May 31, 2010
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Notice of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing the Suggestions on Pushing the Construction and Management of Municipal Public Building Supporting Facilities of Large-scale Residential Communities in This Municipality [Effective]
上海市人民政府印发关于推进本市大型居住社区市政公建配套设施建设和管理若干意见的通知 [现行有效]
Notice of Shanghai Municipal People's Government on Printing and Distributing the Suggestions on Pushing the Construction and Management of Municipal Public Building Supporting Facilities of Large-scale Residential Communities in This Municipality
(SMPG G [2009] No.44)
All District and County People's Governments, all Commissions, Offices and Bureaus (Administrations) of the Municipal People's Government:
We hereby print and distribute to you the “Suggestions on Pushing the Construction and Management of Municipal Public Building Supporting Facilities of Large-scale Residential Communities in This Municipality”, and request you to implement them conscientiously.
Shanghai Municipal People's Government
August 21, 2009
Suggestions on Pushing the Construction and Management of Municipal Public Building Supporting Facilities of Large-scale Residential Communities in This Municipality
Pushing the construction of large-scale residential communities is a major move to optimize this Municipality's property market structure, accelerate the renovation of old districts, improve the residential conditions of the masses of citizens, and promote the healthy, sustainable development of Shanghai's economy and society. Since 2003, this Municipality has made unified planning, and organized the construction of large-scale residential communities in seven districts in succession and made positive achievements in this regard. However, shortcomings still exist in terms of imperfect municipal public building supporting facilities (hereinafter referred to as the supporting facilities) and the unsmooth mechanism of planning, construction and management. For the purposes of effectively pushing in earnest the construction and management of the supporting facilities of large-scale residential communities in this Municipality, we hereby put forward the following suggestions:


I. Guiding Thoughts and Basic Principles
1. Guiding thoughts
Carry out in an all-round way the scientific viewpoint of development, take the accelerated advancement of “taking the lead in four aspects”, the accelerated construction of “four centers” and the preparation for World Expo 2010 Shanghai as the opportunity, have one's eyes on solving the most immediate and most practical interests-related problems the masses of the people are most concerned about, take the pushing of construction and management of supporting facilities in this Municipality's large-scale residential community construction bases (hereinafter referred to as the construction bases) as the important measures of guaranteeing people's livelihoods, guaranteeing growth and building a socialist harmonious society, make innovation on working mechanisms, intensify policy-related support and exert efforts of the whole Municipality to build construction bases into harmonious communities featuring scientific planning, complete supporting facilities, good environment and quality engineering.
2. Basic principles
1) Adhere to giving priority to planning and synchronized supporting construction. Supporting facilities in construction bases shall be made the key points of priority consideration in planning, and pushed forward according to the planning principle of “being based on the present, while taking into consideration the long-term” and the construction requirements of “synchronized planning and synchronized supporting construction” under overall guidance and in an orderly manner, so as to quicken the perfection of residential communities.
2) Adhere to putting people first, ensuring basic demands. Construct municipal public building supporting facilities according to the allocation standards for public service facilities in this Municipality's urban residential areas and residential communities, related set-up specifications and planning requirements in an effort to satisfy residents' basic living demands for going out, seeking medical consultation, schooling and shopping, and to actively create employment conditions for residents. Make rational layout and act in the light of local conditions according to the total population of resident occupants in different communities, the population structure and actual demands, so as to keep on perfecting the allocation standards of supporting facilities and raising the livable level of residential communities.
3) Adhere to taking the district as the principal, with the municipality and the district joining hands. Give full play to the initiative of the district people's government at the locality of construction bases. Under the overall coordination and guidance and supervision of the Municipal People's Government, and with the support and cooperation of relevant departments, the district where construction bases are located shall be responsible for the construction and management of the supporting facilities of the construction bases.
4) Adhere to innovation on mechanism, make policy focus. Perfect the original development mechanism, actively explore a new mechanism in which the government plays the leading role, operation is market-oriented and state-owned enterprise groups conduct construction geared to the needs. Intensify the government input with every item of policies focusing on construction bases and properly tilting thereto.
II. Working Targets and Main Tasks
1. Working targets
With the eight construction bases of Baoshan Gucun, Jiading Jiangqiao, Minhang Sijing, Qingpu Huaxin, Pudong Zhoukanghang, Caolu and Sanlin as the key points, accelerate the pushing of construction of supporting facilities. By the end of 2010, basically complete the overall construction, take-over, start-up and operation of the supporting facilities of construction bases already built and in progress, and complete the construction of supporting facilities in newly developed construction bases in synchronization with housing construction.
2. Main tasks
1) Perfect in a deep-going way the planning of construction bases. Accelerate the perfecting of specialized planning for municipal public building facilities of construction bases, etc. according to the detailed regulatory planning of the expanded area of construction bases that have been approved, and map out the constructive detailed planning to specify the planning design requirements, depending on needs.
In the process of planning preparation, the district at the locality of construction bases shall make overall coordination of all related planning in its own area, giving overall consideration to the linkage to the construction planning of new cities and new towns, and to the mating of the specialized planning of supporting facilities. In preparing the specialized planning of newly expanded bases, it is imperative to perfect the allocation of facilities according to the present circumstances of resident occupants and the future development needs of large-scale residential communities.
2) Accelerate the construction of supporting facilities of construction bases. Quickly push the construction of supporting facilities of bases under construction, ensuring its completion and turn-over in synchronization with housing. Lay emphasis on pushing the drainage project construction in the periphery of construction bases such as Baoshan Gucun, Minhang Pujiang and Pudong Caolu, and start as soon as possible the construction of supporting roads in the periphery of such construction bases as Baoshan Gucun, Minhang Pujiang and Qingpu Huaxin. Further improve the supporting public transit, ensure putting it into use in synchronization with housing, strive for the opening of related rail transport as early as possible, and do a good job of linking public transport routes and rail transport in construction bases. Lay stress on pushing the construction of public building supporting facilities for education, community services, culture and sports, elderly care, business services, postal services, and environmental sanitation in construction bases according to the planning requirements and turn over such facilities in synchronization with housing.

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