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Announcement of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on Issuing the Guidelines for Regulating the Standard Terms of Online Trading Platform Contracts [Effective]
国家工商总局关于发布《网络交易平台合同格式条款规范指引》的公告 [现行有效]


Announcement of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on Issuing the Guidelines for Regulating the Standard Terms of Online Trading Platform Contracts



(No. 144 [2014] of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce) (工商市字[2014]144号)

To regulate the standard terms of online trading platform contracts, direct the lawful fulfillment of contractual obligations by online trading platform operators, protect the lawful rights and interests of consumers and dealers, and promote the sustainable and sound development of the Internet economy, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce (“SAIC”) has developed the Guidelines for Regulating the Standard Terms of Online Trading Platform Contracts, which are hereby issued, and shall come into force on the date of issuance. 为规范网络交易平台合同格式条款,引导网络交易平台经营者依法履行合同义务,保护消费者和经营者合法权益,促进网络经济持续健康发展,工商总局制定了《网络交易平台合同格式条款规范指引》,现予发布,并自发布之日起施行。
State Administration for Industry and Commerce 工商总局
July 30, 2014 2014年7月30日
Guidelines for Regulating the Standard Terms of Online Trading Platform Contracts 网络交易平台合同格式条款规范指引

Chapter I General Provisions 

第一章 总则

Article 1 To regulate the standard terms of online trading platform contracts, protect the lawful rights and interests of dealers and consumers, and promote the sustainable and sound development of the Internet economy, these Guidelines are developed in accordance with the Contract Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Protection of Consumers' Rights and Interests, the Administrative Measures for Online Trading, and other relevant laws, regulations and rules.   第一条 为规范网络交易平台合同格式条款,保护经营者和消费者的合法权益,促进网络经济持续健康发展,依据《中华人民共和国合同法》、《中华人民共和国消费者权益保护法》、《网络交易管理办法》等法律、法规和规章,制定本规范指引。
Article 2 These Guidelines shall apply to the conclusion of contracts with standard terms between online trading platform operators established within the territory of the People's Republic of China and dealers or consumers on the platform (hereinafter referred to as “contract counterparties”) through the Internet (including the mobile Internet) with data message as the carrier.   第二条 中华人民共和国境内设立的网络交易平台的经营者通过互联网(含移动互联网),以数据电文为载体,采用格式条款与平台内经营者或者消费者(以下称“合同相对人”)订立合同的,适用本规范指引。
Article 3 For the purposes of these Guidelines, “standard terms of online trading platform contracts” means the following relevant agreements, rules or clauses prepared by online trading platform operators in advance for repeated use without consultation with contract counterparties when concluding contracts:   第三条 本指引所称网络交易平台合同格式条款是网络交易平台经营者为了重复使用而预先拟定,并在订立合同时未与合同相对人协商的以下相关协议、规则或者条款:
(1) User registration agreement. (一)用户注册协议;
(2) Merchant entry agreement. (二)商家入驻协议;
(3) Platform trading rules. (三)平台交易规则;
(4) Information disclosure and examination rules. (四)信息披露与审核制度;
(5) Rules on the collection and protection of individual information and trade secrets. (五)个人信息与商业秘密收集、保护制度;
(6) Rules on the protection of consumers' rights and interests. (六)消费者权益保护制度;
(7) Advertisement issuance and examination rules. (七)广告发布审核制度;
(8) Trade security guarantee and data backup rules. (八)交易安全保障与数据备份制度;
(9) Dispute resolution mechanism. (九)争议解决机制;
(10) Other standard terms of contracts. (十)其他合同格式条款。
Where the announcement, notice, declaration, instructions, statement, certificate, or document made by an online trading platform operator defines the specific rights and obligations of dealers and consumers on the platform and complies with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, it shall be deemed as standard terms of a contract in accordance with law. 网络交易平台经营者以告示、通知、声明、须知、说明、凭证、单据等形式明确规定平台内经营者和消费者具体权利义务,符合前款规定的,依法视为合同格式条款。
Article 4 The administrative departments for industry and commerce shall, within the scope of powers, legally supervise and punish the infringements upon consumers' lawful rights and interests by means of standard terms of contracts.   第四条 工商行政管理机关在职权范围内,依法对利用合同格式条款侵害消费者合法权益的行为进行监督处理。
Article 5 Online trading industry organizations are encouraged and supported to regulate the preparation and use of standard terms of contracts in their industry, enhance industrial self-regulation, and promote the standard development of the industry.   第五条 鼓励支持网络交易行业组织对本行业内合同格式条款的制定和使用进行规范,加强行业自律,促进行业规范发展。

Chapter II Basic Requirements for the Standard Terms of Contracts 

第二章 合同格式条款的基本要求

Article 6 An online trading platform operator that uses standard terms of a contract in its business activities shall comply with the provisions of laws, regulations and rules, and determine the rights and obligations of both parties under the principles of fairness, openness and good faith.   第六条 网络交易平台经营者在经营活动中使用合同格式条款的,应当符合法律、法规和规章的规定,按照公平、公开和诚实信用的原则确定双方的权利与义务。
The online trading platform operator that amends the standard terms of the contract shall follow the principles of openness, continuity and reasonableness, and announce the amended contents and notify contract counterparties at least seven days in advance. 网络交易平台经营者修改合同格式条款的,应当遵循公开、连续、合理的原则,修改内容应当至少提前七日予以公示并通知合同相对人。
Article 7 An online trading platform operator shall disclose the standard terms of a contract or give a hyperlink thereto at a conspicuous position of the homepage of its website, and take technical measures to make sure that dealers or consumers on the platform can read and save such terms in a convenient and complete manner.   第七条 网络交易平台经营者应当在其网站主页面显著位置展示合同格式条款或者其电子链接,并从技术上保证平台内经营者或者消费者能够便利、完整地阅览和保存。
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