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Notice of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Issues Concerning the Issuance and Implementation of the Pilot Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Issuance of Private Placement Bonds of Small and Medium Enterprises [Expired]
上海证券交易所关于发布实施《上海证券交易所中小企业私募债券业务试点办法》有关事项的通知 [失效]
Notice of the Shanghai Stock Exchange on Issues Concerning the Issuance and Implementation of the Pilot Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Issuance of Private Placement Bonds of Small and Medium Enterprises
All market participants:
In order to regulate the private placement bonds of small and medium enterprise, expand financial channels for micro, small and medium enterprises, provide services for the development of real economy and protect the investors' legitimate rights and interests, the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the “SSE”) has formulated the Measures of Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Pilot Program for the Issuance of Private Placement Bonds of Small and Medium Enterprise, which are hereby issued for implementation upon approval by the China Securities Regulatory Commission.
During the pilot period, the issuers of the private placement bonds of small and medium enterprise are restricted to those micro, small and medium enterprises that satisfy the requirements of the Notice on Issuing the Provisions on the Classification Standards for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (No. 300 [2011] of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) and are not listed on the SSE and Shenzhen Stock Exchange, temporarily excluding real estate enterprises and financial enterprises.
Shanghai Stock Exchange
May 22, 2012
Measures of the Shanghai Stock Exchange for the Pilot Program for the Issuance of Private Placement Bonds of Small and Medium Enterprises


Chapter I General Provisions

第一章 总则

Article 1 These Measures are formulated in accordance with the Company Law, the Securities Law and other laws and administrative regulations as well as the relevant business rules of the Shanghai Stock Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the “SSE”) in order to regulate the private placement bonds of small and medium enterprise, expand financial sources for micro, small and medium enterprises, provide services for the development of real economy and protecting the legitimate rights and interests of investors.
   第一条 为规范中小企业私募债券业务,拓宽中小微型企业融资渠道,服务实体经济发展,保护投资者合法权益,根据《公司法》、《证券法》等法律、行政法规以及上海证券交易所(以下简称“本所”)相关业务规则,制定本办法。
Article 2 The term “private placement bonds of small and medium enterprises” (hereinafter referred to as “private placement bonds”) as mentioned in these Measures means the corporate bonds non-publicly issued and transferred by micro, small and medium enterprises within the territory of China, with principal and interest repaid within an agreed time limit.
   第二条 本办法所称中小企业私募债券(以下简称“私募债券”),是指中小微型企业在中国境内以非公开方式发行和转让,约定在一定期限还本付息的公司债券。
Article 3 Issuers shall non-publicly issue private placement bonds to qualified investors with the corresponding capacity to identify and bear risks and shall not adopt means of advertising, public inducement or public issuance in any disguised form.
The total investors of each issue of private placement bonds shall not exceed 200.
   第三条 发行人应当以非公开方式向具备相应风险识别和承担能力的合格投资者发行私募债券,不得采用广告、公开劝诱和变相公开方式。
Article 4 Issuers shall fully disclose risks to investors and formulate repayment guarantees and other investor protection measures so as to strengthen the protection of the rights and interests of investors.
Issuers shall ensure the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the issuance documents and disclosed information, which shall not contain any false records, misleading statements or material omissions.
   第四条 发行人应向投资者充分揭示风险,制定偿债保障等投资者保护措施,加强投资者权益保护。
Article 5 Private placement bonds shall be underwritten by securities companies. When providing services for businesses relating to private placement bonds, securities companies and relevant intermediaries shall follow the principles of equality, free will and good faith, strictly observe the norms of practice and professional ethics, and perform their obligations in accordance with the relevant provisions and agreements.
   第五条 私募债券应当由证券公司承销。证券公司和相关中介机构为私募债券相关业务提供服务,应当遵循平等、自愿、诚实守信的原则,严格遵守执业规范和职业道德,按规定和约定履行义务。
Article 6 Where private placement bonds are transferred in the SSE, they shall be filed with the SSE prior to the issuance. The acceptance of filing by the SSE does not represent any judgment or guarantee regarding the issuers' operating risks, solvency risks, and litigation risks or the investment risks or proceeds in private placement bonds. The investment risks of private placement bond shall be borne by investors themselves.
   第六条 私募债券在本所进行转让的,在发行前应当向本所备案。本所接受备案并不对发行人的经营风险、偿债风险、诉讼风险以及私募债券的投资风险或收益等作出判断或保证。私募债券的投资风险由投资者自行承担。
Article 7 The SSE shall provide services for information disclosure and transfer of private placement bonds and shall implement self-disciplinary management.
   第七条 本所为私募债券的信息披露和转让提供服务,并实施自律管理。
Article 8 The registration and settlement of private placement bonds shall be conducted by the China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited in accordance with its business rules.
   第八条 私募债券的登记和结算,由中国证券登记结算有限责任公司按其业务规则办理。
Chapter II Filing and Issuance

