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Amendment (VIII) to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China [Effective]
中华人民共和国刑法修正案(八) [现行有效]
Order of the President of the People's Republic of China
The Amendment (VIII) to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China, as adopted at the 19th meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on February 25, 2011, is hereby promulgated, and shall come into force on May 1, 2011.
President of the People's Republic of China: Hu Jintao
February 25, 2011
Amendment (VIII) to the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China
(Adopted at the 19th Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eleventh National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on February 25, 2011)


中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛
1. One Article is added after Article 17 as Article 17A: “A person attaining the age of 75 may be given a lighter or mitigated penalty if he commits an intentional crime; or shall be given a lighter or mitigated penalty if he commits a negligent crime.”
2. One paragraph is added to Article 38 as paragraph 2: “In light of the crime committed, a convict sentenced to control may also be prohibited from engaging in certain activities, entering certain areas or places or contacting certain persons during the term of execution.”
The original paragraph 2 is changed into paragraph 3 and amended as: “Criminals sentenced to control shall be subject to community correction.”
One paragraph is added as paragraph 4: “Whoever violates a restraining order as provided for in paragraph 2 shall be punished in accordance with the Public Security Administrative Punishments Law of the People's Republic of China .”
3. One paragraph is added to Article 49 as paragraph 2: “Death penalty shall not be given to a person attaining the age of 75 at the time of trial, unless he has caused the death of another person by especially cruel means.”
4. Article 50 is amended as: “Where a convict is sentenced to death with a reprieve, if he does not commit any intentional crime during the period of reprieve, the sentence shall be commuted to life imprisonment upon expiration of the two-year period; if he has any major meritorious performance, the sentence shall be commuted to imprisonment of 25 years upon expiration of the two-year period; or if it is verified that he has committed any intentional crime, the death penalty shall be executed with the approval of the Supreme People's Court.
For a recidivist or a convict of murder, rape, robbery, abduction, arson, explosion, dissemination of hazardous substances or organized violence who is sentenced to death with a reprieve, the people's court may, in sentencing, decide to put restrictions on commutation of his sentence in light of the circumstances of the crime committed.”
5. Paragraph 1 of Article 63 is amended as: “Where there is any circumstance of mitigation of penalty, a convict shall be given a penalty below the statutory penalty; and if there are two or more ranges of sentencing under this Law, the penalty shall be given within the range next lower to the statutory range.”
6. Paragraph 1 of Article 65 is amended as: “Where a convict sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment or a heavier penalty commits again a crime for which a fixed-term imprisonment or a heavier penalty shall be given within five years after finishing serving his sentence or being pardoned, he shall be a recidivist and be given a heavier penalty, unless it is a negligent crime or he commits the crime under the age of 18.”
7. Article 66 is amended as: “A convict of jeopardizing the national security, terrorist activities or organized crime of a gangland nature shall be punished as a recidivist for any of such crimes committed again by him at any time after he finishes serving his sentence or is pardoned.”
8. One paragraph is added to Article 67 as paragraph 3: “A criminal suspect who truthfully confesses to his crime may be given a lighter penalty although there is no voluntary surrender as mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs; and may be given a mitigated penalty if any especially serious consequence is avoided for his truthful confession.”
9. Paragraph 2 of Article 68 is deleted.
10. Article 69 is amended as: “Where a person is convicted of more than one crime before a sentence is pronounced, except for death penalty or life imprisonment, the term of criminal penalty to be executed shall be decided in light of the actual circumstances below the sum of terms but above the highest term of the imposed criminal penalties; however, the decided term of control shall not exceed three years, the decided term of criminal detention shall not exceed one year, and the decided fixed-term imprisonment shall not exceed 20 years if the sum of terms of fixed-term imprisonment is less than 35 years or shall not exceed 25 years if the sum of terms is 35 years or more.
If there are accessory penalties imposed for the crimes, the accessory penalties must still be executed. Accessory penalties of the same kind shall be executed on a consolidated basis, while those of different kinds shall be executed separately.”
11. Article 72 is amended as: “Where a convict sentenced to criminal detention or imprisonment of not more than 3 years meets the following conditions, a probation may be announced, and a probation shall be announced if he is under the age of 18, is pregnant or attains the age of 75:
(1) The circumstances of the crime are minor;
(2) He shows repentance;
(3) He is not likely to commit any offense again; and
(4) Announcing the probation will not have any major adverse impact on the community where he lives.
When probation is announced, in light of the crime committed, the convict may also be prohibited from engaging in certain activities, entering certain areas or places or contacting certain persons during probation.
If there is any accessory penalty imposed on a convict on probation, the accessory penalty must still be executed.”
12. Article 74 is amended as: “Probation shall not apply to recidivists and ringleaders of criminal gangs.”
13. Article 76 is amended as: “A convict on probation shall be subject to community correction during probation, and if none of the circumstances as set out in Article 77 of this Law occurs, the original sentence shall no longer be executed upon expiration of probation, which shall be announced to the public.”
14. Paragraph 2 of Article 77 is amended as: “Where a convict on probation violates any provision of laws, administrative regulations or the relevant department of the State Council on probation supervision and management or violates any restraining order in the judgment of the people's court during probation, if the circumstances are serious, the probation shall be revoked and the original sentence shall be executed.”
15. Paragraph 2 of Article 78 is amended as: “After commutation, the actually executed term of criminal penalty shall not be:
“(1) less than 1/2 of the original term of criminal penalty, if control, criminal detention or fixed-term imprisonment is imposed;
“(2) less than 13 years, if life imprisonment is imposed; or
“(3) less than 25 years if the death penalty with a reprieve imposed on a convict is legally commuted to life imprisonment upon expiration of the reprieve period, or less than 20 years if it is commuted to imprisonment of 25 years upon expiration of the reprieve period, where the people's court has put restrictions on commutation of the death penalty with a reprieve according to paragraph 2, Article 50 of this Law.”
16. Article 81 is amended as: “Where a convict sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment has served not less than half of the term of his original sentence, or a convict sentenced to life imprisonment has actually served not less than 13 years of imprisonment, he may be paroled if he earnestly observes the prison rules, accepts reform through education and shows true repentance and is not likely to commit any crime again. Under special circumstances, with the approval of the Supreme People's Court, a parole may be granted without regard to the above restrictions on the term served.
No parole shall be granted to a recidivist or a convict sentenced to imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment for murder, rape, robbery, abduction, arson, explosion, dissemination of hazardous substances or organized violent crime.
When a parole decision is made on a convict, the impact of his release on parole on the community where he lives shall be considered.”
17. Article 85 is amended as: “A convict released on parole shall be subject to community correction during parole according to law, and if none of the circumstances as set out in Article 86 of this Law occurs, the original sentence shall be deemed to have been fully served upon expiration of parole, which shall be announced to the public.”
18. Paragraph 3 of Article 86 is amended as: “Where a convict released on parole violates any provision of laws, administrative regulations or the relevant department of the State Council on parole supervision and management during parole, if it does not constitute a new crime, his parole shall be revoked under statutory procedures, and he shall be taken into custody to serve his remaining term of sentence.”
19. One paragraph is added to Article 100 as paragraph 2: “Whoever is given a penalty lighter than imprisonment of 5 years for a crime committed under the age of 18 shall be exempted from the reporting obligation as mentioned in the preceding paragraph.”

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