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Provisions of Hubei Province on Responsibility of Enterprises' Safety Production Subjects [Effective]
湖北省企业安全生产主体责任规定 [现行有效]
Decree of the People's Government of Hubei Province
(No. 339)
Provisions of Hubei Province on Responsibility of Enterprises' Safety Production Subjects, deliberated and adopted at the Executive Meeting of the People's Government of Hubei Province on October 11, 2010, are hereby promulgated and shall come into force as of December 1, 2010.
Governor: Li Hongzhong
October 14, 2010
Provisions of Hubei Province on Responsibility of Enterprises' Safety Production Subjects


省长 李鸿忠
Article 1 With a view to transforming the economic development modes, implementing the responsibility of enterprises' safety production subjects and preventing and reducing production safety accidents, these Measures are formulated pursuant to the Safety Production Law of the People's Republic of China, Regulations of Hubei Province on Safety Production and other relevant laws and regulations.
   第一条 为转变经济发展方式,落实企业安全生产主体责任,防止和减少生产安全事故,根据《中华人民共和国安全生产法》、《湖北省安全生产条例》等法律、法规,制定本规定。
Article 2 Enterprises within the administrative area of the Province shall fulfill the responsibility of safety production subjects in accordance with these Provisions.
Responsibility of enterprises' safety production subjects refers to the responsibilities that the enterprises shall, in conformity to relevant laws, rules and regulations concerning safety production, strengthen the administration of production safety, establish the responsibility system for safety production, perfect the conditions for safety production, implement national and industrial standards to ensure safety in production and make reports, rescue and compensation related to safety accidents The following contents shall be involved mainly:
   第二条 本省行政区域内的企业应当依照本规定履行安全生产主体责任。
(1) Enterprises shall be equipped with the conditions for safety production as provided in the laws and rules, national standards and industrial standards.
(2) The provisions that the safety facilities of construction projects shall be designed, built and put into production and use simultaneously (hereinafter referred to as Three Simultaneity shall be observed in accordance with law.
(3) Enterprises shall provide employees with labor protection articles and guide and supervise them the correct wearing and use in accordance with law.
(4) Enterprises shall withdraw and use the safety production fees in accordance with provisions to ensure the capital investment sufficient for the conditions for safety production, save the risk deposit for safety production in accordance with provisions and shall pay employment injury insurance premiums for the employees and buy liability insurance for safety production actively in accordance with law.
(5) Enterprises shall have administrative organ for production safety and personnel for the administration of production safety.
(6) Enterprises shall establish and perfect the system responsibility, various rules and regulations and operational rules related to safety production.
(7) Enterprises shall ensure sufficient funds for safety production education and training, organize the employees to take part in the education and training legally to get relevant qualification certificates and develop the publicity and education of safety production.
(8) Enterprises shall strengthen the administration of safety production, organize the inspection of safety production regularly, eliminate in good time the potential accidents and make supervisions and controls over substantial hazardous sources in accordance with law.
(9) Enterprises shall obtain the administrative license of safety production in accordance with law.
(10) Enterprises shall exercise unified coordination and administration over the contractors and leaseholders concerning the work of production safety.
(11) Enterprises shall report safety production accidents, develop the timely rescue work thereof and handle after-accident matters in accordance with law.
(12) Enterprises shall be responsible for the work of occupational hazard prevention and occupational disease prevention and treatment on the work sites.
(13) Other safety production responsibilities provided by laws and rules.
Article 3 Enterprises are the responsibility subjects of safety production who shall bear the subject liabilities for the safety production of their own entity and shall be responsible for the consequences resulted from the failure of performing such liabilities.
The major persons-in-charge of the enterprises are the first persons-in-charge regarding the production safety of their own entity and shall be in charge of the implementation of such responsibilities.
