Provisions Concerning the Administration of Private Houses Owned by Foreigners
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PROVISIONS CONCERNING THE ADMINISTRATION OF PRIVATE HOUSES OWNED BY FOREIGNERS (Approved by the State Council on August 2, 1984 and promulgated by the Ministry of Urban and Rural construction and Environmental Protection on August 25, 1984) In order to strengthen the administration of private houses owned by foreigners within the territory of China, and to protect the lawful rights and interests of their owners, the following provisions are formulated in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations:
| | 中華人民共和國城鄉建設環境保護部關于外國人私有房屋管理的若幹決定 (一九八四年八月二日國務院批准一九八四年八月二十五日城鄉建設環境保護部發布) 為加強對外國人在中國境內私有房屋的管理,保護房屋所有人的合法權益,根據有關法規,對若幹問題作如下規定:
1. The administration of the residential houses and non-residential houses owned by foreign individuals or by a group of foreigners jointly within the territory of China and for their own use or for renting out (hereinafter referred to as foreigners' private houses), shall comply with the provisions in the Regulations on the Administration of Private Houses in Urban Areas.
| | 一、 對外國人在中國境內的個人所有 、 數人共有的自用或出租的住宅和非住宅用房(以下簡稱外國人私有房屋)的管理,應當遵守《城市私有房屋管理條例》的規定。
2. The owners of foreigners' private houses must go through the registration procedures for the proprietary rights of houses at the administrative departments for real estate under the people's governments in the localities where the aforesaid houses are located (hereinafter referred to as the administrative department for real estate), and after the examination and verification, obtain a house owner's certificate; in the event that the ownership of a house is to be transferred, the present state of the houses is to be changed, or the owner's nationality has been changed, the house owner must go through the registration procedures for the transfer of the ownership, or for other changes, at the administrative department for real estate in the place where the said house is located. ...... | | 二、 外國人私有房屋的所有人,須到房屋所在地人民政府房地產管理機關(以下簡稱房管機關)辦理房屋所有權登記手續,經審查核實後,領取房屋所有權證;房屋所有權轉移、房屋現狀變更或所有人國籍變更時,須到房屋所在地房管機關辦理所有權轉移或變更登記手續。 ...... |
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