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Protection of Integrated Circuit Layout Designs Regulations Implementing Rules [Effective]
集成电路布图设计保护条例实施细则 [现行有效]
Order of Commissioner of State Intellectual Property Office
(No. 11)
The Protection of Integrated Circuit Layout Designs Regulations Implementing Rules are formulated in accordance with the Protection of Integrated Circuit Layout Designs Regulations, are hereby promulgated and shall be implemented as of 1 October 2001.
Commissioner, Wang Jingchuan
September 18, 2001
Protection of Integrated Circuit Layout Designs Regulations Implementing Rules


局长 王景川

第一章 总则

Article 1 Purpose
These Implementing Rules (Rules) have been formulated pursuant to the Protection of Integrated Circuit Layout Designs Regulations (the Regulations), in order to protect proprietary rights in integrated circuit layout designs (Layout Designs) and promote the development of, and innovations in, integrated circuit technology in China.
   第一条 宗旨
Article 2 Registration Authority
For the purposes of the Regulations, the term "administrative authority for intellectual property of the State Council" means the State Intellectual Property Office.
   第二条 登记机构
Article 3 Format To Be Used When Carrying out Procedures
The various documents specified in the Regulations and herein shall be in writing or in another format specified by the State Intellectual Property Office.
   第三条 办理手续需用的形式
Article 4 Agencies
When Chinese work units or individuals wish to apply in China to register Layout Designs or handle other matters related to Layout Designs, they may appoint a patent agency to do so on their behalf.
When foreign nationals, foreign enterprises or other foreign organizations without a habitual residence or place of business in China wish to apply in China to register Layout Designs or handle other matters related to Layout Designs, they shall appoint a patent agency designated by the State Intellectual Property Office to do so on their behalf.
   第四条 代理机构
Article 5 Application Documents and Determination of Application Date
When applying to register a Layout Design with the State Intellectual Property Office, an application form for the registration of Layout Designs and a reproduction or drawing of the Layout Design shall be submitted. If commercial exploitation of the Layout Design has commenced before the application date, sample integrated circuits containing the Layout Design shall be submitted as well.
The date on which the State Intellectual Property Office receives the application documents for a Layout Design mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall be the application date. If the application documents are sent by mail, the date of the sending post office's postmark shall be the application date.
   第五条 申请文件和申请日的确定
Article 6 Language of Documents
All documents submitted in accordance with the Regulations and these Rules shall be in Chinese. Where the State has prescribed unified scientific and technical terminology, the standard terms shall be used. If there is no unified Chinese translation for a foreign personal or place name or foreign scientific or technical term, the original term shall be indicated.
If any certificate or supporting document submitted in accordance with the Regulations and these Rules is in a foreign language, the State Intellectual Property Office may require the party concerned to supply a Chinese translation within a prescribed time limit if it considers this to be necessary. If the translation is not supplied within the time limit, such certificate or supporting document shall be deemed not to have been submitted.
   第六条 文件的语言
Article 7 Delivery and Service of Documents
The postmark date of a document mailed to the State Intellectual Property Office shall be the date of submission. If the postmark date is unclear, the date of receipt of the document by the State Intellectual Property Office shall be the date of submission, unless the party concerned can supply evidence regarding the date of mailing.
Documents of the State Intellectual Property Office may be served on a party by mail, direct delivery or otherwise. If the party has appointed a patent agency, documents shall be delivered to the patent agency. If the party has not appointed a patent agency, documents shall be delivered to the contact person designated in the request.
Documents mailed by the State Intellectual Property Office shall be assumed to have been received by the party concerned after a lapse of 15 days from the date of sending. The date of service of documents that provisions of the State Intellectual Property Office require to be delivered directly shall be the date of delivery.
If the address to which a document is to be sent is unclear and the document cannot be mailed, the document may be served on the party concerned by public announcement. Such document shall be deemed to have been served after the lapse of one month from the date of the announcement.
   第七条 文件的递交和送达
Article 8 Calculation of Time Limits
The first day of any time limit provided for in the Regulations or these Rules shall not be calculated as part of the time limit. If a time limit is calculated in years or months, the corresponding day of the last month of such time limit shall be the date of expiration. If there is no corresponding day in such month, the last day of that month shall be the date of expiration.
If the date of expiration of a time limit is a statutory holiday, the first working day following the holiday shall be the date of expiration.
   第八条 期限的计算
Article 9 Restoration of Rights and Extension of Time Limits
If, due to an event of force majeure, a party fails to observe a time limit provided for in these Rules or a time limit prescribed by the State Intellectual Property Office, and consequently forfeits his rights, he may within two months from the date of elimination of the obstacle, but not later than within two years from the date of expiration of the time limit, petition the State Intellectual Property Office for restoration of his rights. Such petition shall contain an explanation of the reasons and be accompanied by relevant supporting documents.
If, for legitimate reasons, a party fails to observe a time limit provided for in the Regulations or these Rules or a time limit prescribed by the State Intellectual Property Office, and consequently forfeits his rights, he may within two months from the date of receipt of a notice from the State Intellectual Property Office petition such authority for restoration of his rights. Such petition shall contain an explanation of the reasons.
If a party petitions for extension of a time limit prescribed by the State Intellectual Property Office, he shall explain the reasons to the State Intellectual Property Office and carry out the relevant procedure prior to the expiration of the time limit.
No petition may be filed for the extension of time limits specified in the Regulations.
   第九条 权利的恢复和期限的延长
Article 10 Joint Ownership
If a Layout Design is created in cooperation between two or more work units or individuals, the creators shall jointly apply for registration of the Layout Design. If there are contractual stipulations in respect thereof, such stipulations shall prevail.
With regard to proprietary rights in a Layout Design that involve joint ownership, no party with joint rights in the Layout Design may assign or pledge, or conclude a contract for a sole or exclusive licence with a third party in respect of the part of the rights that he holds without the consent of the other parties with joint rights in the Layout Design.
   第十条 共有
Article 11 Assignment of Proprietary Rights to Foreigners
When a Chinese work unit or individual assigns the proprietary rights in a Layout Design to a foreigner, it/he shall, when it/he registers the assignment with the State Intellectual Property Office, submit the document attesting that the competent State Council authority has permitted the assignment.
When the proprietary rights in a Layout Design are transferred, the party concerned shall carry out the procedures for the amendment of bibliographic items with the State Intellectual Property Office on the strength of the relevant supporting documents or legal instruments.
   第十一条 向外国人转让专有权

