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Notice of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Supporting Commercial Banks in Further Improving Financial Services for Small-sized Enterprises [Effective]
中國銀監會關于支持商業銀行進一步改進小企業金融服務的通知 [現行有效]
Notice of China Banking Regulatory Commission on Supporting Commercial Banks in Further Improving Financial Services for Small-sized Enterprises
(No. 59 [2011] of China Banking Regulatory Commission)
All local offices of the CBRC; all state-owned commercial banks and joint-stock commercial banks; Postal Savings Bank of China; and all provincial rural credit cooperative unions:
In recent years, to deeply carry out the strategic deployments of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council and address the prominent issues concerning the financing of small-sized enterprises, the regulatory departments have actively guided commercial banks in providing financial services for small-sized enterprises, have continuously optimized the financing environment for small-sized enterprises, and have seen obvious results. To solidify the work progress in the financing of small-sized enterprises, promote the sustainable development of the financial services for small-sized enterprises and encourage commercial banks to further improve their financial services for small-sized enterprises, we hereby notify you of the relevant requirements as follows:


I. Guiding commercial banks in giving particular support to the financing needs of small-sized enterprises which conform to the state industrial and environmental protection policies, are able to create more jobs, have the willingness and ability to repay debts and are commercially sustainable.
II. Directing commercial banks to continue deepening the “six mechanisms” (risk pricing mechanism for interest rate, independent accounting mechanism, efficient loan examination and approval mechanism, incentive and restraint mechanism, specialized personnel training mechanism and default information notification mechanism), stick to the “four separates” principle (separate credit programs, separate allocation of human and financial resources, separate client identification and credit review and separate accounting for a special business office for small-sized enterprises), further strengthen the management of and allocation of resources for small-sized enterprise business lines, satisfy the loan needs of eligible small-sized enterprises, and try to reach the goal that the growth rate of loans to small-sized enterprises is not lower than the average growth rate of all loans.
III. Encouraging commercial banks to implement pilot programs, make active explorations, innovate in the loan modes, products and services for small-sized enterprises and strengthen the research, development and promotion of new financing modes, service means, credit products and mortgage (pledge) methods based on the characteristics of the financing needs of small-sized enterprises.
IV. Giving priority to relevant applications about access to the financial service markets for small-sized enterprises when accepting and examining applications, and improving the efficiency of administrative examination and approval. The establishment of branch offices of commercial banks which have realized the goal that the growth rate of loans to small-sized enterprises is not lower than the average growth rate of all loans and had good risk management and control for two consecutive years shall be actively supported, provided that the prudential regulation requirements are met.

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