The major persons-in-charge of the enterprises shall perform the following duties and responsibilities:
   第三条 企业是安全生产的责任主体,对本单位的安全生产承担主体责任,并对未履行安全生产主体责任导致的后果负责。
(1) Establishing and perfecting the responsibility system of safety production;
(2) Organizing the formulation of the managerial system and operational rules of safety production of their own units;
(3) Ensuring the input of funds needed in safety production of their own units;
(4) Conducting regular study on problems related to safety production and reporting to employee representative conferences and shareholder meetings the situation of safety production;
(5) Overseeing and inspecting the work of safety production of the entity and monitoring seriously and eliminating in good time the potential safety production accidents;
(6) Organizing the formulation and execution of the emergency response plan of safety production accidents of the entity;
(7) Reporting safety production accidents promptly, precisely and completely and organizing the rescue work thereof;
(8) Other safety production responsibilities provided by laws and rules.
Article 4 A responsibility system of safety production shall be established in enterprises and all personnel shall be appraised with the safety production responsibilities and such matters as responsibility contents and appraisal rewards and punishment shall be determined clearly to the chief responsible persons of the entity, responsible persons in charge of safety production, responsible persons in functional departments, responsible persons in workshops (groups) and employees, pledges of safety production responsibility shall be signed with the employees grade by grade, level by level and post by post. Corresponding rewards shall be given to those reaching the post responsibility objectives, otherwise punishment shall be given and those who have caused safety production accidents shall be handled in accordance with relevant provisions.
   第四条 企业应当建立安全生产责任制度,实行全员安全生产责任考核,明确单位主要负责人、分管负责人、职能部门负责人、生产车间(班组)负责人及从业人员的责任内容和考核奖惩等事项,逐级、逐层次、逐岗位与从业人员签订安全生产责任状。对完成岗位责任目标的,给予相应的奖励;对未完成岗位责任目标的,给予相应的惩戒;造成生产安全事故的,按有关规定处理。
Article 5 Enterprises shall, according to the laws, rules and national standards or industrial standards, formulate the managerial system and operational rules of safety production of their own units. Such a system and operational rules shall include the whole production and operation process and employees and shall make regular analyses of the implementing result for timely revisions together with the practical standardized operation on the posts.
The managerial system of safety production mainly includes:
   第五条 企业应当依据法律、法规和国家、行业标准,制定本单位的安全生产管理制度和操作规程。安全生产管理制度和操作规程应当涵盖生产经营的全过程和全体从业人员,并结合岗位标准化操作实际定期分析实施效果,适时修订。
(1) the safety production meeting system;
(2) the system of capital investment of safety production and the drawing, management and use of the fees for safety production system;
(3) the safety production education and training system;
(4) the safety production inspection system and the situation reporting system;
(5) the three spontaneity management system;
(6) the system of appraisal and rewards and punishment of safety production;
(7) the standardized operation system on the posts;
(8) the examination and approval system of hazardous work;
(9) the check and management system of potential accidents;
(10) the system of check, supervision and control and management for substantial hazardous sources;
(11) the provision, management and use of labor protection articles;
(12) the management, check and maintenance of safety facilities and equipment;
(13) the management of special-work personnel;
(14) the reporting, investigation and handling of accidents of safety production;
(15) the management and exercise of a predetermined scheme for emergency rescue;
(16) other management regulations to ensure safety production.
Enterprises shall ensure the enforcement of the regulations of their own units, educate the employees to master and abide by them strictly. It is prohibited to conduct or to operate in violation of rules and regulations and labor disciplines or to organize the production beyond capacity, intensity or prescribed employee number.
Article 6 Enterprises shall establish an administrative organ for production safety, provide personnel for the administration of production safety and practice the system of full-time personnel for production safety in accordance with law.