第二章 布图设计登记的申请和审查

Article 12 Application Documents
If an application for the registration of a Layout Design is made in writing, an application form for the registration of a Layout Design (in duplicate) and a reproduction or drawing of the Layout Design shall be filed with the State Intellectual Property Office.
If an application for the registration of a Layout Design is made in another format specified by the State Intellectual Property Office, such format shall comply with the specified requirements.
If an applicant has appointed a patent agency to apply to the State Intellectual Property Office to register a Layout Design or carry out another procedure, the power of attorney specifying the scope of the power entrusted shall be submitted at the same time.
If there are two or more applicants and they have not appointed a patent agency, the first applicant indicated on the application form shall be their representative, unless otherwise stated in the application form.
   第十二条 申请文件
Article 13 Application Form
Each of the following particulars shall be indicated on the application form for the registration of the Layout Design:
   第十三条 申请表
1. The name and address or residence of the applicant;
2. The applicant's nationality;
3. The title of the Layout Design;
4. The name of the creator of the Layout Design;
5. The date of completion of the creation of the Layout Design;
6. The type of integrated circuit on which the Layout Design is used;
7. if the applicant has appointed a patent agency, the relevant particulars that are to be indicated; if the applicant has not appointed a patent agency, the name, address, postal code and contact telephone number of his contact person;
8. if the Layout Design has been exploited commercially as mentioned in Article 17 of the Regulations, the date on which such commercial exploitation commenced;
9. if the application for the registration of the Layout Design contains confidential information, the page numbers and total number of pages of the reproductions or drawings of the drawing layers that contain the confidential information;
10. the signature or seal of the applicant or patent agency;
11. the list of application documents;
12. the list of appended documents and samples; and
13. other particulars that need to be indicated.
Article 14 Reproductions or Drawings
The reproduction or drawing of the Layout Design submitted in accordance with Article 16 of the Regulations shall satisfy the following requirements:
   第十四条 复制件或者图样
1. the paper version of the reproduction or drawing shall be enlarged at least 20 times the size of the integrated circuit produced using the Layout Design; the applicant may additionally provide an electronic version of the reproduction or drawing; a reproduction or drawing submitted in electronic form shall include all the information on the Layout Design and indicate the document's data format;
2. if the paper version of the reproduction or drawing is multi-page, the pages shall be numbered sequentially and a table of contents attached thereto;
3. the paper version of the reproduction or drawing shall be on A4-size paper; if the paper version is larger than A4-size, it shall be folded into A4-size; and
4. The reproduction or drawing may carry a brief textual description, describing the integrated circuit Layout Design's structure, technology, function and other particulars requiring explanation.
Article 15 Applications Involving Confidential Information
   第十五条 涉及保密信息的申请

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