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Notice of the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and the General Office of the People's Bank of China on Organizing and Carrying out the Pilot Program of Innovations in Mobile E-Commerce Financial and Technological Services [Effective]
国家发展改革委办公厅、中国人民银行办公厅关于组织开展移动电子商务金融科技服务创新试点工作的通知 [现行有效]


Notice of the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission and the General Office of the People's Bank of China on Organizing and Carrying out the Pilot Program of Innovations in Mobile E-Commerce Financial and Technological Services



(No. 1100 [2014] of the General Office of the National Development and Reform Commission) (发改办高技[2014]1100号)

The development and reform commissions of Anhui Province, Sichuan Province, and Guizhou Province; the general offices of the people's governments, the development and reform commissions, and the offices (bureaus) of financial services of Hefei City, Chengdu City, Guiyang City, Ningbo City, and Shenzhen Municipality; and the Chengdu Branch of the People's Bank of China (“PBC”) and the central sub-branches of the PBC in Hefei City, Guiyang City, Ningbo City, and Shenzhen Municipality: 安徽、四川、贵州省发展改革委;合肥、成都、贵阳、宁波、深圳市人民政府办公厅、发展改革委、金融办公室(局);中国人民银行成都分行,合肥中心支行、贵阳中心支行,宁波市中心支行、深圳市中心支行:
To implement the work arrangements on “accelerating the construction of e-commerce demonstration cities,” “constructing a safe and trusted public service platform for mobile finance,” and “vigorously developing mobile payment” in the Several Opinions of the State Council on Promoting Information Consumption and Expanding Domestic Demand (No. 32 [2013], State Council), in accordance with the work arrangements on promoting the mobile e-commerce in the Notice on the Relevant Work for Further Promoting the Sound and Rapid Development of E-Commerce (No. 894 [2013], General Office, NDRC), the National Development and Reform Commission (“NDRC”) and the PBC decide to organize and carry out the pilot program of innovations in mobile e-commerce financial and technological services. You are hereby notified of the relevant matters as follows: 为落实《国务院关于促进信息消费扩大内需的若干意见》(国发[2013]32号)关于“加快推进电子商务示范城市建设”、“建设移动金融安全可信公共服务平台”、“大力发展移动支付”的工作部署,按照《关于进一步促进电子商务健康快速发展有关工作的通知》(发改办高技[2013]894号)关于推动移动电子商务的工作安排,国家发展改革委、中国人民银行决定组织开展移动电子商务金融科技服务创新试点工作,现将有关工作事项通知如下:
I. Objectives of the pilot program   一、试点工作目标
Against such problems as potential safety hazards in payment, different criteria for identity authentication, and failure of interconnection and interworking of mobile financial services existing in the mobile e-commerce area, the construction of management facilities for trusted mobile financial services shall be accelerated, a trusted trading environment for mobile e-commerce shall be created, mobile financial services that meet diversified demands of e-commerce enterprises and consumers shall be explored and innovated, the safety and convenience of mobile e-commerce applications shall be effectively improved, the relevant standards and policies for mobile finance shall be improved upon research on the pilot program, and effective support shall be provided for the sound and rapid development of mobile e-commerce. 针对移动电子商务支付存在安全隐患、身份认证标准不一、移动金融服务难以互联互通等问题,加快移动金融可信服务管理设施建设,构建移动电子商务可信交易环境,探索创新符合电子商务企业和消费者多元化需求的移动金融服务,切实提升移动电子商务应用的安全性和便捷度,通过试点工作研究完善移动金融相关标准和政策,为移动电子商务健康快速发展提供有效支撑。
II=. Tasks of the pilot program   二、试点工作任务
1. Promoting the construction of the Mobile Finance Safe and Trusted Public Service Platform. The PBC shall organize corresponding entities to construct and improve the Mobile Finance Safe and Trusted Public Service Platform (hereinafter referred to as the “MTPS”), set up a bridge of mutual trust and interworking for such parties as commercial banks, telecom operators, bank card settlement organizations, payment institutions, and e-commerce enterprises, provide such public basic services as cross-industrial, cross-regional, and cross-institutional system interconnection, resource sharing, data exchange, and real-name trading, construct a guarantee system for trusted mobile e-commerce transactions, and create a good environment for the open, win-win, and standardized development of mobile e-commerce. (一)推动移动金融安全可信公共服务平台建设。人民银行组织相关单位建设完善移动金融安全可信公共服务平台(以下简称“MTPS”),为商业银行、电信运营商、银行卡清算组织、支付机构、电子商务企业等各方搭建互信互通的桥梁,提供跨行业、跨区域、跨机构的系统互联、资源共享、数据交换、交易实名等公共基础服务,构建移动电子商务交易可信保障体系,营造移动电子商务开放、共赢、规范发展的良好环境。
2. Carrying out the pilot program of innovations in mobile e-commerce financial and technological services in national e-commerce demonstration cities. On the basis of the work coordination mechanism for national e-commerce demonstration cities, local braches of the PBC shall, jointly with the offices (bureaus) of financial services, organize relevant enterprises to carry out the pilot program. The main content covers the follows: (二)开展国家电子商务示范城市移动电子商务金融科技服务创新试点。依托国家电子商务示范城市工作协调机制,由当地人民银行分支机构会同金融工作办公室(局)等组织相关企业开展试点工作。主要内容包括:
(1) Organizing the construction of the Mobile Finance Safe and Trusted Service Manager (hereinafter referred to as the “TSM”) for cities that complies with the relevant laws and standards, realizing the connection between the TSM and the MTPS, and providing such trusted services as key management, identity authentication, authenticity verification of application software, and safe data distribution for mobile e-commerce. 1、组织建设符合相关法律和标准的城市移动金融安全可信服务管理系统(以下简称“TSM”),实现与MTPS的连接,为移动电子商务提供密钥管理、身份认证、应用软件真伪鉴别、数据安全分发等可信服务。
(2) Organizing commercial banks, telecom operators, bank card settlement organizations, payment institutions, and e-commerce enterprises to strengthen cooperation, popularizing the application of intelligent mobile terminals that have safe chips, support hardware digital certificates, and adopt algorithms as prescribed by the State Encryption Administration (hereinafter referred to as the “safe mobile terminals”), guaranteeing the safety and authenticity of mobile e-commerce transactions, and meeting the e-commerce demands of large-sum capital transactions. 2、组织商业银行、电信运营商、银行卡清算组织、支付机构、电子商务企业等加强合作,推广应用具有安全芯片、支持硬件数字证书、采用国家密码管理局规定算法的移动智能终端(以下简称“安全移动终端”),保障移动电子商务交易的安全性和真实性,满足大额资金交易的电子商务需求。
(3) Giving support to corresponding enterprises in exploring innovations in safe and convenient mobile financial services that meet diversified demands of e-commerce in such major fields as mobile phone credit, credit service, real-name authentication, online payment, and mobile bank on the basis of the TSM and safe mobile terminals. 3、支持相关企业基于TSM和安全移动终端,重点在手机信贷、信用服务、实名认证、在线支付、移动银行等领域,探索创新符合电子商务多元化需求、安全便捷的移动金融服务。
(4) Improving corresponding standards and policies, optimizing the policy environment and support system for the innovative development of the mobile e-commerce, driving the in-depth integration of e-commerce and financial services, and promoting the scale and sound development of the mobile e-commerce. 4、完善相关标准、政策,优化移动电子商务创新发展政策环境和支撑体系,推动电子商务和金融服务的深度融合,促进移动电子商务规模化健康发展。
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