第二章 备案及发行

Article 9 Private placement bonds filed with the SSE shall meet the following conditions:
   第九条 在本所备案的私募债券,应当符合下列条件:
1. the issuer shall be a limited liability company or a joint-stock limited company registered within the territory of China;
2. the interest rate of issuance shall not exceed 3 times the bank's benchmark interest rate over the same period;
3. the term shall be one year or more; and
4. other conditions as required by the SSE.
Article 10 To carry out underwriting business, securities companies shall comply with the laws, administrative regulations and the relevant supervisory regulations of the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) and the relevant provisions of the Securities Association of China.
   第十条 证券公司开展承销业务,应当符合法律、行政法规、中国证监会有关监管规定和中国证券业协会的相关规定。
Article 11 Before the issuance of a private placement bond, the underwriter shall file the issuance materials with the SSE. The filing materials shall include:
   第十一条 私募债券发行前,承销商应当将发行材料报送本所备案。备案材料应当包含以下内容:
1. a filing registration form;
2. photocopies of the issuer's articles of association and business license (duplicate);
3. the resolution made by the issuer's competent internal body on matters relating to the issuance of the current private placement bond;
 (三) 发行人内设有权机构关于本期私募债券发行事项的决议;
4. the underwriting agreement of private placement bond;
5. the prospectus of private placement bond;
6. the due diligence report of the underwriter;
7. the trust agreement of private placement bond and the private placement bondholders' meeting rules;
8. the issuer's financial reports for the last two full fiscal years audited by an accounting firm with securities and futures-related qualifications;
9. legal opinions issued by a law firm regarding the issuance of current private placement bond;
10. the letter of commitment from the issuer's directors, supervisors and senior managers as to the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the issuance application documents; and
11. other documents as prescribed by the SSE.
Article 12 A prospectus of private placement bond shall, at a minimum, contain the following:
   第十二条 私募债券募集说明书应当至少包含以下内容:
1. basic information on the issuer;
2. the issuer's financial conditions;
3. basic information on and issuance terms of the current private placement bond, including the name of the private placement bond, the total amount of the current issue, term, face value, issue price or method for determination of interest rate, the debt service period and methods, and so on;
4. the underwriting institution and underwriting arrangements;
 (四) 承销机构及承销安排;
5. the use of the raised funds and procedures for changing the use of funds during the duration of private placement bond;
6. the scope of and constraints on the transfer of private placement bond;
7. the specific information to be disclosed and the methods of information disclosure;
8. arrangements for debt repayment safeguard mechanisms, dividend distribution policies, trust management of private placement bond, private placement bondholders' meetings and other investor protection mechanisms;
9. information on the guarantee of private placement bond (if any);
10. specific arrangements regarding the credit ratings and follow-up ratings of private placement bond (if any);
11. risk factors of the current private placement bond and disclaimers;
12. arbitration or other dispute resolution mechanisms;
13. the issuer's statement concerning the use of the funds raised from the current private placement bond complying with the law and regulations and issuance procedures complying with the rules;
14. commitment made by the issuer's directors, supervisors and senior managers as to the authenticity, accuracy and integrity of the issuance documents; and
15. other important matters.
Article 13 The SSE shall check the filing materials for completeness. Where the filing materials are complete, the SSE shall issue a Notice on the Acceptance of Filing within 10 workdays from the day the materials were accepted.
   第十三条 本所对备案材料进行完备性核对。备案材料完备的,本所自接受材料之日起10个工作日内出具《接受备案通知书》。

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