The administrative organ for production safety, provide personnel for the administration of production safety shall practice comprehensive management for the safety production of the units and perform the following duties and responsibilities:
   第六条 企业应当依法设置安全生产管理机构,配备安全生产管理人员,并实行安全员制度。
(1) To assist the decision-making agency, the major responsible persons and responsible persons in charge of safety production in organizing the formulation and implementation of the annual work plan on safety production management of the entity;
(2) To assist the decision-making agency, the major responsible persons and responsible persons in charge of safety production in organizing the formulation and appraisal of the annual objective on safety production management of the entity;
(3) To participate in the formulation of capital investment plan and technology measure plan of safety production and implement specifically or supervise relevant departments to implement;
(4) To organize the formulation or revision of administration system and operating rules on safety production and make supervision and examination over the implementation;
(5) To organize the on-the-spot inspection related to safety production, and be responsible for or urge related professional departments to make timely rectification upon discovery of potential accidents and report to the major person-in-charge of the entity promptly if the rectification can not be made immediately;
(6) To cooperate relevant government departments in the examination and acceptance work of Three Simultaneity of the safety facilities of construction projects, and be responsible for the examination of relevant qualifications, licenses and materials of the contractor and leaseholder units;
(7) To organize relevant departments to study the prevention work for occupational poisoning and the prevention and treatment of occupational diseases;
(8) To organize the implementation of education and training of safety production and summarize and popularize the advanced experience of safety production;
(9) To supervise the grant of labor protection articles as provided by law and guide relevant departments to educate the employees to wear and use these articles correctly;
(10) To cooperate the investigation and handling of safety production accidents, take charge of the statistics, analyses and report of the accidents and assist relevant departments to formulate accident prevention measures and supervise the implementation thereof;
(11) Other duties concerning the management of safety production determined by the entity.
Enterprises shall provide necessary conditions for administrative organ for production safety and personnel for the administration of production safety to perform their duties. The salary for personnel for the administration of production safety shall be higher than personnel for the administration of other posts at the same level and duty.
Article 7 Enterprises shall formulate annual training plan for safety production and develop the education and training of safety production for the employees. The education and training plan and the implementation situation shall be reported to the administrative department and other relevant departments responsible for the supervision and administration of production safety for file. The expenses for the education and training shall be disbursed as provided by relevant provisions.
The contents of education and training on safety production mainly cover:
   第七条 企业应当制定年度安全生产教育培训计划并对从业人员开展安全生产教育培训。教育培训计划及实施情况应当报安全生产监督管理部门和负有安全生产监督管理职责的有关部门备案。企业安全生产教育培训的经费按照有关规定列支。
(1) laws, rules, regulations and relevant standards governing safety production;
(2) administrative system and operational rules of safety production;
(3) knowledge of safety production management, knowledge of safe technology and basic skill of safe operation of positions;
(4) knowledge of the use, maintenance and storage of safety production facilities, equipment, tools and labor protection articles;
(5) knowledge of new technology, new facility, new technique, and new materials of safety production;
(6) knowledge of dangerous elements existing in work sites and work posts and the prevention and emergency measures for accidents and self aid and mutual aid;
(7) cases and warnings of safety production accidents;
(8) other knowledge and skills concerning safety production.
The contents and outcome of education and training on safety production shall be recorded in the employee's examination files of education and training on safety production. The information about the training shall be recorded in the Employee's Record Card of Safety Production, and such a Card shall affix the signature of both the examiners and the employees. An employee who has not passed the examination thereof shall not go to work post.
Article 8 The major persons-in-charge and the personnel for the administration of production safety of the enterprises shall have the knowledge and management capacity that match the engaged production and business operation activities. The major persons-in-charge and the personnel for the administration of production safety of high-risk enterprises shall not take their positions until they have passed the examinations of the administrative departments concerning the knowledge and management capacity of production safety. The special operation staff members of the enterprises must not start to work at their positions until they have passed the special training regarding safe operations and obtained qualification certificates for special operations according to relevant provisions of the State.
   第八条 企业的主要负责人和安全生产管理人员,应当具备与所从事的生产经营活动相适应的安全生产知识和管理能力。高危企业的主要负责人和安全生产管理人员应当经有关部门对其安全生产知识和管理能力考核合格后方可任职。企业的特种作业人员要按照国家有关规定经专门的安全培训,取得特种作业操作资格证书后,方可上岗作业。
Article 9 Enterprises shall ensure that the capital investment for safety production is sufficient, and bring safety production investment into the annual financial budget.
   第九条 企业应当确保本单位具备安全生产条件所必需的资金投入,安全生产投入应当纳入本单位年度经费预算。

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