公司一經成立,即可以發行新股。
Article 7 The stocks issued to domestic investors (hereinafter referred to as "domestic capital stocks") by a limited stock company (hereinafter referred to as "company") that has issued and listed its stocks abroad shall be in the form of inscribed stocks.
   第七條 向境外投資人募集股份並在境外上市的股份有限公司(以下簡稱公司)向境內投資人發行的股份(以下簡稱內資股),采取記名股票形式。
Article 8 The board of directors may make separate arrangements for the plan of issuing and listing foreign capital stocks and domestic capital stocks approved by the Securities Committee of the State Council.
The plan for the issuing and listing of foreign capital stocks and domestic capital stocks worked out according to the provisions in the preceding paragraph may be executed separately within 15 months starting from the date of approval by the Securities Committee of the State Council.
   第八條 經國務院證券委員會批准的公司發行境外上市外資股和內資股的計劃,公司董事會可以作出分別發行的實施安排。
Article 9 If a company issues foreign capital stocks and domestic capital stocks listed abroad within the total amount fixed in the stock issue plan, it shall float them in full in one issue. If special circumstances prevent this from being realized, it may issue them in installments with the approval of the Securities Committee of the State Council.
   第九條 公司在發行計劃確定的股份總數內,分別發行境外上市外資股和內資股的,應當分別一次募足;有特殊情況不能一次募足的,經國務院證券委員會批准,也可以分次發行。

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