Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Relevant Issues Concerning the Meanings of Some Articles of Chapter VII “Legal Liabilities” in the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration and the Principle for the Application Thereof
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Notice of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Relevant Issues Concerning the Meanings of Some Articles of Chapter VII “Legal Liabilities” in the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration and the Principle for the Application Thereof (No. 59 [2008] of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange) The branches and foreign exchange administrative departments of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange in all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and the branches of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange in Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, Xiamen and Ningbo, The Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Regulation) was amended and promulgated for implementation on August 5, 2008. To further clarify the meanings of some articles in Chapter VII (Legal Liabilities) of the Regulation, you are hereby notified of the relevant issues as follows:
| | 國家外彙管理局關于《中華人民共和國外彙管理條例》第七章法律責任部分條款內容含義和適用原則有關問題的通知 (彙發[2008]59號) 國家外彙管理局各省、自治區、直轄市分局、外彙管理部,深圳、大連、青島、廈門、甯波市分局: 《中華人民共和國外彙管理條例》(以下簡稱《條例》)已于2008年8月5日修訂並發布施行。為進一步明確《條例》第七章“法律責任”部分條款規定的內容含義和適用原則,現就有關問題通知如下:
I. Where an institution or individual commits any illegal arbitrage or illegal settlement of foreign currency by violating the provisions on foreign exchange administration, if the State Administration of Foreign Exchange or its branch (hereinafter referred to as the SAFE or its branch) makes a decision of administrative punishment and orders reconversion of the illegal arbitrage funds to the original currency in accordance with Articles 40 and paragraph 2 of Article 41, the said institution or individual shall, within 15 days after receiving the decision of administrative punishment and according to the RMB exchange rate of the current date of reconversion, reconvert the fund which has already been converted to foreign currency to RMB, or reconvert the RMB fund of the settled foreign currency to foreign currency. If the said institution or individual obtains any gain from the difference between exchange rate on the reconversion date and that on the date of illegal arbitrage or illegal settlement of foreign currency, when the SAFE or its branch is making the decision of administrative punishment, it shall include the amount of gain in the amount of illegal arbitrage or illegal settlement of foreign currency.
| | 一、任何機構或者個人違反外彙管理規定進行非法套彙或者非法結彙,國家外彙管理局及其分支機構(以下簡稱外彙局)根據《條例》第四十條、第四十一條第二款規定作出行政處罰決定,責令對非法套彙資金或者非法結彙資金“予以回兌”的,該機構或者個人應當在收到行政處罰決定書之日起15日內,按照回兌當日的人民幣彙率,將已經購彙為外彙的資金回兌為人民幣,或者將已經結彙的人民幣資金回兌為外彙。 對于該機構或者個人因回兌當日人民幣彙率與非法套彙或者非法結彙當日彙率存在彙率差而獲得收益的,外彙局在作出罰款的行政處罰時,應當將該部分收益金額納入非法套彙或者非法結彙金額進行處罰。
II. When making a decision of administrative punishment by applying the “evasion of foreign exchange” in Article 39, “illegal arbitrage” in Article 40, “violation of foreign debt administration” inArticle 43, or “illegal use of foreign exchange” in paragraph 2 of Article 44 of the Regulation, the SAFE or its branch shall, level by level, report to the SAFE under the Procedures for Handling Cases of Violations of Foreign Exchange Administration. The term “evasion of foreign exchange” as used in Article 39 of the Regulation includes the illegal conduct of depositing foreign currencies abroad. The term “illegal arbitrage” as used in Article 40 includes making payment in RMB in lieu of payment in foreign currency as in violation of relevant provisions, making payment in RMB within China on behalf of others in return for payment in foreign currency made by the other party as in violation of relevant provisions and overseas investors' making investment in RMB within China without approval of the SAFE or its branch. ...... | | 二、外彙局適用《條例》第三十九條“等逃彙行為”、第四十條“等非法套彙行為”、第四十三條“等違反外債管理的行為”、第四十四條第二款“等非法使用外彙行為”作出行政處罰決定的,應當按照《檢查處理違反外彙管理行為辦案程序》的規定,逐級上報國家外彙管理局批准。《條例》第三十九條“等逃彙行為”包括違反規定擅自將外彙存放境外的行為;第四十條“等非法套彙行為”包括違反規定以人民幣支付應當以外彙支付款項的行為、以人民幣為他人支付境內款項由對方付給外彙的行為以及境外投資者未經外彙局批准以人民幣在境內投資的行為。 ...... |
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