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Provisions for Issuing GSP Certificates of Origin form of People's Republic of China [Effective]
中華人民共和國普遍優惠制原產地證明書簽證管理辦法 [現行有效]
Provisions for Issuing GSP Certificates of Origin form of People's Republic of China
(Promulgated by the State Administration of Import and Export Commodity Inspection on Sept. 1, 1989)



第一章 總  則

Article 1. These Provisions are formulated for the purpose of strengthening the administration on the issuance of General Special Preferential Certificates of Origin Form A (hereinafter referred to as GSP Certificates of Origin), guaranteeing the issuance of Certificates in conformity with the relevant requirements of the preference-giving countries, ensuring commodities exported from China to pass the Customs of the preference giving countries smoothly the obtaining the preference treatment of duties of deduction/free in accordance with the decision made by the GSP of the United Nations Conference on Trade Development and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Import and Export Commodity Inspection.
  第一條 根據聯合國貿發會議關于普惠制的決議和《中華人民共和國進出口商品檢驗法》,為加強普遍優惠制產地證明書(以下簡稱普惠制產地證書)的簽證管理工作,保證簽證符合給惠國有關規定,使我國出口商品在給惠國順利通關,獲得減免關稅的優惠待遇,特制定本辦法。
Article 2. GSP Certificates of Origin are used as legal official documents certified. The State Administration of Import and Export Commodity Inspection (hereinafter referred to as the State Administration of Commodity Inspection) is in charge of unified administration on the issuance of GSP Certificates of Origin throughout the country. The local commodity inspection authorities and their branches and offices (hereinafter referred to as the commodity inspection authorities) set up by the State Administration of Commodity Inspection are responsible for issuing GSP Certificates of Origin. For GSP Certificates of Origin which are required to be signed as non re-processing certificates issued in Hong Kong and subject to confirmation of the preference-giving countries, the State Administration of Commodity Inspection shall authorize the China Inspection Co. Ltd. Hong Kong to undertake the issuance work.
  第二條 普惠制產地證書是具有法律效力的官方證明文件,我國普惠制產地證書的簽證工作由國家進出口商品檢驗局(以下簡稱國家商檢局)負責統一管理,由國家商檢局設在各地的進出口商品檢驗局及其分支機構(以下統稱商檢機構)負責簽發。
Article 3. The issuance of GSP Certificates of Origin is only referred to those commodities which have been given the duty preference treatment in accordance with the laws/decrees published by the preference-giving countries and which have been officially notified by countries that will give China the preference treatment. These commodities must be in compliance with the Rules of origin and the Rules of Direct Consignment.
  第三條 普惠制產地證書的簽發,限于給惠國已公布法令並正式通知對我國實行普惠制待遇的國家所給予關稅優惠的商品。這些商品必須符合給惠國原產地規則及直運規則。
Article 4. The application units when applying the issuance of GSP Certificates of origin to the commodity inspection authorities, are required to fill in the application forms strictly in accordance with the programme adopted by the preference-giving countries and the requirements specified in the Said Provisions.
  第四條 申請單位向商檢機構申請簽發普惠制產地證書,應嚴格按照各給惠國普惠制實施方案及本辦法的規定,切實做到申請和填報的內容真實、准確。

第二章 注冊和申請

Article 5. Application units who are intending to apply for GSP Certificates of Origin:
  第五條 申請辦理普惠制產地證書的單位:
1. Domestic enterprises which have been authorized to deal with import and export business activities;
2. Chinese-foreign equity joint ventures, Chinese foreign contractual joint ventures and the wholly foreign-owned enterprises;
3. Representative offices of foreign enterprises and trade corporations in China.
4. Enterprises processing with supplied materials, manufacturing with supplied samples and designs, assembling with supplied parts, and conducting compensation trade;
5. Services for selling tourist goods;
6. The relevant units selling the exhibits and samples for international economic and cultural exchange activities.
Article 6. Application units which are intending to apply for the GSP Certificates of Origin must go through registration procedures in the local commodity inspection authorities in advance.
  第六條 凡申請辦理普惠制產地證書的單位,必須預先在當地商檢機構辦理注冊登記手續。
Article 7. The application units in making registration, must produce the papers approved by the authority for approval, license plates, agreements and other relevant documents. The commodity inspection authorities after examination and investigation, shall permit those units which are in compliance with the requirements to make the registration.
  第七條 辦理注冊登記時,申請單位必須提交審批機關的批件、營業執照、協議書以及其它有關文件。商檢機構經過審核和調查,對符合注冊登記條件的予以注冊登記。
Article 8. The Application units' stamps/seals and the personnel in charge of signing the certificates must go through the registration procedures at the same time. The signers, as the legal representatives of the application units, shall keep proper stability. Any change or remove of them shall declare to the commodity inspection authorities in time.
  第八條 申請單位的印章和證書手簽人員必須在注冊的同時進行登記。手簽人員應是申請單位的法人代表並應保持相對穩定,如有變動,應及時向商檢機構申報。
Article 9. The application units when applying for issuance of certificates must submit the application for GSP Certificates of Origin to the Local commodity inspection authorities fill out the GSP Certificates of Origin, present the duplicate commercial invoices of export commodities as well as other necessary documents. If the products manufactured with some materials imported, the Cost Description of the Preference-giving products should be also provided.
  第九條 申請簽證時,須向當地商檢機構提交《普惠制產地證書申請書》,填制正確清楚的普惠制產地證書和出口商品的商業發票副本,以及必要的其它證件。含有進口成份的產品,還必須提交《含進口成份受惠商品成本明細單》。
Article 10. The application units, in general, apply for issuance of certificates to the local commodity inspection authorities. If the issuance of certificates are required to be made at another place, the registration certificates/documents made by the local commodity inspection authority must be presented accordingly.
  第十條 申請單位原則上向所在地商檢機構申請辦理簽證,特殊情況需在異地申請簽證時,必須提供所在地商檢機構注冊登記的證明文件。

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