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Clearing Rules for RMB Foreign Exchange Spot Transactions in the Inter-bank Foreign Exchange Market
| | 银行间外汇市场人民币外汇即期竞价交易清算规则 (2011年 银行间市场清算所股份有限公司)
(2011, Inter-bank Market Clearing House Co., Ltd.)
| | 第一章 总 则
Chapter I General Provisions
| | 第一条 为维护银行间外汇市场正常秩序,保障银行间市场清算所股份有限公司(以下简称“上海清算所”)和人民币外汇市场会员(以下简称“会员”)的合法权益,防范清算风险,确保清算系统的安全、可靠、高效运行,根据《中华人民共和国外汇管理条例》、《银行间外汇市场管理暂行规定》(银发[1996]423号)、《中国人民银行关于加快发展外汇市场有关问题的通知》([2005]202号)和《银行间外汇市场人民币外汇即期交易规则》等法规,制定本规则。
Article 1 These Rules are formulated in accordance with the Regulation of the People's Republic of China on Foreign Exchange Administration, the Interim Provisions on the Administration of the Inter-bank Foreign Exchange Market (No. 423 [1996] of the People's Republic of China), the Notice of the People's Bank of China on Relevant Issues concerning Accelerating the Development of the Foreign Exchange Market (No. 202 [2005]), the Rules for RMB Foreign Exchange Spot Transactions in Inter-bank Foreign Exchange Market and other regulations for purposes of maintaining the normal order of the inter-bank foreign exchange market, protecting the lawful rights and interests of the Inter-bank Market Clearing House Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Shanghai Clearing House”) and the members of the RMB foreign exchange market (hereinafter referred to as the “members”), and preventing the clearing risks to ensure the safe, reliable and efficient operation of the clearing system.
| | 第二条 本规则适用于银行间外汇市场人民币外汇即期竞价交易(以下简称“即期竞价交易”)的本外币资金清算。
Article 2 These Rules shall apply to the domestic and foreign currency capital clearing for the RMB foreign exchange spot transactions (hereinafter referred to as the “spot transactions”) in the inter-bank foreign exchange market. ...... | | 第三条 即期竞价交易的资金清算实行“集中、双向、差额”清算原则。 “集中”是指会员在中国外汇交易中心交易系统内达成的即期竞价交易,由上海清算所实时承担清算对手方的权利义务并分别与会员进行资金清算; “双向”是指上海清算所与会员在清算日同时办理本外币资金的收付; “差额”是指会员以同币种同结算日交易的轧差数与上海清算所进行清算。 ...... |
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